Cassie Giguere

Dare To Unlearn & Unleash The Authentic You!

Certified Life Coach, Theta Healer, Student In Psychology At University Laval, Speaker

Healing Conversation #908

— What if you could live authentically and live the life that you want? Dare to unlearn and unleash the authentic you!

Our conditioning is not our fault and it is not who we are. Our conditioning is faulty when we deny our own needs and or emotions, are people pleasing, have low self-esteem, fear of abandonment and obsessive thinking to name a few. 

As human being we are all codependent at some degree. As long as we will live as our ego self more often then we live as our true self, we will adapt in some ways to fit in rather than expressing our true nature. Codependency mean that we forgot who we really are. We have the false belief that we are not loved, worthy or enough as we are so we often try to control, cling or settle for less than our desires.

Fear is often at the basis of our decisions and we often numb ourselves by overindulging in food, alcohol, netflix, social media, shopping or other substances. We also distract ourselves from feeling our emotions by avoiding them. We need to get out of our story (ego) and see ourselves as the limitless being that we are. Let's do this together!

Valeria Teles interviews Cassie Giguere — She is a Certified Life Coach, Theta Healer, and a student in Psychology at University Laval. 

Cassie helps her clients to unlearn and rewire their subconscious mind so they can align their beliefs with their desires. She focuses on healing the inner child. She helps the client through a regression to remember the moment when a faulty belief about the self was created so the client can meet his/her inner child’s needs, reassure and nurture that part of themselves and heal. For Cassie, healing our inner child is the way to heal ourselves and align all our energy in one direction that we have consciously chosen. She also helps her clients to reconnect with their spirituality and their own wisdom. 

Cassie is also an entrepreneur and has built a multi million dollar business in the fashion industry at the age of 25. She began her journey into spirituality and life coaching after she struggled with her own mental health at the age of 27. Because of that experience, Cassie embarked on this long journey of self-discovery and learning and eventually got her theta healing & life coaching certifications. Her life completely changed from the inside out, (from her beliefs to her reality) Cassie left the fashion industry and launched her coaching practice. Cassie believes that we should see progress today in our doctors office with everything that we know about epigenetic and quantum science. Cassie’s long term goal is to help bring science and spirituality together. 

To learn more about Cassie Giguere and her work, please visit:

— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.