

In today’s fast-paced digital world, we can often feel disconnected from nature. However, there is a simple and beautiful way to bring the outdoors in - indoor plants! They do more than just brighten up a room or provide a touch of greenery amidst the urban concrete jungle. Indoor plants have a myriad of health benefits too, some of which you might not even be aware of. 

Here are 15 health benefits of having indoor plants, proving that bringing nature indoors is not just aesthetically pleasing, but beneficial to our health as well.

Improves Air Quality

The first and most well-known health benefit of indoor plants is their ability to improve air quality. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, creating a fresh and healthy environment within your home or office. 

Some plants, like the snake plant and spider plant, even work overtime by filtering harmful toxins such as benzene and formaldehyde from the air. You can easily get these plants from a reliable plant delivery company, and start reaping the benefits of cleaner air.

Reduces Stress And Anxiety

A number of studies have shown that being around plants can significantly lower feelings of stress and anxiety. The calming influence of nature, even in small indoor doses, can have a profound impact on our mental health. This is particularly helpful in office environments where stress levels can run high. A simple potted plant on your desk can act as a natural stress-buster.

Increases Productivity And Concentration

Green is a color often associated with productivity, and there’s some truth behind this. Research has shown that having indoor plants can boost your concentration, productivity, and even your creativity. The sight of plants can stimulate your mind and keep it focused, improving your work or study output.

Helps Improve Sleep

One of the most unexpected yet pleasing benefits of having indoor plants is their role in promoting better sleep. Some plants, like soothing lavender and jasmine, are renowned for their sleep-inducing properties. They achieve this through the release of calming scents that can lower heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels - all of which are key elements in facilitating sound sleep.

Notably, these types of plants produce oxygen primarily at night. While all plants produce oxygen during the day, specific varieties, like the snake plant and orchids, continue this process when the sun goes down. This increase in oxygen level at night can improve the overall air quality in the room, making it an environment conducive to restful sleep.

Boosts Humidity

Indoor plants also naturally increase humidity levels by releasing moisture vapor into the air. This can help in environments where air conditioning or heating can make the air dry, causing discomfort and dry skin. Plants like the Boston fern are excellent at boosting humidity indoors.

Promotes Healing

You might have noticed that hospitals often have indoor plants. This is because certain plants can contribute to faster recovery. The presence of plants in a room has been linked to lower blood pressure, less need for pain medication, and shorter recovery times, especially in post-surgical patients.

Improves Mental Well-Being

Aside from the physical health benefits, having indoor plants can also contribute to your mental well-being. Taking care of plants can give a sense of purpose and act as a form of therapy. Also, the feeling of satisfaction as you see your plants grow and thrive is immeasurable.

Encourages Mindfulness And Relaxation

Tending to your indoor plants can be a form of mindfulness practice. The simple act of watering, pruning, or just observing your plants can keep you anchored in the present moment, promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

Enhances Memory And Concentration

Indoor plants can also have a positive effect on your memory and attention span. Being around nature, even indoors, can help improve memory performance and attention span by 20%, according to a study by the University of Michigan.

Natural Noise Buffer

Indoor plants can serve as natural noise buffers. They can reduce background noise levels by absorbing and reflecting background sounds. This can be particularly useful if you live in a busy city or near a busy street, making your home or office a more serene and tranquil place.

Boosts Immunity

Many indoor plants have antibacterial properties. For instance, the Snake Plant, also known as Mother-In-Law’s Tongue, emits oxygen while also filtering toxins from the air, thereby improving overall air quality. This can help to boost your immune system, keeping you healthier.

Fosters A Positive Outlook

Surrounding yourself with plants can help foster a positive outlook on life. Studies have found that nature can boost our mood and make us feel more optimistic and refreshed. The simple act of nurturing a plant can also give us a sense of achievement and satisfaction, promoting a more positive mental attitude.

Enhances Cognitive Function

Indoor plants can also enhance cognitive function. A study from the Royal College of Agriculture in Cirencester, England, found that students demonstrated 70% greater attentiveness when they were taught in rooms containing plants. This is thought to be due to the plant's ability to control humidity levels and reduce CO2, improving concentration and alertness.

Aids In Faster Recovery From Illness

Exposure to greenery and nature has been shown to aid in recovery from illness and surgery. 

The positive psychological effects of having plants around contribute to a general feeling of well-being, which can help speed up recovery processes. This is why many hospitals and health facilities incorporate plants and green spaces into their decor.

Creates A Healthy And Sustainable Environment

Lastly, keeping indoor plants is a sustainable way to keep your environment healthy. By filtering air and requiring minimal care, they're a great eco-friendly choice. This also offers a chance to educate children about nature, nurturing, and sustainability.

In Conclusion

The simple act of adding indoor plants to your home or workspace can have profound effects on your physical and mental well-being. They are not only a joy to look at but also hard-working, silently improving our health in numerous ways. With a multitude of benefits and endless varieties to choose from, there’s a perfect plant for everyone. Start your journey towards a healthier, greener lifestyle today by adding some indoor plants to your surroundings. You will not only have a more beautiful living space but also a healthier environment to thrive in.

Written by Kyla Stewart


The natural environment has a pure and healing quality to it. 

Just imagine you are hiking across the mountains on a cool October morning. 

You are sitting on the beach, watching the waves pound the sand, or just looking up at the starry night sky. 

These visuals elicit strong emotions in us.

The theory behind nature therapy for depression and drug addiction is that spending time outside can help you recover more quickly. So if you're trying to overcome a drug or alcohol addiction, nature could be the perfect remedy.

Ascendant, a popular New York rehabilitation center, states the benefits of spending time in nature during addiction recovery, which is why they have included nature therapy in their treatment approach.

Why Should You Spend Time In Nature During Addiction Recovery?

Spending time in nature to recover from drug addiction can have great benefits and help you focus on healthy living and sobriety. Once you plan some activities outside, you can identify how they help you stay sober during addiction recovery:

1: Strengthens Immune System

Nature aids in strengthening our immune systems, which might be impaired as a result of addiction.

Going outside will provide your body with Vitamin D, essential for your immunity. People who don't receive enough vitamin D are more likely to get sick, develop diabetes, develop atrophic arthritis, and develop heart disease.

A person's immune system is also vulnerable to the same risks if they spend all of their time indoors. 

The body cannot create a new form of reaction without experiencing the outside world and meeting new people. As a result, spending time outside and in nature will significantly aid in the development of your immunity during your addiction recovery.

2: Improves Sleep

It is prevalent for people in recovery from addiction to lose sleep.

However, because you are burning up your energy, indulging in outdoor activities in nature that make your heart pulse faster can help with sleeplessness. As a result, you're more likely to feel tired and sleepy

A good night's sleep is also essential for keeping a healthy lifestyle. 

Unfortunately, almost everyone has fallen victim to a faulty sleeping system at some point in their lives. 

Spending too much time indoors, in front of artificial light from TVs and computer screens might disrupt your sleeping cycles. The simplest solution is to spend more time outside. Going outside, especially in the early morning sunshine, can help you find your natural daily rhythm.

3: Manages Anxiety And Stress

Nature assists us in coping with stress and worry. Stress is processed differently in the body when you are surrounded by nature, and it becomes more bearable. 

Even the scenery outside your window can help you calm your mind because seeing green instead of a screen is always a good idea to reduce stress and manage anxiety. 

Nature can help us relax and think more creatively, just as it can help us relax and think more creatively. 

Take your diary outside and write poetry while relaxing in nature if you enjoy reading and writing. Another advantage of the outdoors in addiction therapy is mental serenity and new coping skills.

4: Improves Focus

Staying outside and being surrounded by vegetation will also help you concentrate. 

Even looking at greenery for 40 seconds, whether in an urban or natural setting, can boost our focus, which is beneficial for addiction treatment.

You can also employ mindfulness to help you focus on the sights, sounds, and smells while also generating sentiments and excitement. Additionally, because spending time outside refreshes one's mind, it can increase one's function and problem-solving abilities.

Hence, when you are in addiction recovery, you must focus on something, and spending time in nature can help you do that.

5: Encourages Exercise

We will be more likely to exercise if we stay outside. Nature gives us the freedom to move, walk, run around, or at the very least take a stroll and enjoy the landscape. 

Physical activities like exercising outside can also help you get in better shape, allowing you to feel stronger, more robust, and more confident.

We can also work out outside with individuals we enjoy. 

Loneliness can result from spending time alone at home. Instead, surround yourself with people, share your thoughts and ideas, and enjoy nature while distracting your mind from your addiction. Meeting new people and mingling can sometimes provide the most beneficial healing sessions.

Nature Activity Ideas

— Outdoor journaling is one of the most popular activities to do in nature. When you come out of rehab, you must have a lot of emotions piled up inside you, and if you start writing them in your journal, you will feel a lot better  

— Gardening is also one of the best activities to do outside after addiction recovery. When you dig the soil, plant the seeds, water, and take care of the plants, you release the piled-up energy in a positive manner.  

—Going for a hike is also a good way to spend time in nature, and it is one of the best exercises to do outside. So instead of taking a stroll around the block, head to the forest or mountains, and when you reach the top, you will feel a lot better.

—Getting creative with your artistic nature is another good suggestion to spend your day outside. You can sit in your backyard and draw the scenery you see in front of you. You can also let mother nature inspire you to write poems or song lyrics. 

—Exercising in nature is indeed a good activity to adopt post-recovery. So instead of hitting the gym, do 30 minutes of exercise in nature. It will help you breathe fresh air. You can also go for a jog in the local park because staying in touch with greenery can help you commit to sobriety better.

Go Green!

Once you find out how spending time in nature helps you grow, you can recover from addiction and commit to your sobriety better.

Even if you are not undergoing recovery, spending time in nature is always a good decision.

So, if you want more information on these, reach us in the comment box. We will get back to you with an answer in no time.