The Life-Changing Magic Of Exercise
Seasoned Fitness And Yoga Instructor, Author, Speaker
Healing Conversation #632
— By thinking it's all about physical health, we are under-utilizing “the workout.” Renown fit pro, Ellen Barrett, discusses how you can use movement to enhance every facet of your life, body, mind & spirit. It's a key to longevity and happiness, when you do it right. One of the topics of this conversation is lifestyle medicine which is about choosing the good for you variation more often than not!
Ellen explains that there’s big lifestyle medicine and then there is a subtler kind — exercise habit is big, and the “big three” are sleep, diet and exercise. She always put sleep first because so much physical and mental restoration happens during sleep. But she asks us not to underestimate (or ignore) the subtler medicine. It can really pack a punch and totally transform your life.”
Valeria Teles interviews Ellen Barrett, M.A. — is a seasoned fitness and yoga instructor, with dozens of blockbuster videos, including Crunch: Fat Burning Pilates, Prevention: Flat Belly Series, and The Yogini Workout. She starred in Fit TV's cable television show, All-Star Workouts, for over 10 years, and has traveled the world leading instructor trainings. Ellen is also the author of four wellness books, her latest being 28 Day Lighter Diet (Skirt!, 2014), a wellness book that delves into women and weight release.
To learn more about Ellen Barrett and her work, please visit:
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.