My mother poisoned me as a teenager. She didn’t mean to; but she did. I’m sure your mothers didn’t mean to poison you growing up either... But they probably did.
I still remember it being one of my favorite holiday presents ever - a box full of makeup! I was thirteen years old and felt as though I had won the lottery! Eyeshadows, lip glosses, eye liners, blushes, mascaras, a whole box full . . . of toxins.
Had I been living in Europe, these products might have been safe to use. However, I grew up in New Jersey and what my mother didn’t realize is that the makeup she had bought me, along with the soap, shampoo, body lotions, etc. that she provided for our household, were laced with toxic ingredients.
When my daughter turned thirteen and started wearing makeup, I knew better.
You see, ten years ago I started a business with a global Health and Wellness Company and what I learned was shocking . . . and scary. I was also poisoning my children! Our bathroom products were full of carcinogens, hormone disruptors, and other toxic ingredients.
Horrified, I quickly grabbed a garbage bag and dumped every product containing substances with the suffix ‘paraben’ or ‘phthalate’. Products containing mineral oil (a by-product of gasoline), lead, formaldehyde, and tallow were also trashed. Just Google “animal renderings” and you’ll be amazed to discover one of the cosmetic industry’s dirty little secrets.
What I quickly learned is that the European Union (EU) bans over 1400 ingredients from their personal care products. I wondered how many are banned in the USA…
Like my mother did before me, I try to protect my kids and keep them healthy. They eat well and get plenty of exercise. But what I didn’t realize was that it’s not just what goes in our bodies that’s important, but goes on them as well. Our skin is our largest organ and it only takes 26 seconds for an element to be absorbed into our bloodstream.
While I was feeding my children healthy foods and snacks, and sending them outside to play for healthy exercise, I was conversely bathing and lotioning them in toxins - on a daily basis! More shockingly, these toxins were building up in their system which could potentially make them sick.
Easy solution - I simply replaced all the harmful products we used with safe ones.
Of course, as much as we might like to, we can’t keep our kids in a bubble. They are, after all, going to walk outside and inhale fumes from cars. Despite this, we know better than our mothers did and should do better. We can choose not to consciously poison them.
Please, read your labels. The ingredient policy for my family’s personal care products goes above and beyond the EU’s strict standards and FDA approved ingredients, banning over 2,000 harmful substances. Start using products that are safe and nontoxic, and stop using products that are approved by the FDA.
After all, the FDA bans only eleven ingredients...and haven’t updated their laws regulating cosmetics and personal care products since 1938.
By Jill Kay
Arbonne Independent Consultant & Executive Regional Vice President