Yoga is a group of mental, spiritual, and physical practices that promote physical and psychological well-being. As practiced in the United States, yoga emphasizes meditation (dyana), breathing techniques (pranayama), and physical postures (asanas).

Regular healing and yoga practice bring about physical benefits such as increased flexibility, improved respiration, and increased muscle strength, and psychological benefits such as reduced stress, improved sleep, and relief from depression and anxiety. But that is not all; yoga also helps individuals feel inner peace a. Many women find that with these benefits also comes the unexpected benefit of improved sexual health. 

Below, we discuss how practicing healing and yoga can help women feel inner peace and improve their sexual health. 

How Practicing Healing and Yoga Improves Women’s Sexual Health

If your time in bed with your significant other is a little lackluster, practicing healing and yoga may be what you need to breathe new life into your sex life. Here is how healing and yoga help improve women’s sexual health.

Reduce Stress and Fatigue

Feeling stressed and tired can put you “out of the mood” like nothing else can. Practicing healing and yoga reduces stress and, like other forms of exercise, gives you more energy.

Be in the Present

Healing through a Yoga practice can help improve a women’s sexual health by keeping you mindful. Mindfulness keeps you in the present. You are more fully engaged in sexual activity when your mind is present, obviously not thinking about the kids, the laundry, and the world.  This is not always easy to achieve. If your thoughts do drift to other things during sex, yoga can teach you techniques to help keep you present.

Improve Your Body Image

Feeling good about and being comfortable in your body is one of the main contributors to healthy sex life. 

When you practice healing and yoga, you familiarize yourself with your body on an intimate level. At the same time, you develop strength and muscle tone, so you will look better and feel better about yourself.

Increase Your Body Awareness

Yoga poses such as the child’s pose, cat pose, and happy baby require you to move your body in specific ways and teach you how to move certain parts of your body while others remain still. With time, you become more in tune with your body.

Increase Your Control, Sensitivity, and Flexibility

Most yoga poses can increase your flexibility, especially yoga poses like the happy baby.  The Happy Baby pose is an excellent beginner pose. This pose can stretch the inner thighs, hamstrings, and groin.  It can also release the tightness in the hips and back. These poses can help you gain more motion and, improve blood flow and circulation through the pelvis. Increased blood flow is so important to pelvic health.

Let me say this another way…

Increased blood flow to the pelvic region may help reduce sexual pain.

Some common problems that Women may experience as sexual dysfunctions include

●      Pain during intercourse;

●      A lack of desire for sex;

A Healing and yoga practice may significantly improve your arousal level and thus your level of lubrication.  Incorporating healing and yoga into your daily routine also increase your desire for sex as you might feel more energized, and feel better about your body. 

May Relieve Sexual Difficulties

Practicing more advanced specific yoga poses like the moola bandha may help relieve sexual difficulties in women and thus may improve a  women’s sexual health. Moola bandha can be likened to Kegel exercises, which can help strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.

Actually, many sex therapy centers recommend the moola bandha pose to help women become more self-aware, thus improving sexual desire and sexual experience.  

— How Practicing Healing and Yoga Helps Women Feel Inner Peace 

If you are looking to find inner peace, here is how practicing healing and yoga can help you:

Helps Relieve Daily Stress

A Healing and Yoga practice teaches you to pause, be honest with your body and yourself, and live in the moment. Once you start practicing healing and yoga, you do not stop encountering stressful situations, but your perception of stress changes completely. 

You become more aware of how you react to stressful situations, and you begin to accept things as they are. The inner peace that healing and yoga bring helps rid the exhaustion, chaos, and frustration that commonly flood the mind. 

Ridding the mind and body of stress will help you achieve inner peace and prevent you from spreading negativity to those around you.

Heightens Intuition

Yoga allows you to find answers to daily problems from within. Not only does this enhance the development of internal intuition, but it also helps you make decisions that unite your mind and heart. 

In modern society, our voices and opinions can be drowned out by others’ voices and opinions. By practicing healing and yoga, you can achieve heightened intuition that can help you make decisions that are reflective of who you are, helping you achieve inner peace. 

Enhances Circulation

The circulatory system is one of the most important body systems, as it helps keep your heart and blood vessels strong. Healing and yoga stretch your muscles and get your blood flowing to all parts of the body. 

The more you practice healing and yoga, the more you will be able to hold poses longer (a sign of improved circulation) and feel more at peace when doing the different poses. 

Provides Discipline

Most people have a negative perception of the word “discipline” and associate it with a type of punishment. Healing and yoga give the word “discipline” a new meaning. 

Practicing healing and yoga naturally teaches you about commitment and enables a sort of discipline. You get a newfound will to improve on the progress you made during practice, which can only be achieved through discipline. 

Discipline in healing and yoga is not forced. Instead, discipline is something that is cultivated with practice and trickles into other areas of your life, helping you become well-rounded. As a well-rounded individual, you will make better decisions that will give you inner peace. 

Regulates Breathing and Attention

Healing and yoga regulate breathing and attention, lowers anxiety and stress, and regulate parasympathetic nervous activity by activating the part of the nervous system that tells your body to pause, relax, and rest. 

These effects are associated with improvements in breathing and attention, and when you can breathe better and give all your attention to the tasks you want to complete, you are more likely to feel inner peace since your mind will be in a relaxed state. 

Healing and yoga are practices that can be traced back to 1,500 B.C. Since then, it has been used to help people with different types of mental conditions such as depression and physical conditions such as arthritis. 

But that is not all. Healing and yoga also improve women’s sexual health by countering stress and fatigue, improving body image, and heightening body awareness.

Adopt Regular Healing and Yoga Practices for a Better Life

If you are looking to feel inner peace, you can achieve this goal through regular healing and yoga practice. At the same time, if you are looking to breathe new life into your sex life, yoga may also be helpful.

Written by Jane Silverstein. Jane is the owner of Soul Source Therapeutic Devices located in Los Angeles. She is committed to women’s health issues and to helping women worldwide regain and/ or maintain their sexual health. She is passionate about helping others and has always been involved in a multitude of charitable causes.

Written by Jane Silverstein. Jane is the owner of Soul Source Therapeutic Devices located in Los Angeles. She is committed to women’s health issues and to helping women worldwide regain and/ or maintain their sexual health. She is passionate about helping others and has always been involved in a multitude of charitable causes.