Cultivate Compassion Through A Season Of Loss

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Author and Speaker

Episode #124

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Do you wish you knew how to be the right kind of friend when the worst things happen in their life?

Do you feel clueless as to what to say when a friend loses a spouse or a child unexpectedly?

Do you find it easier to step away from a friend's pain because you're fearful of adding to it?

Then this episode is for you. Feeling ill-equipped to be a natural nurturer is a nearly universal phenomenon.

Valeria Teles interviews Lynne Hoeksema on cultivating compassion and becoming an effective comforter. She provides insights into the emotions of the grieving world, Practical "now and later" suggestions, What to say and do, what NOT to say and do - and the "WHYs" behind it, God's call to be compassionate, and how he can equip you.

So, whether your friend has lost a spouse, a child, a job, their health, or their status quo, cultivating compassion is a must!

Lynne began her “Be a Blessing to Your Grieving Friend” ministry a few months after the death of Dale, her husband of 31 years in October 2017.

Her goal for the ministry is to teach others how to navigate the sometimes tricky waters of walking alongside someone who is grieving.  She also looks at what the Bible says about compassion and how God can equip us.

Because this walk can often be uncomfortable, her “behind the scenes” perspective and practical knowledge will provide the confidence necessary to step out in faith and bless someone in their time of need.

In her book, Cultivating Compassion - Practical Advice as You Walk a Friend through a Season of Loss, Lynne provides the tools you'll need in your compassion arsenal to be the kind of friend we all long to be.

To learn more about Lynne Hoeksema, please visit her website

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** Bio intro and outro one by Heidi Lynn Peters.