Alexanne Stone - 1 - June 2018.jpg

Author, Speaker and Personal and Professional Growth Development Coach.

The Present Moment — Empowerment — Transformation

Alexanne Stone’s greatest joy is to help people experience their very best in personal growth and professional development.

Starting her career selling Apple computers in the early days, Alexanne climbed the corporate ladder “in a man’s world” to vice president of global sales for a Santa Clara software firm. During that time, she discovered the transformational power of Neuro-linguistic Programming or NLP.

Using her NLP skills, she has guided hundreds of people, just like you, through personal and professional transformation, knowing how to build instant rapport, discovering your customer’s wants, and asking for their business in a way that is solid and clear, while still being soft and respectful. Alexanne knows that with the right guidance and tools, you can easily ignite your life results – and have fun during the process.

A Vietnam-era U.S. Air Force Veteran – decorated for the work she did with refugee rescue during the fall of Saigon in 1975, Alexanne is also an accomplished artist. Alexanne's work includes oils, watercolor, colored pencil, charcoal, pen and ink, and moulage.