Ruth Bar Shalev

The Space Of Love Women Can Create For Everyone

Student/Disciple, Author, Coach, Coaching Teacher, Leader Of Innovative Projects And Speaker

Healing Conversation #907

Also, Watch The Insightful Video Below:

To learn more about Ruth Bar Shalev and her work, please visit:

— “I had to first agree to become desperate. I had to agree to quit arguing, to end trying, pushing myself to persevere. I had to agree to understand that this is neither the direction nor the way. I had to understand that I can let things just be, only when I love.” Until now I saw this as surrender. It is not. It is neither a surrender nor compromise, despite sometimes appearing that way. What will happen if we lower our expectations of a joint journey, a co-creation, of being one with men, without a beginning, middle or end, of being lost and rediscovered together with them? What if we will really see them, as they really are, and for everything that they are not? Perhaps then it seems, that this is the gateway to a new, evolving stage in which we will stop living the separation, the domineering and exploitative illusion which we mistakenly call “our nature”, only because at some point in time, women were silenced and men were to a large extent left alone, carrying the responsibility and dominating. It is essential to convey this, so that men will have the opportunity and space to rediscover themselves and it is only then, when women will agree to recognize that it is like this, that they will be able to truly lead. To lead here means – to simply share what they see, to set the rules of the game, to know that they are an authority of wisdom and commitment to do good for all and to actualize all of this in practice. Perhaps in this way, will men also have more freedom to lay their head down and to breath the spaces, the atmosphere that women have created for them and for everyone. – Writes Ruth

Valeria Teles interviews Ruth Bar Shalev  — She is the author of “What Really Is: How Would Life Look If We Knew That We Are Not Our Thoughts? And is currently writing the Oh Men.” 

Ruth Bar Shalev is a student/disciple, coach and coaching teacher, leader of innovative projects whose time has come, writer, creator, mother of four and grandmother of three, almost 60 years old.

Ruth has been coaching for the past 30 years and is one of the pioneers of coaching in Israel. She has led and facilitated breakthrough processes in many different fields, working with the military, women’s organizations, the Israeli Ministry of Education, and on inter Arab – Jewish relations, both in Israel and abroad. Ruth has coached thousands of people, hundreds of businesses, startups and state institutions, and trained dozens of coaches. For the past 18 years she has developed a way of coaching and named it: The Art of What Really Is.

For the past three years she has been writing, and has published the book “WHAT REALLY IS” alongside a rich website whose vision and beauty emerged from a life journey, a journey that seeks truth in her personal life, in the life of her loved ones and of the people she had and has the privilege to coach.

The knowledge which is at the core of all of Ruth's work, wishes to enable a person to remember the wisdom with which we are born, the wisdom of the soul, and to live it in each and every moment and situation. The book, the website and especially the coaching of The Art of What Really Is, teaches a person to distinguish between his or her true nature, and his or her thoughts and the reality their thoughts present to them.

True knowledge is motion, a new vision being revealed and not fixed ideas and conclusions. Therefore, it requires a high level of devotion, of giving oneself over, so that the motion, the art of life, can reveal itself.



— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.