
Your unique style of fit is a self-empowerment that allows you to explore your inner-most secrets and discover how you can design a life you will really love. You will see life in shades of colors and not just in black or white. Optimism leads to motivation which activates parts of the brain and your subconscious mind will reveal and provide you with different options and strengthen your problem-solving skills.

Life limits itself with a negative mindset, but with a higher level of thinking it brings clarity to our perception and increases our awareness of the unlimited power potential of the mind.

We are biological, unique, and we must tailor our weight loss program as the creator of our own experience. The Uniqueness of You is finding the creative fingerprint that puts you in an optimal state of mind to provide a creative flow to a pure consciousness and optimal mental state where you feel and perform your best.

Successful people:

·      Regulate their emotional state

·      Create and sustain interest and commitment

·      Remain flexible: the person most flexible masters the situation

·      Ignore the Weight Loss Experts! No measuring tapes! No Scale!

·      Shift Your Focus from Food Cravings to Creativity

Focus is anything that consumes your time energy, attention. The only reason human beings fail is because of broken focus. Our minds work by consciously selecting the one focus that we want to register at any moment. By holding this one thing in conscious awareness, we give relative inattention to everything else.

Do you always eat healthy? List your favorite foods and understand which are healthy and which are not. Focus on eating healthy whenever possible.

You are confident, powerful and disciplined. Once you identify who you are… your life will change in amazing ways.   


Written by Dr. Audrey Pullman:

Please call (703-400-7321) or email ( for individual, couple, or group workshop sessions.