I Lost Over 100 Pounds: My Weight Loss Secret
Senior Premium Auditor, Wife and Mother
We’re all too familiar with the diets and cleanses that we set the intention to embark upon, but are never quite able to follow through with. Why is that? We think we just sabotage ourselves with unhealthy food, but the reality is that we sabotage ourselves with disregard for what we need most to feel good…. unconditional self-love.
Weight loss is not about managing food, but managing your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings around food.
When we become so fixated on the goal of losing weight that we forget to consider our own needs, thoughts, feelings, and emotions, how can we expect to see real results? - This statement was found at Gooddeciosions.com
If this is a topic you relate to, you will find this interview helpful.
My conversation is with Patricia Baisden. We talk about weight loss, acceptance, faith and more.
Patricia has faced challenges with self-image since she was a child, which resulted in weight fluctuation over the years.
She has come to accept herself as a creature of God which has enabled her to see the value within herself and empowered her to lose 105 pounds!
Scroll down to read Patricia’s full biography.
To learn more about Patricia Baisden please visit:
For Intro-free episodes: https://www.patreon.com/aquestforwellbeingpodcast
Podcast Page: https://fitforjoy.org/podcast
Patricia Baisden, who goes by the nickname of Trish, is 50 years old. She is married with five children and two cats. She obtained her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Warner Pacific College in 2009.
She has worked in the insurance industry for 25 years. She and her husband (and cats) currently reside in Alaska. She is a Senior Premium Auditor with a prominent insurance company which enables her to travel the state of Alaska seeing God’s beauty and meeting many interesting individuals. She has faced challenges with self-image since she was a child the result of which included her weight yo-yoing over the years.
She has come to accept herself as a creature of God which has enabled her to see the value within herself which has empowered her to lose 105 pounds since January 2018.