

Here is an insightful book that shares healing messages, tools, and timeless wisdom — “The Success Zone: How To Discover Your Success Zone Through the Mind and Brain Connection Using Power of Thoughts, Words, and Action!” by Audrey Pullman


— We are the source of everything. The way to produce the best of creativity is to allow the creativity to flow from the inside. When we work on ourselves, we grow and evolve from inside, and allow the things to flow through us. Creativity is an idea, a thought, or an imagination, that continuously flows through our mind, and expands over time, to become the full-fledged reality of existence.

What is a thought? It’s a Mind Activator through words, energy, and a vibrational connection with the universe to achieve whatever you want in life. Words that come into your brain are activated by your neuronal system to bring messages to and from your brain for processing an action or idea. The Therapy of Thought is when these ideas enter the brain’s activated message center and have either a positive or negative impact on your thinking pattern.

Most humans live on earth but never manifest themselves. What are the greatest human needs? Every human needs to feel that they were born for a reason.

Thoughts are real things. And, like all real things, they generate energy: little packets of energy called photons, which are the fundamental particles of light. Albert Einstein discovered this law (photoelectric effect) and won the 1921 Nobel Prize in physics for his work.

Though all of us have experienced photons in many ways, perhaps you've never thought of them in relation to your thoughts, so let me give you an example: You're watching someone bully people. Suddenly, you find yourself almost taking a step back, and you feel disturbed. It's almost as if the person is throwing something at you. What you're experiencing is the toxic energy from that person's thoughts—and it's real.

Mental energy sucks others in. Think of hanging out with someone who's constantly depressed or negative and how you feel around them. Fear breeds fear. The fearful mind generates fearful probabilities. The depressed mind generates depressing possibilities. But the same can be said for the positive.

Pay attention to the energy you're taking in.

That's why we need to be discerning about who we connect with and who we listen to. We can quite literally enhance or damage each other. When we inadvertently allow others to fill our minds with their thinking, we're at their mercy.

The energy from people's thoughts is real, and we need to protect ourselves from it if it's negative or grab it with both hands if it's positive.

Thoughts and ideas from other people—including what we hear, read, and watch—have the potential to exert a controlling influence over our thinking, feeling, and choosing if we let them.

However, it's interesting to note that memories formed from shared experiences will diminish within 24 to 48 hours because the proteins they're made of denature. This essentially means that they become heat energy. That's great for negative experiences, but to maintain and sustain a positive encounter, we need to focus on it for longer periods of time to maintain the benefit.

The mind is a powerful tool, and your subconscious mind soaks up your daily focus thoughts. What to do?  The map to create your own success is in the book!


Here is an inspiring and insightful book that has created some changes in my inner and outer worlds: “Into The Nothing: A Spiritual Autobiography” by Gabriel Cousens M.D.


—This book is an introduction to Holistic Liberation as a way of life. In brief, the Holistic Liberation Way is a path and lifestyle approach to freedom. In the bigger picture, it is everyone’s eventual destiny to know the ecstasy of the Divine, both internally and while dancing in all of creation. Why not begin now?

A key message of this spiritual autobiography is the reframing of the perception of the flow of our lives as a constant teaching and as an often-hidden awareness gift of the Divine. The early chapters address an appreciation of the paradox and mystery of birth, death, and all the moments in between as opportunities for spiritual growth and preparation for liberation. With this perspective, the challenges and everyday events of the course of our lives can be used for appreciating and understanding ourselves and expanding our consciousness from the multiple angles of our circumstances, including all the mundane happenings, from playing football to spiritual practices such as meditation.

I have discovered with a surprising sense of wonder and joy that in approaching my life in retrospect, I have found a new and expanded understanding that life is about the evolution of our consciousness toward God-merging/liberation. The rare experience of disappearing into the Nothing does not mean one is liberated. However, when one is sustained and established on a daily basis in this inner Nothing as one’s primary life experience, one evolves into the life of Self-Realization/Liberation. In the process of disappearing into the nothing one loses any identification with a separate ego-I awareness as we no longer exist as a separate identity from the One.

The teachings in this book are not the sharing of external teachings based on spiritual theory. They are the actual reality of my internal consciousness through ongoing pre-liberation and post-liberation awareness from meditation, football experiences, living by the Six Foundations and Sevenfold Peace (a non-sectarian natural living path), and the constant trial by fire of everyday life. All of these traditions and experiences have given rise to the Holistic Liberation Way.

Poetry is sprinkled throughout this book and the last chapter is composed entirely of my poetry. I feel verse can often express what our rational mind cannot understand. Poetry is the language of the heart and soul.



Existing in the mind,

We want everything.

In the consciousness of Disappearing into the Nothing,

There is nothing to want.

All that is left is pure awareness prior to I-ness and I Am-ness.

Our lives are our teaching.


May you be blessed and may this sharing serve as teaching and inspiration for you to have the courage to regularly let go and keep Disappearing into the Nothing until there is no one left; and until eventually only awareness without an owner exists. As it says in the Torah (Exodus 33:20), “One cannot see God and live.” Are you ready?

Teaching: The Holistic Liberation Way is a path and lifestyle approach to freedom on every level. Ultimately, it is everyone’s destiny to know the ecstasy of the Divine, both internally and while dancing in all of creation.