Overcoming Depression And Suicidal Thoughts

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Holistic Drug and Alcohol Counselor, Author, Wife, Grandmother.



Suicide prevention is usually focused on the individual and within the context of mental health illness, which is a very limited approach.

The fact that one in six Americans takes a psychiatric drug, is critically important to take note. However, suicide and substance use is also linked.

The CDC report shows that among those suicide deaths, which had a toxicology test, almost 80% had one or more substance in their system, with alcohol being the most common.

Overall in the US, illicit drug use has been dramatically increasing, Marijuana and Opioid use (especially).

Why is there such a high demand for these drugs?

Perhaps it is the focus on our individuality, on own achievements, successes, failures – the focus on detaching from the pain we feel rather than re-assessing the way we think and the way we live.

Perhaps it is the focus on solving our own problems alone rather than connecting with others who can help us understand that it’s not “my” problem but “our” problem. - Part of this statement was written by Monica H. Swahn.

My conversation is with Lynn Telford-Sahl about Suicide Prevention.

Lynn Telford-Sahl is a Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor with holistic specialization. She has been in practice for over 25 years.

Lynn teaches specific strategies to cope with stress and the emotional ups and downs of life and addictive behaviors.  In fact, she wrote Intentional JOY: How to Turn Stress, Fear & Addiction – from a mind, body, spirit perspective.


To learn more about Lynn Telford-Sahl please visit her

Lynn Telford-Sahl, M.A., C.A.D.C. knows that addictive struggles are just that; a struggle and that with support, education and commitment it’s not only possible to take charge, feel better and move forward, but likely.

Lynn teaches specific strategies to cope with stress and the emotional ups and downs of life and addictive behaviors.  In fact, she wrote Intentional JOY: How to Turn Stress, Fear & Addiction (available Amazon or Barnes Noble) to show how to do just that from a mind, body, spirit perspective.

Lynn Lynn Telford-Sahl is a Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor with holistic specialization. She has been in practice for over 25 years.

Lynn's counseling style is direct, caring, empowering.  She knows that while humor doesn't change difficult situations, it can lighten the journey.