emotional healing


Messages and Insights from Interview with Uma Silbey

Much of crystal work is connected to pure awareness.

Crystal work is about linking all the subtle bodies and the physical body, the Earth, and so forth. Ultimately, wholeness. When body and mind are in alignment, you are in a state of total relaxation. It is not that you are going to be a ragdoll, but balance is relaxing. In addition, both are one.

When we are in balance, relaxed, and grounded in the earth. Our body and mind are connected, and we bring that energy down. In crystal healing, what we do is to set the conditions and the spirit heals. That is spirit and healing together. The whole thing is spiritual without using the words. You do not even have to think of it that way.

It was after years of working with yoga, meditation, and energy that I discovered crystal quartz. When I picked up my first crystal, I could feel the vibration quite clearly, and I knew I had to work with them. If you are open, an internal river of knowledge and information just flows through you.


Working with crystals helps you recognize impediments. It facilitates an energetic change.


At our essence, we are vibration. Everything vibrates at its rate. When you work with crystals, you can learn to feel it and sense it. Working with crystals, you make a vibrational change. It will make a physical, mental, and emotional change in some way that is appropriate, although it might not be what you think is the right way.


A vibrational change is appropriate in that it would be the deepest, truest healing. Even dying, maybe the deepest healing at that moment. In some way, we let go of our ideas of ourselves.

With the crystals, you become more sensitive as you work with them. You do not even need them. You can visualize a crystal and have its energetic work.


Having crystals makes things easier. Each stone has its quality, which you learn to sense. If you want to wear a crystal on your heart chakra, you cannot just hold it there all day. However, crystal bracelets and rings deal with the energy channels, as an example.

Working with patterns on the body involves sacred geometry.

I love being in the studio and all my music, I try to open the heart to go up in the heavens but come back in the heart. This combination of crystals and music amazes me. In shamanic healing, you may use your stones, or drums, or make sounds, and you activate that stone and then send it where it needs to go.


There are surface emotions that pass easily if they are painful and you do not like them. Beneath those surface emotions are others that support them. Underneath that, another layer, and you go down, you go down until you come to these core, important wounds. With crystals, you work first with anxiety and depression, until you get to the original event, and you can reframe it and learn a lot. You have to do it very skillfully and gently.


I think most healers have a background of pain in our past. We become emotional experts because we are very emotional. That has served us as painful as it was.

I used to kind of push away all my past of pain. I used to try to ignore and not tell anybody. However, you cannot ignore it because it lodges in your body. You have repetitive thoughts that are annoying at best. We do try to push them down because it is painful and it hurts.


You will know that crystal healing is working because you will be happier when it is working. I believe this is about crystals helping us with healing, emotional healing specifically.


All that exists is essentially space, a limitless space before awareness and beingness. This state cannot be mentally understood or explained, as it has no form, no beginning nor end. As manifestation comes into being from the formless state, it expresses itself as vibration.


The areas in your bodies, from the etheric to the physical, are clenched and holding these things. When you get that spacious awareness, your body tends to align, especially if you breathe.


As you align, the things that were tied to misalignment will be released. Moreover, when you are in a place of spaciousness, it is like the ultimate feeling of safety.

When working with the stones, you are aligned, grounded into the earth, and aligned up in the heavens for lack of words. Then, information comes and expresses itself. It just comes through. You need just to be aware. You are not being something, no words, but you can be in that space.


Crystals absorb energy. They absorb it, they magnify, they help transmit, and they transmute. You can be conscious of being aware. Then you say, “I am aware”. However, who is the “I am”? What are you referring? It is not the body or the mind. What is this “I”? Finally, you circle back to “I am, just awareness”. Who is aware of “I am”? It is a good meditation to do.


If you are aware of yourself, there is still duality. There is still someone being aware. When you are pure awareness, there is no one being aware. There is just awareness. We changed our point of reference.


No matter where you are, we are always here now, be here.


Many contemplation sentences are meditations in themselves. It is all about energy. Whenever you are doing any energy work, particularly healing work, it is important to stay grounded in the earth. I use the analogy of a tree and its high branches. It will fall over unless it also has deep roots.


What is the placebo effect? If you believe that something will happen, it will tend to happen. Our thoughts are powerful, that being one clear example. Therefore, part of crystal working is that when a stone does things, definite subtle energy shifts are going on, and there is the placebo effect.


If you expect that the healing will work, it will work a lot better than if you think this is not going to work. When you are actively resisting it, you cannot remit those energetic pathways.


Many times, we resist healing because we are afraid of emotional pain. We do not like pain. We will do a lot to avoid pain. It is a natural reaction. It is where relaxing, breathing, visualization, and all these ways help cushion, protect, and nurture you so that you can explore the pain at your own pace. I do not recommend rushing any of it.


Rose quartz is a heart stone that helps open the heart chakra. It is also a relaxing stone. If someone has the throat blocked, you rub energetically a rose quartz to release the blockage, and then you use your bluestone.


Non-judgmental and complete listening to another person is emotionally healing just in itself.


When you listen to someone, you do not make any decisions or judgments. Although it may react places in your body or you might just notice that, bring your attention back to the listening. Very few people listen to one another. Moreover, it is an amazing thing to have someone just listen to you.


When you have an intense emotion, like anger, there is no separation between you and the anger. A way to deal with it is by asking yourself, “Who is it that's angry?” You do not want to check out. You want to honor that emotion because it is expressing something probably that is out of balance.


The ability to hear the crystal is what underlines successful crystal healing work.


There is an inner hearing, like a strong intuitive sense. It has a meditate meditation. It is like, how do we hear? Where do I hear? In addition, focus on that hearing and then who is it that hears? The ears are doing something, but there is someone who hears.


“May golden healing light from the most high heavenly spirit; pour through your crown center, to fill your heart with petals of wisdom that flower in the heart of your being. May you be healed.”