Matthew A. Scarfo




There is a single, small difference between the people that "do" and the people that "don't".

It's the difference between strength and weakness, progress and stagnation, success and failure.

Each and every one of us has it, have used it, and have used it successfully – every single time.

And every single time – we have an overwhelming sense of accomplishment, our efforts are justified, and we bask in the glory of a tough job well done, and done well enough to justify its means.

There are several single words that sufficiently describe this characteristic; though for some reason these words don't sound as potent and powerful as they did when we were children.

Flow – Presence – Concentration - Focus – Attuned – Attention

In descending order, these are my six measured by depth. On their own, any single one of these is sufficient in their effect on an outcome, though in this context "Presence" is more appropriate.


As it relates to wellness, health, and fitness there is not a single person that ever got lucky by accident… not one.

Whoever has achieved a deliberate outcome was present in all of the decisions responsible for creating that particular outcome. They felt, they focused on what they were doing when they were doing it. These people didn't necessarily focus on fitness and health every waking moment, they just focused on it when they were doing it – they were Present. This presence-of-mind / presence-of-moment slowly and eventually permeates into other relevant moments, naturally and otherwise effortlessly bringing them sufficiently close to their intended destination.

This Presence in their current moment afforded them an advantage that without, there would be no success.

They're paying attention to what they're doing while they're doing it, then they're present in each moment that arrives after that… every meal, every activity, every set, every rep.


Whether practical, physical, spiritual or emotional - effort and intensity are relative and subjective; some days hard is easy, and other days easy is hard – this is true for everyone. But, 100% is 100% no matter which way you cut it. If you only have 70% today - great, then do 100% of that. If today's a good day and you're bringing 105%, give 100% of that, too. The only way you know what you have is if you're paying attention to what you're feeling at this very moment.

Presence is critical in all things we hope to improve about ourselves, inward or outward. If you want to maximize your efforts in eating right, then you'll need to be Present when you're choosing your meals. If you want to maximize your efforts in being a more attentive father, then you'll need to be Present when the opportunity arises to shoot some hoops with your six-year-old son. If you want to maximize your efforts in having a stronger connection to God or the Universe, then you need to be Present when there's an opportunity to tune-in to those vibrations.

It's astounding how quickly things change when you pay attention to the moments that determine their influence.

For a moment… think… think about a single and seemingly inconsequential change you could make that only you might recognize but would give you satisfaction in making this one thing different than it is now.

Now think of just one thing that frequently reminds you of its current state.

Your homework is to look for the opportunities that arise where you can choose to change its very history and see what happens.

This is the easy part – the hard part is going to be spreading your awareness to every part of your life, once you've seen how mundane a task it really is.

This article was written by Matthew A. Scarfo

Click HERE to Learn more about Matthew’s work.



We know that if we practice something often enough that perfection is inevitable.  We know this because science has tested this hypothesis an infinite amount of times throughout the ages.  Frequent repetition increases our familiarity, familiarity increases efficiencies, efficiencies reinforce familiarity, and so on.

Since we can predict certain outcomes and these outcomes are measurable, we can reasonably approach any activity or exercise (physical or otherwise) to guarantee the best outcome.  Reasonable in a way that maximizes our abilities thereby maximizing our outcomes.

Practice is simply recreating a pattern over-and-over, again.  It trains the nervous system to become exceedingly familiar with the movement-related aspects of physical performance. And, it trains the brain to become exceedingly familiar with reasoning & learning-related tasks.  It simply doesn’t matter what the activity is, it is simply just a matter of your level of acquaintance.  Repeat something often enough, and eventually you’ll elicit “muscle memory” (I really don’t like using that term).


Potential > Memory

I don’t like using that term because a muscle cannot remember anything, period.  This “memory” - or familiar movement pattern – occurs when the repetition induces certain efficiencies to develop which allow for the brain to do something else while the body is executing a certain string of commands that have already been programmed and tested. We perfect an activity by practicing it so much that when the initiative spark fires in the brain it sets off a harmonious cascade of precise and predictable nerve impulses. These impulses fire sequences of muscle contractions to cause precise movements. It would be far more accurate to call this phenomenon "muscle-potential", though the latter iteration doesn’t quite sound so appealing.


Efficiency Over All

Regarding movement, the human body wants to do one thing, and one thing only.  It wants to preserve its valuable resources.  Economy – same activity, less energy.  Same result, fewer resources.  Conservation is the only motivation – do something often enough and it will take less time, less thought, and eventually less work.

Your body's primary motivation when performing any task boils down to just one thing – economy - Same activity, less energy. Same outcome, fewer resources. Conservation is key. Get more familiar with doing something and it'll take less time, less thought, and less work.

We've all experienced this in some form or another: whether with a Yo-yo, Rubix Cube, walking to jogging to running (did you know that you burn about the same number of calories WALKING one mile as you do RUNNING one mile? It’s true).


We occupy this highly specialized, highly adaptive machine whose primary objective is preservation - resource-preservation. To put simply, its objective is to use the minimum resources needed to complete a task, and not a single iota more. This is true from both a metabolic standpoint as well as a mechanical one.

For many people, they’ve been trying to lose weight for what seems like an eternity but because this machine opts for efficiency – the harder you work, the better you get at working hard – AND the fewer resources you’ll use to accomplish the same task.  Unless of course, you force the machine to continually adapt. How do you do this? Well, you're going to have to work harder than you did yesterday, every single day.

One Layer Deeper

This neural reprogramming is the first (and least demanding) attempt to make whatever action that you're practicing economical enough to preserve your body's precious and hard-earned resources.

Generally speaking, it's only after the neural improvements begin to maximize that the body begins to explore other avenues to improve the efficiencies of exercise. 

This article was written by Matthew A. Scarfo

Click HERE to Learn more about Matthew’s work.