Freedom: The Essence Of Spiritual Longing

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Author and Speaker

Episode #125

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Freedom is something every human being desires. Freedom is the essence of our spiritual longing. It is liberty, it is deliverance, and it is the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. There are both physical and spiritual freedoms. When the spirit finds freedom, physical bondage loses its power and control. Aside from love, Cassie Hutton believes it is possibly the greatest desire we have. True love is the power to set us free.

America was founded for the sake of our freedom. Our forefathers wanted freedom from King George III’s oppressive rule over the people.

Even our pets and animals long for freedom. If you’ve ever kenneled your dog, it leaps with joy the moment you open the cage. It will jump, bark, run, and play until its energy is exhausted. Cassie grew up with horses, and many times she had to keep them stalled. When she was in college, that’s all Cassie could find for boarding. She remembers making time to turn them out of their stalls. She would fling the gates wide open and they would take off running, bucking, playing, and enjoying every second of their freedom! It was one of the most enjoyable things she did while she was in college. Cassie looked forward to it. Watching them play and enjoy their freedom was liberating even for me. She got to stop time just for those few moments every afternoon; where class assignments and tests were not on the agenda, where the evening sun and the bird’s song became her study, where her mind stopped spinning and all people, papers, and problems no longer existed.

Valeria Teles interviews Cassie Hutton.

Cassie is a passionate lover of Jesus. She carries the the Holy Spirit and spreads it wherever she goes. Her greatest desire is to see others come alive for Jesus in a greater measure and grab hold of the promises God has given them. She learned early on that the lies the world plants into our hearts and minds play a huge role in how deep we will go in our walk with Christ. She has a desire to cast down every lie and replace it with God's biblical truth. Some of Cassie's earliest testimonies are being set free from the bondage of abortion and error. Upon salvation, the Lord spoke to her and commissioned her to "Go share your testimony"! She has been doing that ever since and has recently written her story, "Finding Freedom: A Personal Exodus from Deception to Identity".

To learn more about Cassie Hutton, please visit her website

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** Bio intro and outro one by Heidi Lynn Peters.