
It has long been known that physical activity is not only good for your body’s health, but for your mental health too. While we all know how important it is to exercise regularly, many of us struggle to find the time or motivation to do so, or wrongly believe that we need to pay for a gym membership in order to stay fit. If you are looking for alternative ways to exercise, here are some reasons why you should consider playing baseball to keep healthy.

1— It is a Social Sport

Compared to going for a run or working out at the gym, baseball is a social activity. Playing a team sport fosters a sense of belonging, something which is important for mental and emotional health, and playing baseball is fun, releasing endorphins and making you happy. Being part of a team and playing baseball regularly also gives you a reason to exercise, as well as support, meaning you are more likely to keep it up.

This is not to say that baseball cannot be practiced alone. There are many products on the market which enable you to practice and perfect your baseball skills. First Pitch is a well respected manufacturer of such items, including pitching machines to help your batting.

2— It Improves Cardiovascular Fitness

The bursts of running associated with playing baseball contribute to cardiovascular health by increasing your heart rate. Batters and outfielders in particular will regularly have to run, which not only keeps your heart healthy by making it work harder, but also increases lung capacity to keep your body provided with enough oxygen to sustain it.

3— It Builds Strength

Baseball provides a good whole-body workout, but is especially good for building strength in the arms, chest and shoulders through throwing and catching, and in the legs through running, and even squatting when playing in the position of catcher.

4— It Helps to Maintain a Healthy Weight

On average, at least 350 calories are burned an hour when playing baseball, although this can vary depending on how much you weigh, and how active you are during the game. Maintaining a healthy weight is important, as many health conditions are associated with being overweight, and it is also easier to stay fit when we are within an optimal weight range.

5— It Benefits Mental Health

Playing baseball is good for your mental health, not only because of the positives associated with physical exercise and team sports, but also because it is a powerful stress relief tool. It provides a healthy outlet for stress, takes your mind off worries, helps focus, and having to make split second decisions while playing keeps your mind sharp.

6— It Improves Coordination

Having good coordination is important to keep your body working optimally, especially as you age. Good coordination, as well as core strength, keeps your body working well, and reduces the risk of accidents. Throwing, catching, and hitting a baseball are great ways of improving hand-eye coordination.

7— It Gets You Outside

Generally, baseball is an outdoor sport, which is another benefit of the game. Being outdoors has multiple benefits, both physical and mental. Exposure to sunlight increases your intake of vitamin D, which is difficult to get from other sources. Fresh air is good for your lungs and immune system, and is known to reduce stress and improve mental cognition.

Team sports such as baseball are a fantastic way to encourage children to keep fit, as it fosters positive feelings – being more about having fun than specifically exercising. Baseball is also something that anyone can get involved in; even if they are not taking part themselves, watching baseball games can be a great way to socialize.

Written by Joniel Suezo