The Miracle Of Letting Go


Author And Speaker


Also, Watch The Insightful Video Below:

Whether we are aware of it or not, there is an underlying current in our lives that is continually guiding us toward the effortless fulfillment of our heart's desires.

The challenge is learning how to recognize and how to integrate divine flow into our lives.

In this episode, Steven Lane Taylor explores what might be blocking the experience of the divine flow.

The idea is to discover what we can do to experience the flow's miracles.

The goal is to learn how to stop struggling with life, and start living life the way it was meant to be lived — with more simplicity and joy!

This statement has been paraphrased based on information found on

Valeria interviews Steven Lane Taylor about the Miracles of Letting Go.  

Steven is an author and a Speaker.

Although he spent more than 30 years as an advertising writer, he has had a lifelong interest in spirituality, which was ignited by a brief, but the profound mystical experience he had at the age of fourteen.

For eight years Steven taught a weekly class on spirituality at a Unity church in Dallas, Texas.

He has been a guest speaker at churches all over states of Texas, and he has also been invited to speak at several national spiritual conferences.

Steven is the author of :Row, Row, Row Your Boat: A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow - one of his stories in this book was included in the popular book series, Chicken Soup for the Soul.


To learn more about Steven Lane Taylor please visit


Although Steven Lane Taylor spent more than 30 years as an advertising writer, he has had a lifelong interest in spirituality, which was ignited by a brief, but the profound mystical experience he had at the age of fourteen.

For eight years Steven taught a weekly class on spirituality at a Unity church in Dallas, Texas. He has been the guest speaker at more than 90 churches in 16 states, and he has been invited to speak at six national spiritual conferences.

Steven is the author of three books on his favorite subject, “Living Life in the Divine Flow.” And recently one of his stories was included in the popular book series, Chicken Soup for the Soul.

 Since 2006 Steven has lived in Sedona, Arizona, with his lovely wife, Carol.

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