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Mindfulness Master, Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist ACT Therapist, Modern Day Shaman, Spiritual Healer and Professional Biohacker.

Be Mindful — “Breath” — Connect

John Shearer is an internationally recognized Australian healer.

John's journey began in 1982 when he died in a horrific truck accident. He was revived with substantial physical injuries but they were nothing compared to the fifteen years of mental suffering. He was diagnosed with a mental illness and health professionals told him that he would never be cured, that he would have to take medication for the rest of his life and that he would never work again. He felt ashamed with his condition and refused to get help outside the 'system'.

In 1997, John got his miracle when an old friend knocked on his door and told his story. This put John on the road to recovery. He stepped from the darkness into the light with no more depression! However, his mind continued with unhelpful stories and negative self judgements. These were easily overcome and he was able to live a ‘normal’ life and work again.

In 2009, John started a personal mindful practice as well as an intensive study into the many aspects of mindfulness, which continues to this day. (9,000+ Hours) His life was completely transformed and he now lives with both peace of mind and clarity of mind.

John conducts workshops, one-on-one & group sessions and teaches those who have a desire to mentor & teach mindfulness or become peer support workers or volunteers.