

Cosmetic dentistry isn't just about improving your smile; it's a journey towards self-confidence. In today's image-conscious world, the way your teeth look can play a significant role in how you feel about yourself.

Understanding Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Before diving into the specifics, let’s clarify what cosmetic dental treatments involve. They range from simple teeth whitening to complex procedures like dental veneers and orthodontics. Each treatment aims to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your teeth, contributing to a more vibrant smile and, by extension, a boost in self-esteem.

The Psychological Impact of a Smile

A captivating smile can be a game-changer. It can influence first impressions and boost your social interactions. For many, a bright, well-aligned set of teeth is tied closely to personal and professional success.

Real-Life Example: The Confidence Boost

Take, for instance, Sarah, a marketing professional. Before her cosmetic dental treatment, she often hesitated to smile in meetings or networking events, feeling self-conscious about her discolored teeth. After undergoing a professional whitening procedure, her confidence soared. Sarah's story isn't unique; it's a testament to the profound impact of cosmetic dentistry.

Choosing the Right Cosmetic Dental Treatment

When considering cosmetic dental treatments, it's crucial to understand the options available. The right choice depends on individual needs – whether it's correcting a dental imperfection or simply seeking a brighter smile.

Teeth Whitening: A Simple Yet Effective Option

One of the most popular and accessible treatments is teeth whitening. It's a quick way to refresh your smile, making a noticeable difference without invasive procedures.

Veneers: Transforming Smiles

For more significant changes, dental veneers can be a transformative option. They cover imperfections like gaps, chips, or misshapen teeth, providing a complete smile makeover.

The Role of Technology in Modern Cosmetic Dentistry

Advanced technology has revolutionized cosmetic dental treatments, making them more efficient and comfortable. Digital imaging, for example, allows dentists and patients to preview potential results before the treatment even begins.

Maintaining Your Cosmetic Dental Work

Post-treatment care is as important as the procedure itself. Proper oral hygiene, regular dental check-ups, and avoiding certain foods and habits ensure the longevity of your cosmetic dental work.

First-Hand Tips on Maintenance

From personal experience, I can vouch for the importance of maintenance. After getting veneers, I had to adjust my daily habits, like avoiding biting into hard foods directly with my front teeth. It’s a small change, but it helps preserve the integrity of the veneers.

The Cost Factor in Cosmetic Dentistry

Cost is a significant consideration in cosmetic dentistry. While some treatments are relatively affordable, others can be a considerable investment. However, the emotional and psychological benefits often justify the expense.

The Future of Cosmetic Dentistry

Looking ahead, the field of cosmetic dentistry is poised for even more advancements. New materials and techniques are continually being developed, promising even better results with less discomfort and time.

Final Thoughts

Cosmetic dentistry is more than just a series of dental procedures. It's a path to renewed self-confidence and a brighter, more engaging smile. With the right treatment, technology, and care, the dream of a perfect smile is within reach.

The journey to a radiant smile is not just about aesthetics; it's a step towards a happier, more confident you.

Written by:

Dr. Michael Yang obtained his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from University at Buffalo, School of Dental Medicine. He is an expert in preventive and cosmetic dentistry at


Sleep quality determines how satisfying your sleep is. Good sleep quality is characterized by falling asleep immediately after you get to bed (within 30 or fewer minutes), sleeping through the night and not waking up more than once a night, having the ability to sleep for hours advocated for your age group, falling back asleep in 20 minutes in case you wake up, and feeling rested, energized, and restored after getting up in the morning.

Poor sleep hygiene, anxiety and stress, chronic health issues, undiagnosed sleep disorders, and sleep apnea may contribute to your low sleep quality. Finding methods to improve it can help boost overall health. This post discusses five ways to improve your sleep quality.

1.   Use Delta-8

Based on why you're unable to sleep, delta-8 products can help you sleep. Its calming effects help reduce the anxiety and stress that causes sleepless nights, resulting in deep, revitalizing sleep. Delta-8 activates the brain neurotransmitters responsible for promoting consistent sleep patterns. If you suffer from common sleep disorders like insomnia, Delta-8 THC products can help you fall asleep sooner and boost overall sleep quality. They can also help relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and lower anxiety, which may cause sleepless nights.

When using delta-8 for sleep, take it 30 minutes to one hour before bedtime and leverage the best consumption option based on your preference and needs. You can also add delta-8 to other substances or products that promote sleep to facilitate sleep and relaxation.

2.   Create a sleep schedule and follow it consistently

Following a sleep routine consistently enables you to get enough quality sleep, making you feel refreshed after waking up. This helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces the possibility of developing chronic health conditions. When you actively cultivate a healthy sleep schedule, consistently getting the quality sleep you require becomes easier. A good sleep schedule should include ideal bedtime and wake-up times. To maximize your sleep routine, remain consistent daily, and give yourself around seven to nine sleep hours.

3.   Be careful with daytime napping

Napping helps one relax, reduce fatigue, boost mood, increase concentration, and improve performance. However, napping at the wrong time or for extended periods can negatively impact your sleep quality. If possible, avoid daytime napping. However, if you must nap, keep it short and sleep in early afternoons to prevent interference with your nighttime sleep. Make your napping environment restful by ensuring that it's dark and quiet, has few distractions, and the temperature is comfortable.

4.   Exercise regularly

Regular workouts are an excellent way to boost your sleep health. Exercising reduces stress, develops a complete sleep-wake cycle, relieves sleep disorder symptoms, makes you fall asleep faster, and enhances sleep quality. Working out helps you sleep better by releasing endorphins to ease and prevent sleep issues, reducing daytime sleepiness, and improving slow-wave sleep.

5.   Focus on what you eat or drink

Avoid over-eating before bedtime or sleeping hungry to prevent sleep loss. Don't take large or heavy meals a few hours before bed because it may cause discomfort, keeping you awake longer. Avoid caffeine or nicotine close to bedtime as their stimulating effects take time to wear off, which can interfere with your sleep.


Quality sleep promotes overall health and well-being. Applying these tips can help improve your sleep quality.



Written by: Patricia Lee 


Here is an inspiring and insightful book that has touched my inner and outer world: “The Rogue Scorpion” by Lynda Faye Schmidt


— Thoughts of the previous evening bubble up in her head. She smiles, remembering how happy Catalina looked when she shared Kamila’s apology with her on the way to church, how being at peace with her sister, finally, felt like the most beautiful gift of all. Isabella forces herself to resist the temptation to think and relaxes into stillness. Less than a minute later, a line from A New Earth comes to her mind: “The greatest difficulty is the mental resistance to things that arise, and the underlying assumption that they should not.”

She sits with this wisdom and smiles again. She wonders, without self-judgment, only curiosity, if she will ever be able to feel at peace with all things. She thinks about how impossible it felt to accept other people’s ideas and judgments about her and Catalina, and how she struggled to be okay with it, despite knowing that other people’s stories are not her concern. Her smile broadens. With a tear of joy in her eye, she accepts herself as she is, with all her imperfections, knowing she has time to learn, and that she’s only getting started on her path. She tiptoes into her bedroom and quietly retrieves her sketchbook journal, then plunks down on the couch to draw.

Isabella feels like her pencil is being moved by divine intervention. She watches as though a bystander as the blank page transforms into a scene that depicts herself embodied as a sunflower. Her arms are branches that reach for the sun in the sky above. Her feet are roots, supported by the solid, moist earth.

— Dearest God, Creator of all things, it’s me, Isabella. I come to you in prayer, seeking your guidance, needing your loving strength more than I ever have before. I don’t know how to do this. I want to trust the process of life, and yet, I don’t know how to let my father go. I’m not ready. My father is the mirror in which the reflection of myself is the closest to perfection. He sees me with total unconditional love and acceptance. His love has been the rock of my foundation, and I’m afraid without it, I will crumble. Where will I turn to without his fatherly presence to comfort and guide me?

Even as I think these words, with you as my witness, I know the answer. I know that you are my father and my mother too. With your spirit in my heart, I’m never alone. You are with me, for eternity. You are with him too, and he will always be with me in spirit. It doesn’t mean it won’t be hard. It will likely be the hardest thing I’ve yet had to endure. But I know I can do this. I’ve got everything I need, including my beautiful Catalina. The people who love me will help me. We’ll all support one another. I made a promise to my father, and I plan on keeping it.

Thank you, dearest God, for giving me this awareness. For filling my earthly vessel with the strength, courage, and wisdom to live my life in faith. I don’t have all the answers. I don’t know what lies ahead for my father, or for me. But I trust that life will unfold according to your divine plan, with a purposeful design, beyond my comprehension.




Do you know anyone like this?

“Stress level: extreme. It's like she was a jar with the lid screwed on too tight, and inside the jar were pickles, angry pickles, and they were fermenting, and about to explode.” --Fiona Wood

It's a great visual. My brothers and I used to come home from school on hot, August afternoons when Mother was canning bread and butter pickles. They were angry pickles. The acrid odor of vinegar engulfed the entire kitchen and we'd sprint, eyes watering and throats tightening to keep from gagging, out the back door in pursuit of a breath of fresh air. The thought of being around a jar of fermented pickles ready to explode today is enough to send me running.

Imagine your stress-induced emotions as acetous pickle juice just waiting to explode from a pressure-filled jar. Maybe it's how you're feeling right if you're on the brink of detonating into an eruption of anger, or find yourself jetting quickly toward an emotional melt-down. Prolonged stress can do that to the best of us. And while stress most likely won't be going away any time soon, we can learn to make choices which will help us better manage it.

The Negative Impacts of Stress

Stress is a normal part of everyday life, but if we don't learn to get a handle on it, it can wreak havoc on our mental and physical health. Based upon results of a stress study done by the American Psychological Association, 66% of people regularly experience physical symptoms of stress, and 63% experience psychological symptoms. Because our natural stress response is not designed to be continually engaged, we must find ways to shut it off. Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, discovered that prolonged stress disrupts the balance in the brain, throwing off the normal cadence of brain cell communication. ( A study done by Columbia University Medical Center researchers found that negative impact of stress could be likened to smoking more than five cigarettes a day! (

"Learn how to cope, sweet friend. There will always be dark days."

-- Kris Carr

Your Stress Triggers

Developing awareness around your stress triggers is a good place to start. Grab a journal, ask yourself these three questions, and note your responses:

  • Which situations occur on a regular basis which cause you to feel stressed?

  • Which people in your life could you name as sources of your stress?

  • Which circumstances turn routine situations into stressful situations? (For example, do you feel more stressed when you haven't eaten, or when you've overeaten? How does sleep (and a lack of) affect your stress levels? When you let your worries run rampant, do you find you're feeling more stressed?, etc.).

If you can become aware of your triggers, there's a good chance that you can avoid escalations, shifting behaviors before they turn toxic.

What are you feeling?

Do you recognize what stress feels like in your body? Those who have strong stress management skills are able to detect rising stress before it reaches a dangerous level. Physically, you may experience headaches, fatigue, or shoulder pain. Other common symptoms are stomach aches, excessive sweating, back pain, and a racing heart. Behavior-wise, you may find you are taking a habit to an extreme, like overeating or excessive smoking. You may find you're short-tempered, grinding your teeth, or driving too fast. Emotionally, you may find you are bothered by unimportant issues, getting the cry-feeling more often, or feeling depressed and dejected. Cognitively, you may have trouble thinking clearly, or struggle to translate your thoughts into clear words. You may find it hard to concentrate or find yourself more forgetful than normal.

Learning to recognize how stress rears its ugly head in your body is something you want to tune into. Next time a stressful situation arises, take a moment to notice what you're feeling and write it down.

"Everyone has the ability to increase resilience to stress. It requires hard work and dedication, but over time, you can equip yourself to handle whatever life throws your way without adverse effects to your health. Training your brain to manage stress won't just affect the quality of your life, but perhaps even the length of it." --Amy Morin

Stress Reduction Techniques

Though you may not be able to make the stressful situation or person go away, you can learn how to control your own responses. Here are some techniques you can try to reduce the feeling of stress. Which of these could you undertake, in the moments when stress arises?

  • Practice gratitude.

  • Take long, deep breaths.

  • Exercise.

  • Get some extra zzzz's.

  • Remind yourself that this too, shall pass.

  • Rediscover your sense of humor and laugh.

  • Listen to relaxing music.

  • Spend some time in nature.

  • Meditate.

  • Become a realistic optimist and focus on positive outcomes of the current situation.

  • Have a good cry.

  • Forgive...yourself and others.

  • Eat healthy food and resist junk food/stress eating.

  • Do something you find to be fun.

  • Slow down.

  • Practice boundaries (learn to say no when needed)

  • Forgive others' poor behavior.

  • Refuse to let irrational ideas and thoughts swim around in your head.

  • Visualize yourself in a peaceful place.

  • Pray or other spiritual practices.

  • Quit procrastinating and tackle some items on your to-do list.

  • Call a friend who is able to put you at ease.

  • Fill in the blank (what works for you?)

Create an Action Plan

Now that you're aware of your triggers, understand what you're feeling, and have a few techniques to use, it's time to create a plan. Grab a journal and write about these prompts:

1-The stress symptoms I need to notice and pay attention to are:

2-My current stress triggers, including both situations, people, and circumstances, are:

3-How do I currently deal with these stressors?

4-What's a better way I could respond to these stressors?

5-What is one technique I can incorporate to remind myself to engage in stress management, as I begin to recognize my symptoms?

6-When do I anticipate the next stressful situation to happen?

7-What will I do when it occurs?

If you're struggling with creating an action plan, consider teaming up with a social + emotional intelligence coach to walk alongside you.

I get it--changes are hard--but remember the jar of pickles. Who wants to be splattered by pungent negativity every time you lose control of your emotions? Sure, it's tough to adjust how we respond to the stresses of life, but well worth the effort to learn to open that lid slowly and carefully so can enjoy its contents.

“You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway.” --Steve Maraboli

Written by Amy Sargent.



What do you spend your time thinking about?  Does your mind wander and fall into self-defeating thought patterns or do you choose liberating and empowering thoughts? Emotions are as transient as the weather, but we have the ability to choose our thoughts. We do this by paying attention to our thoughts and replacing those that don’t serve us well with affirmations.

 Affirmations are clear, short statements of who we are and who we want to be. Don’t waste any time or energy thinking about your shortcomings or what you need to do to change.  Instead, accept yourself exactly as you are. Be kind to yourself. Use affirmations.

I first heard about affirmations 20 years ago through a friend who was suffering from severe depression.  Her therapist suggested she try affirmations, but really didn’t explain to my friend how to write powerful affirmations or how to use them effectively.  It wasn’t until I became a parent that I began to study how affirmations work and how to use them effectively.

I realized as a new parent that I would be no better at disciplining my child than I was at disciplining myself.  That’s when I decided to develop my own parenting affirmations.  I posted them on my bathroom wall and began saying them every morning and every night:  I am a loving, nurturing parent.  I practice proactive discipline.  I respond calmly to all situations.  I explore and discover the world with my child.  I wrote ten parenting affirmations in all that are still posted by my bathroom mirror.

Whatever it is you need, whatever it is you want, put it in the form of an affirmation.  Pay attention to your thoughts throughout the day.  Whenever you find yourself feeling worried or afraid, repeat your affirmations.  Whenever a negative thought comes to mind, acknowledge and release it.  Then think instead of a positive affirmation:  I am safe.  I am healthy.  I am prosperous.  I am loved. By directing your thoughts to positive things, you will create positive experiences in your life.

The most effective affirmations are the ones that you choose and create for yourself.  Whatever it is that you’d like to change or improve, put it into affirming words.Tape your affirmations to your bathroom mirror and repeat them frequently throughout the day. 

Make sure your affirmations are completely positive.  If you say, “I am debt-free,” you are continuing to affirm debt whether you mean to or not.  Take out all negative words (no, not, stop, refrain) and negative ideas (debt, need, fear, want).  Write your affirmations in the present tense:  “I am strong.”  If you write your affirmation in the future tense, “I will be strong,” that keeps the strength you want out in the future instead of accepting it into your present being.

I put my favorite affirmations into a short poem that I’ve used every day for years:

I am grateful. I am kind.

I create what’s on my mind.

Perfect health.... Prosperity....

My world reflects the change in me.


Written by Laurie A. Gray, JD



If you are suffering from PTSD then the very first thing you are looking for is ‘safety’.  One of the biggest problems about suffering from PTSD is that you feel as if people do not understand you, what you are going through, or what you have been through.  Most often, they do not!  How could they?  What you have been through is something that most people in the world could not conceive of.  People can debate it, study it, talk about it, but unless they have been through it, they have no idea what someone who suffers from PTSD is going through.

So the very first thing you need is to feel safe, understood, and appreciated for what you have been through.  You need to know that there is reverence for you, appreciation for something that may not be understood, yet still appreciated (this is reverence).  Most therapists are textbook-driven, which means that they do not have an integral understanding of what real trauma is or feels like.  The problem is that they cannot understand you and do not have the tools to bridge the gap between where you are and where they are.  In fact, it’s more like a chasm in that it is just too broad of a gap for them to span consciously.

A therapist, who has spent his or her life studying textbooks and accumulating credentials, working with average every-day people, is not a good match for you.  If you are a war veteran, rape victim, or refugee from a third world atrocity then there are precious few people who are going to understand and have the necessary reverence for what you have been through.  In fact, more likely than not, only around 7% of therapists will actually be able to relate to you in a way that makes you feel appreciated for the sheer gravity of what you’ve been through.  This is due to the fact that most therapists have not been exposed to any sort of extreme adversity within their own lives.  In other words, it’s virtually impossible for them to relate to what you have been through from within the confines of an ‘atypical lifestyle’.

So you need to know that you are appreciated and respected for your ability to simply survive what you’ve been through.  Instead of feeling isolated due to the sheer gap between what you and the average person have experienced in life, you need a safe place to be able to open and up express yourself.  Without that feeling of safety then you may never be able to fully open up.  This would seem to be obvious, yet most therapists are not quite there yet.

Emotional Integration on PTSD

The essence of pain and suffering is due to the suppression of painful emotions by your psyche.  The psyche, in its inability to deal with extremely emotionally painful situations that arise, will attempt to protect you from this massive amount of pain by suppressing the emotions created from the experience.  When this happens you are temporarily protected from the emotion of the experience and thus able to maintain your societal functionality.  However, due to the fact that these painful emotions are suppressed in your psyche, they are not gone, but still present.  Now, instead of being at the surface of your awareness where you can access them and know where the pain is coming from, they are deeply buried within your own subconscious.  Here they will start to manifest adversity for you in the form of unconscious reactivity (which means to begin to feel badly and not know why, but further, to physically act out on this in ways that are attempts for you to not feel pain; drinking alcohol, taking drugs, and/or depression/violence/suicidal tendencies).

One of the trickiest aspects of deeply suppressed emotional charges is that they are suppressed because your psyche is trying to protect itself.

In other words, there is a part of you that feels as if it needs to keep you from ‘re-experiencing’ this trauma from the past.  Further, that if you do not keep it repressed within your subconscious, you will be doomed to relive this trauma over and over again.  So, in essence, your psyche does not want to let these suppressed emotional charges come up to the surface for fear of having to relive the event/s.

Emotional Integration is one of the first forms of therapy to cut straight through to the source of the problem; which is your deeply suppressed emotional charges from the traumatic experiences.  Additionally, Emotional Integration is one of the first forms of therapy to recognize how the psyche operates and use this operational foundation as a vehicle for permanent healing.  In other words, Emotional Integration respects the psyche’s right to protect itself and through honoring it, allows the psyche to actually heal itself.  The technique offers an unprecedented breakthrough in healing due to the fact that it addresses healing at the actual source.  The source of all pain and suffering comes from your suppressed emotional charges.  Once this has been healed you are free to live a normal, happy, and productive life again.

You need no longer remain imprisoned within your own mind.

Emotional Integration has one aim and one aim only: to access and release (integrate) your suppressed emotional charges.  When you can access, in a safe place, your deeply suppressed emotional charges and allow them (in a safe place) to fully surface, magic can and will happen.  This magic is the integration of one of your deeply suppressed emotional charges.  The result is also an integration (bringing back into one) of the part of your psyche associated with this emotional aspect of yourself.  When this occurs, you will not only feel more at peace within yourself and less emotionally reactive, but you will also experience a greater sense of ‘self’.  This means that a part of your personality has been ‘freed up’ and can now bring additional intelligence back into your psyche.

Emotional Integration is powerful in that, quite often, you may experience complete healing in only one session.  Often, total healing can be accomplished in as little as 6 sessions.  This is because Emotional Integration bypasses the ‘why’ which would enable your ego to continue to create ‘phantom reasons’ for your pain and suffering.  The ego loves statistics, reasons, logic, and rationale due to the fact that it can prolong its life and bolster its sense of ‘self importance’ in this way.  Emotional Integration does not care ‘why’ you suffer, but focuses on the actual healing instead.

An important question to ask yourself is: ‘Do I want to know why or do I want to be healed?’

The ego wants to know why.  The Soul wants to be healed.

Emotional Integration offers the fast track to reclaiming your emotional freedom and reclaiming your life.  It is never too late to take your life back and to feel fully alive again.

To learn more you can join us on facebook:


Written by Christopher Pinckley



Humans have their own uniqueness and genetic makeup so to lose weight isn’t one size fit all. Explore the inner workings of your mind to find your true authentic self in order to lose the weight you want.

It takes a certain amount of focus and determination to lose weight, so your mental attitude and self-confidence is imperative in finding your unique style of fitness.

Fasting and Spirituality will provide you with the consistency, determination, and the foundation you need to lose weight

·      We need to feel that we were born for a reason.

·      We want to feel value, a sense of importance.

·      We want to live a life full of meaning and fulfillment with a sense of personal power.

·      We have a need for success.

·      And, we need to love.

Therapy of Thought helps one lose weight because the man or woman who is successful is thinking creatively, intuitively and above all optimistically.

In order to think creatively, intuitively, and optimistically, we need passion, energy, emotion, and focus.

Affirmations are a powerful way to establish a new guided attention for your life. Positive words and phrases will be absorbed in your subconscious mind when you read them daily. Your thoughts will become your reality.

I AM – I Love and Accept my body the way it is and work to make it better

I AM – Wonderful. I AM Brilliant. I have the Power to realize my goal

I AM – Strong! I Create My Reality. Power is in my Thoughts

I AM – The Master of My Life

I AM – Excited about the person I am about to become

I AM – Getting healthier and healthier

I AM – Pain free and my body is full of energy. I Love Myself

I AM – A unique person. I approve of myself

I AM – I Love Myself the way I AM

I AM – My Unique Style of Fit because I am Healthy and Happy

I AM – Free to Create my own Style of Fitness

I AM – Successful in All Areas of my life

I AM – Creative with Self- Empowerment because I radiate good health


By Dr. Audrey Pullman

Please call (703-400-7321) or email ( for individual, couple, or group workshop sessions.

Common Workplace Diseases - Are You At Risk?


My first experience with workplace diseases came in my teens. I landed a job in an office staffed mostly by workers approaching retirement age, and I was told that one person wasn’t in very much anymore because of a workplace disease that made typing painful. I was astounded. Apparently, you could develop a “disease” simply by sitting at a desk and using a laptop. Everybody really is facing a behind the scenes battle that isn’t always obvious. This made me think about the other types of work-related diseases out there. I’d also heard about asbestos in the workplace, and I began to ask related questions like white lung cancer, what is it? Let’s take a look at what else I found out.


Occupational hearing loss

This type of workplace injury is the most common workplace injury reported in the United States. Any workplace can leave workers susceptible to hearing loss where the noise level exceeds 70 dB. This can include workers employed in busy restaurants or bars, factory workers, flight crew, and staff working in the entertainment industry. Noises above 120 dB can cause instant issues with hearing. Always wear the appropriate protection to protect your ears from prolonged exposure to heightened noise levels.


Allergies - irritant dermatitis

Occupational skin disease is the second most reported type of work-related injury in the workplace throughout the USA. Symptoms range from hives on the skin soon after contact with an irritant to much more serious complaints involving contact with harmful chemicals. Workers involved in the cleaning industry are generally at a higher risk, as well as workers involved in the use of pesticides in the workplace. Always wear - or request - the proper personal protective equipment required to carry out tasks safely. 


Lower-back disorders

This one is huge - almost one third of all non-fatal workplace injuries (resulting in days away from work) in the United States are linked to lower back issues. Whilst many people are affected due to poor posture whilst seated at a desk in an office (essentially seated in a stress position), there is also an issue with a lack of mechanical lifting devices in workplaces where heavy lifting is common. Workers also need to be aware that they should speak to their line manager where the guidelines - in terms of time - for the use of lifting devices do not reflect the amount of time required to complete the task.


Written by Julia Evans

5 Simple Lifestyle Changes You Can Make For a Happier You


Many of us start off every new year with grand promises—whether it's to live a little healthier, or to learn a new skill. Sadly, not everybody successfully follows through as the days go by—but it’s not because these resolutions are impossible to achieve. Rather, a guide on A Life of Productivity notes that the best way to achieve your goals is to start small. While it sounds a bit counterproductive, you aren't actually downgrading your dreams—you're simply breaking them into more doable, actionable steps.

Though we might be approaching the halfway mark of the year, it doesn't mean you have to throw in the towel already. After all, it's never too late to start building a better life for yourself. With that being said, here are some simple lifestyle changes you can make for a happier you.

Pick up a new hobby

It's tempting to bury ourselves in social media, mindlessly scrolling through our feeds for hours in a day. To break this cycle and make room for something more productive, why not try your hand at a new hobby? Whether it's reading books or learning how to cook, such activities are sure to give your mind and body a refreshing reset. To this end, Tips Make introduces the 20-minute strategy, which basically entails devoting 20 minutes on something everyday for a month to make it into a habit. Remember to start small and make your steps concrete! For instance, aim to read a certain number of pages or commit to sampling a new, quick recipe everyday.

Never skip breakfast

This tip might sound a bit menial, but hear us out, as it actually can make a huge difference to your quality of life. As it turns out, they don't call breakfast "the most important meal of the day" for nothing. Research on The Ladders reveals that breakfast is a great way to spark your productivity. Right after you have your fill, your alertness and energy immediately spike up. Thus, you'd be surprised how such a small change can make the difference between a lethargic, slow day and a happy, productive one. It doesn’t always have to be an elaborate breakfast buffet—a slice of bread, your favorite fruit, and a glass of water are more than enough to start your mornings on the right foot.

Listen to your body

Most of us live very fast-paced lifestyles, but our bodies can only keep up to a certain extent. Attending social gatherings and meeting up with friends, for instance, is important for our mental and social health—but it doesn’t mean you have to say yes to every invitation and max out your energy all the time. True enough, an article on Economic Times India warns that regular weekend partying can leave you feeling fatigued, which can lead to even more problems like irregular sleep and a ruined diet.

This isn't to say that you should stop going out altogether. Instead, put more purpose into it and be sure to be responsible. If you find you’ve had too much to drink, make it a point to rest more and replenish. Lifestyle site PrettyMe recommends WrecOver pills as a way to help you curb the hangovers and headaches. Plus, the nutrients work to help detoxify your body. Of course, listening to your body applies to so many other aspects too—like keeping yourself from overworking even if you think you've got more productivity left in you.

Integrate exercise into your daily habits

Not everybody can just get up and start pushing heavy weights, especially if you're new to it. But if you do want to get fit sustainably, start by integrating it into your daily life. Simple things like standing while working, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and cleaning your house from top to bottom are great ways to sneak in that physical activity. If you think you’re ready for a real workout, our writer Michelle Schacherer finds that downloading fitness apps can guide beginners through the process.

Get the right amount of sleep

Being deprived of quality rest is no joke. Not only will you feel exhausted, but it throws off your mood, too. However, it isn't always easy to just drift off to dreamland. If you're having trouble, perhaps try making a few tweaks to your bedding situation—like changing your pillows. This Layla pillow, for instance, boasts memory foam and allows for more airflow. On the other hand, maybe all you need is a few moments before bedtime to get into the right mental state for rest. Guiding Tech suggests apps like Headspace and Calm, which feature guided meditation programs to clear your mind and set you up for relaxation. Even newbies can follow the steps, as every course can be customized to your needs and lifestyle.

All in all, changing your life for the better doesn't have to be complicated. Just like the age-old adage goes, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." So start with this simple list of lifestyle changes, and you'll be well on your way to the best version of yourself that you can be.


Written by Leah Cameron 



I remember going through different websites, looking for a trainer that would offer a workout and a meal program. Someone I trusted or had seen before. So, there was my solution: Jillian Michaels! I had heard about her from the show The Biggest Loser and had started seeing her supplements and other products at the store. So, I thought I'd give her a shot.

She had everything I needed on her website. An app that would help me download the workout schedule and programs, as well as the recipes to eat healthy and be in the best shape of my life. I have to admit, at the beginning it was daunting! I started off by throwing away all the junk food I had in my kitchen cabinets and fridge. Then, I restocked on the ingredients I would need for my healthy meals.

I was pretty consistent and disciplined with the meal plan and workout program Jillian had chosen for me and had started to notice positive changes. I also incorporated yoga and running into my workout program.

The last thing I added to my already-dialed-in-new-lifestyle was supplements such as multi-vitamins made from foods and not synthetics, organic protein powders and fat burners. It was these last ones that took my metabolism out of whack. The results were ugly: Insomnia and Amenorrhea. I was not dying, but I was sending my body the signal that I was. So, what did I do? I looked for help. I wanted to treat my insomnia first, so, I went to different doctors and they all told me to take melatonin and relax. They did some thyroid testing on me and it all came back fine. So, they assumed it was all in my head. I tried getting a different opinion from another doctor, but I was told the same thing. This time, though, I was sent back home with a benzodiazepine. Pretty much, a drug that would make me unconscious so I could "sleep". I had to taper to get off this medication once I was able to "sleep" again. My insomnia got "fixed" after a month of sleeping only 2-5 hours per night. The only thing that didn't get fixed was my amenorrhea. It took me 5 years to get that fixed. And, along those 5 years, I experienced some more insomnia.

It was then that I started looking for more experts in the Eastern/Functional medicine atmosphere and, only then, was I able to understand what was going on with me and how I could fix myself. I learned that what I ate would impact my sleep cycle and overall metabolism. And, I learned that carbs were not the enemy, that the good kind were actually needed by our bodies to create some hormones as well as the oh-so-feared-and-hated fat!

My fat journey started with Dave Asprey, then continued not only with him but with Dr. Joseph Mercola, Robb Wolf, Dr. Sarah Ballentyne and Dr. David Perlmutter. Most of these experts always followed a principle: Eat whole, gluten-free foods and listen to your body. That's what I had been missing for years: Listening to my body! We lack that mind-body connection that is so needed in order to be in harmony with our bodies, relationships and overall life. After cracking the code for what works for my body and what makes my metabolism happy, I knew I had to visit my demons and start working on my psychology and spirituality... And so, I started my meditation journey, which took me to places I never thought it would....

This article was written by Michelle Schacherer

Click HERE to Learn more about Michelle’s work.




“All you need is love,” sang the Beatles many decades ago. It’s a song still sung today. And for good reason. The tune is catchy, and the message is hopeful: “There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done.”

Were it that simple. Love, after all, is our greatest joy. But it can also be complex and complicated. Loving someone “for better or worse, in sickness and in health,” means taking the good with the bad. And that’s not always easy. 

Many—if not most—of us will have to take care of the person we love during an illness. It might be for a day, a week or even longer. Some may find it a daunting challenge. For me, it’s a call to action. 

Over the past two and a half decades, my husband has been hospitalized many times. Often, it’s involved life-threatening illness with long periods of hospitalization and recuperation. In times like that, I do everything in my power to help him get better. Love is the starting point for advocacy. 

Along the way, I have learned a lot about the hospital setting and the very real impact that families can have in making sure their loved ones get the best care. Hospitals are bureaucratic and scary places. For patients and their families, it can feel like being tourists lost in a strange land, not knowing the customs, the language or the culture. 

Patients are weak and flat on their backs. They are usually in no position to advocate for themselves. Doctors are busy, rushing from one patient to the next; nurses are stretched, trying to meet the many needs of their patients. 

Families can make a difference. They can represent the patient’s wishes and needs when their loved one is unable to speak for him or herself. Knowing the patient better than anyone else in the hospital counts for a lot when navigating the impersonal environment of a hospital setting. Families—working as members of the care team—can also connect the dots because doctors, quite honestly, don’t always communicate well with one another. 

Families can fill in the blanks when the sick patient doesn’t fully comprehend everything being said or is not able to remember it later. They also can bring information, perspective and insight that patients may forget or are uncomfortable sharing themselves. 

And when the patient goes home, continued care must involve the family to ensure instructions are followed regarding medication, doctor visits, exercise, restrictions, and more. 

Much is written about patient-centered medicine. But research shows that patient and family-centered medicine provides the best clinical outcomes, increases patient satisfaction, lowers costs, reduces risks of readmission and can even save lives. 

Families can and do make a real difference. They start with love and build from there. There’s one more line from the Beatle’s song that applies here: [There’s] … “no one you can save that can't be saved.”

The one you help save just may be the one you love most. 

# # #

Bonnie Friedman is author of Hospital Warrior: How to Get the Best Care for Your Loved One and host of the podcast Hospital Warrior: Advocates and Experts on the Whole Care Network.

This article was written by Bonnie Friedman

Click HERE to Learn more about Bonnie’s work.




We know that if we practice something often enough that perfection is inevitable.  We know this because science has tested this hypothesis an infinite amount of times throughout the ages.  Frequent repetition increases our familiarity, familiarity increases efficiencies, efficiencies reinforce familiarity, and so on.

Since we can predict certain outcomes and these outcomes are measurable, we can reasonably approach any activity or exercise (physical or otherwise) to guarantee the best outcome.  Reasonable in a way that maximizes our abilities thereby maximizing our outcomes.

Practice is simply recreating a pattern over-and-over, again.  It trains the nervous system to become exceedingly familiar with the movement-related aspects of physical performance. And, it trains the brain to become exceedingly familiar with reasoning & learning-related tasks.  It simply doesn’t matter what the activity is, it is simply just a matter of your level of acquaintance.  Repeat something often enough, and eventually you’ll elicit “muscle memory” (I really don’t like using that term).


Potential > Memory

I don’t like using that term because a muscle cannot remember anything, period.  This “memory” - or familiar movement pattern – occurs when the repetition induces certain efficiencies to develop which allow for the brain to do something else while the body is executing a certain string of commands that have already been programmed and tested. We perfect an activity by practicing it so much that when the initiative spark fires in the brain it sets off a harmonious cascade of precise and predictable nerve impulses. These impulses fire sequences of muscle contractions to cause precise movements. It would be far more accurate to call this phenomenon "muscle-potential", though the latter iteration doesn’t quite sound so appealing.


Efficiency Over All

Regarding movement, the human body wants to do one thing, and one thing only.  It wants to preserve its valuable resources.  Economy – same activity, less energy.  Same result, fewer resources.  Conservation is the only motivation – do something often enough and it will take less time, less thought, and eventually less work.

Your body's primary motivation when performing any task boils down to just one thing – economy - Same activity, less energy. Same outcome, fewer resources. Conservation is key. Get more familiar with doing something and it'll take less time, less thought, and less work.

We've all experienced this in some form or another: whether with a Yo-yo, Rubix Cube, walking to jogging to running (did you know that you burn about the same number of calories WALKING one mile as you do RUNNING one mile? It’s true).


We occupy this highly specialized, highly adaptive machine whose primary objective is preservation - resource-preservation. To put simply, its objective is to use the minimum resources needed to complete a task, and not a single iota more. This is true from both a metabolic standpoint as well as a mechanical one.

For many people, they’ve been trying to lose weight for what seems like an eternity but because this machine opts for efficiency – the harder you work, the better you get at working hard – AND the fewer resources you’ll use to accomplish the same task.  Unless of course, you force the machine to continually adapt. How do you do this? Well, you're going to have to work harder than you did yesterday, every single day.

One Layer Deeper

This neural reprogramming is the first (and least demanding) attempt to make whatever action that you're practicing economical enough to preserve your body's precious and hard-earned resources.

Generally speaking, it's only after the neural improvements begin to maximize that the body begins to explore other avenues to improve the efficiencies of exercise. 

This article was written by Matthew A. Scarfo

Click HERE to Learn more about Matthew’s work.




I am the magic in the birds singing

I am the colors in the rainbow

I color the sky with my radiance

and i fill the forest with my loam

I am the mountains meeting the sky

all day long

for in one drop of water

and in one grain of sand

in one cell of my body

the world 

is made whole again

as i breathe 

I take in life

and let it go

my hair, my skin, my breath

fall upon the earth

composting into soil

eaten by worms and bugs

eaten by animals and birds


living in trees

fertilize the tree

with their excrement

and the tree

growing fruit i eat

eating myself

again and again

becoming whole

and being

a part of it all

I am the beginning

I am the end

without an end

the deepest feeling anyone has

the deepest love

the deepest pain

the greatest longing

the peace beyond transcendence





they are all me

they are all mine

all Divine

all that I AM

There is no richness i cannot have

there is no pain i cannot feel

there are no lines

no divisions

no time

no separations

i come from a place

that remembers it all

and into which

all life flows


Love is all there is

and in the 

moment of true reflection

I fall down

and weep                             

in the arms

of myself 

This article was written by Morgine Jurdan

Click HERE to Learn more about Morgine’s work.




Sometimes in order to fix a bigger problem, we need to start by fixing ourselves. And that's where I had to start to release all the mental chains I had that prevented me from being myself. These included persons and ideas that kept me from reaching my highest potential.

The first thing I had to do was love myself. I know, you can ask anyone if they love themselves and they will say "yes", but, once they start digging deeper, they realize that they haven't really been loving themselves. In the same way that healing and personal growth require introspection and care, building a business aligned with your spiritual journey calls for choosing partners that resonate with your values. Looking into Zenbusiness reviews can offer insights into a supportive, efficient service to help manifest your vision into reality.

Someone who loves themselves would never allow anyone else to do something harmful to them. One important thing that helped me prevent this was when I started saying "no". It was not easy, but it has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself. What I realized after I started saying "no", was that I was saying "yes" to something I liked and that made me feel fine.

Another thing I did was start a meditation practice that I religiously continue to this day. Every morning, you'll find me taking at least 5 minutes to do conscious breathing, to be grateful, or to forgive. The 2 things that have benefitted me the most have been gratitude and forgiveness. Through gratitude, I have been able to really appreciate the small things in life: a warm cup of coffee, a goat milk yogurt (I mean, how often do you find that while traveling?!), people who love and support me for who I am, the food on my table, having a roof over my head, my health... Ultimately, being thankful for the magic and perfection of life on earth as a whole. Through forgiveness, instead, I learned to forgive myself and everything I've done wrongly. To forgive my mind always judging me and always criticizing every move I make or the body I have. I learned to forgive my parents for the way they reacted to my weight issues while I was a kid since their frustration didn't allow them to see the damage they were doing to me; I forgave anyone who had hurt me out of their own pain, because it was not them doing something bad to me on purpose, it was their own ignorance and suffering that made them act like that. Forgiveness is a selfish act. We forgive to free ourselves from the emotional burden, not to make someone else happy. So, if you haven't tried it out yet, now's the time to start!

Meditation and spiritualism, besides reinforcing the body-mind connection, helped me connect better to the world. Thanks to that, I no longer see things as independent, I see them as part of an interdependent system. This just became more evident after my mom passed away. An event like this transforms you either for your best or worse. But, in my case, it helped me learn that everything in life is energy: yourself, what you see, what you can't see, and your thoughts. Matter doesn't disappear, it just transforms. And, that's why, even if I miss my mom every day, I know that she's everywhere: In the air I breathe, the smiling child running in the garden, the tree I touch, etc. 

Knowing how the type of energy I surround myself with and the one I vibrate on are important for my overall life, I decided to change my environment, and this included my relationships. It was not easy since I had to cut ties with many people and make drastic changes, but the results were astonishing...

This article was written by Michelle Schacherer 

Click HERE to Learn more about Michelle’s work. 





Fake it ‘til you make it! That adage of the 1970’s may seem like a cliché now, a silly relic of a bygone era. But in reality, we fake it regularly when we lack full confidence but still manage to push ourselves to rise to an occasion—a job interview, negotiating the price for a new car or holding our ground in an important discussion.

Many people find it intimidating to talk to doctors. They get tongue-tied, afraid to ask questions or worry they’ll say the wrong thing. Research bears out the phenomenon. One study compared the frightened behavior of patients to that of hostages bargaining for release.

Whether you are the patient or it’s someone you love, getting good medical care shouldn’t sink to that level. That means speaking up even when you feel nervous. Doctors often rush from one patient to the next; some are gentle in their dealings, but others seem brusque and impatient. Patients and families can be left feeling too demeaned to even ask a question before the doctor is out the door.

That’s when it’s time to fake it. But you must be prepared. Patient advocacy requires many things – time, attention and perseverance to start. Diplomacy and respect are other essential ingredients.  Effective advocacy also requires a strong dose of chutzpah, that wonderful Yiddish word blending personal guts and gumption.

I have been advocating for my husband for more than a quarter-century through multiple hospitalizations and illnesses. One thing I have learned is that my role is as important as the doctors and nurses in ensuring he gets the best medical care. Acting on that knowledge means working with medical professionals as an equal, trusting my instincts and speaking up when I have questions or think something is wrong.

One of the most important jobs of the advocate is connecting the dots – asking the right questions, paying attention to details and making sure that the entire medical team is on the same page. Taking up the charge requires confidence. That can start with basic research to better understand the patient’s condition and be poised to ask smart questions.

Keeping good notes and staying organized helps the advocate pay attention to details and follow up on questions or concerns.  Doctors don’t always communicate well with one another, and nurses are sometimes left out of the loop. Issues can fall between the cracks, and misunderstandings can affect patient care. A well-informed advocate can help keep communication flowing.

Advocates who are strong, persistent and professional get a better response from doctors too.  When you act with diplomacy and respect, you are more likely to receive those same courtesies in return.

When you put it all together – education, organization and perseverance – confidence in your role as an advocate can grow. The more you do it, the better you get at it. Remember, you know the patient better than anyone else in the hospital. That counts for a lot in a setting that can seem bureaucratic and impersonal.

Draw upon your strengths, life experiences, street smarts and common sense. You can apply that sense of assurance to your advocacy role. 

Prepare questions in advance; practice making your case in front of a mirror. If need be, assume you are an actor taking on a role. Remember that even a shaky start is better than no start at all. Before you know it, you won’t have to fake it at all.

Bonnie Friedman is the author of Hospital Warrior: How to Get the Best Care for Your Loved One and host of the podcast Hospital Warrior: Advocates and Experts on the Whole Care Network.

This article was written by Bonnie Friedman 

Click HERE to Learn more about Bonnie’s work. 




When its early or late, I can’t see outside.

It’s dark and that means the outside just hides.

But the moment it’s light, great things come in view

My window shows me the things that are new.


When I look out my window I see cars drive by.
And with eyes looking up I see airplanes on high.


When I look out of my window I see wind in the trees.

The branches all dance as it moves through the leaves.


When I look out of my window, I see rain and some snow.

The cars and the trucks have to go really slow.


When I look out my window, I see people walking.

With arms always moving – they never stop talking.

When I look out my window, it’s my neighbors I see

And they always do smile and wave right back at me.


When I look out my window, I see kids on the bus.

Laughing and talking with so much to discuss.


When I look out my window I see men who are mowing

the yards and the grass that never stops growing. 


When I look out of my window, I see squirrels and some birds

They get a lot done without using our words.


When I look out my window I see big and small dogs

I see all sorts of birds and some snakes and some frogs.


When I look out my window, I see flowers so bright.

Red and dark blue, yellow, orange and some white.


When I look out my window, thick clouds and some thinner,

Go racing by, now who is the winner?


When I look out my window, I see runners jog

They run in the rain, in the wind and the fog.


When I stand at my window, something important I see,

Dad’s car comes in view, coming home to see me.


I spend time at my window, stand still and don’t race.

This is my special and very remarkable place.

To watch all that happens and to learn about me.

There is so much to watch, to notice and see.

So I stand at my window and take it all in.

I watch, look and listen, and take life for a spin.

This article was written by Jay Forte

Click HERE to Learn more about Jay’s work 




          Having high emotional granularity is a vital tool for reducing emotional eating. The term was coined by Northeastern University Psychology Professor Lisa Feldman Barrett shortly after the turn of the century and refers to the ability to recognize, identify and express a full range of emotions. People with high emotional granularity have “finely tuned feelings.” They value emotions and are in touch with them most of the time. Moreover, they don’t lump all emotions together, but feel and can describe their nuances. Upset might be parsed as frightened, dismayed or exasperated. Angry might be viewed as frustrated, helpless or fearful.

Says Barrett, “Emotional granularity isn’t just about having a rich vocabulary; it’s about experiencing the world, and yourself, more precisely. This can make a difference in your life. In fact, there is growing scientific evidence that precisely tailored emotional experiences are good for you, even if those experiences are negative.” (“Are You in Despair? That’s Good,” The NY Times, 6/3/16,, accessed 1/29/19).  

“According to a collection of studies, finely grained, unpleasant feelings allow people to be more agile at regulating their emotions, less likely to drink excessively when stressed and less likely to retaliate aggressively against someone who has hurt them…Perhaps surprisingly, the benefits of high emotional granularity are not only psychological. People who achieve it are also likely to have longer, healthier lives. They go to the doctor and use medication less frequently, and spend fewer days hospitalized for illness. Cancer patients, for example, have lower levels of harmful inflammation when they more frequently categorize, label and understand their emotions.”

There’s evidence that emotional granularity improves mental health. Higher emotional granularity translates to better coping skills and, therefore, fewer maladaptive behaviors such as addictions. Relationships also improve when people are attuned to emotions.

How emotionally granular are you? Do you have difficulty identifying your feelings? Do you ignore them? Lump them together? Therapy can help because it provides a safe place to learn about and discuss emotions. By becoming more tuned in to them, you’ll up your emotional intelligence and do less mindless or binge eating.   


This article was written by Karen R. Koenig

Click HERE to Learn more about Karen’s work.




 I knew it first thing, when I started the day

That things were not going to go in my way.

I tried to be happy and grateful, I say.

But I really knew, it was just not my day.


I tripped on the stairs and came down with a crash.

Into the sink went my phone, with a great splash.

The note for my teacher got thrown in the trash.

This day, I just knew, would not go by in a flash.


At school I forgot that my project was due.

At lunch they were serving a yucky beef stew.

In art class I spilled a container of glue.

Not a good day, this is something I knew.


My teacher seemed to just focus on me.

Telling and scolding is all I did see.

“Start over! Be quiet! Stand in line!” said she.

Today is not great, I bet you agree.


I missed the bus and walked home in the rain.

I stepped off the curb and gave my ankle a sprain.

I got soaked with the spray from a very fast train.

Today, you can see, is a very big pain.


Home and all wet, off to my room with a huff.

I needed a moment when feeling this gruff.

Things that had happened were so truly tough.

Today, on this day, I had just had enough.


Off to the kitchen with my head in my hands

Upset at a day that I did not understand.

How things can go so against all my plans.

Today, was the worst day in all of the land.


Mom asked, “What’s up, what’s making you sad?”

“Nothing,” I said, trying not to get mad.

“Tell me,” she said, “About the day that you had.”

Can we make it much better, or a little less bad?”


I shrugged then recounted without a delay
How everything seemed to just not go my way.

Not sure what could help or what thing she could say

That would improve this most terrible and horrible day.


She smiled and said, “Some days make you scream

They feel like an awful and really bad dream.

There one thing that makes it a bit less extreme

A bowl, no, a big bowl of your favorite ice cream.”


Two scoops and my mood changed, right on the spot.

We talked about things and what the day brought.

Some things just work out and some things just do not.

Life send what it sends, you get what you got.

Don’t argue and stress and get all distraught. 

Be patient and learn from all you’ve been taught.  


 This article was written by Jay Forte

Click HERE to Learn more about Jay’s work.








Across the miles they drove, journeying four hours north on washboard roads until they reached this country hill.

“We want to talk about the conference,” they had said on the phone. “We can fill you in on the details in person. The more you know about us, the easier it will be for you to prepare.”

I heard their words, but I was deaf to their hearts, because as the date of their visit approached, the puddle of panic around me grew deeper and murkier. The faithless ponderings multiplied:

They’ll be sorry they traveled all this way to meet someone so ordinary. What if they want to quiz me on my theology? I’m sure they’ll take one look at my tiny kitchen and my beat up wood floors and decide that I’m a mess, too.

This, for me, has been the challenge of the Christian life: to boldly welcome others into the mess that is me, and then to trust – to trust that God will build a bridge between our hearts, and to trust that others will respond with acceptance and love.

As it happens, my new friends arrived a few minutes late – GPS’s aren’t much help out here! More important, though, when they showed up in my driveway, they did not arrive bearing an impossible yardstick or hearts of judgment. They were not expecting me to look or sound like a conference speaker or to live in a museum of Pinterest perfection.

We exchanged warm hugs and settled down to business. They shared their stories and described their community, drawing me into their fellowship of women:

the diligent seekers after Truth;
the heartsick lovers of prodigal children;
the faithful caregivers who bridge and mend the generations;
the patient prayer warriors who battle daily on behalf of unsaved husbands.

We broke zucchini bread together and my worries about my mum-jeans and sub-standard housekeeping practices were forgotten as we engaged in sincere prayer for the planning of the conference and for the women who would be challenged by the Truth.

I was the girl with the teakettle on the stove and my Canadian grandmother’s delicate cups and saucers all arranged to receive guests, but these women who had traveled across two state lines on an early Monday morning were the true extenders of hospitality.

They transcended geography, opened their hearts, and welcomed me into their lives in the spirit that Paul describes in Romans 15:7:

Therefore, receive one another just as Christ also received us, to the glory of God.

Stretching out both hands to receive the world, Jesus’ act of cross-shaped love still flattens the barriers that appear so insurmountable to this fearful and self-protective introvert. God is mightily glorified when, by grace, we reach across the artificial boundaries of politics, race, or denomination in order to truly “receive one another” in unity and acceptance.

Wanting to send my new friends on their way with sweetness, I pulled tiny jars of apple butter from my basement shelves. But the greater gift that day was offered to me — the priceless welcome and deep hospitality of friendship.

This article was written by Michele Morin

Click HERE to Learn more about Michele’s work.





Putting Emotions To Work To Overcome Your Eating Disorder


            Whether you’re just beginning to address your under- or overeating problems or have been making steady progress over years or decades, there’s one area that you will have to come to terms with sooner or later to achieve full recovery.  To achieve a satisfying, nourishing, happy, and successful life without food problems, you will have to learn how put your emotions to work for you.  This means not dancing around them by eating or calorie counting, obsessing about what you can/can’t/should/shouldn’t eat, or focusing on whether the numbers on the scale are moving up or down.     

            For many disordered eaters, identifying and sitting with feelings is the last hurdle to becoming a “normal” eater.  Most are willing and often eager to practice new food- and weight-related behaviors, such as making satisfying food choices, eating mindfully, taking larger or smaller bites, throwing out the scale, eating without distractions, taking deep breaths after each mouthful, and staying connected to the body’s pleasure center during the eating process.  But most people with eating problems—actually, most people, period—have difficulty getting comfortable with feelings.  It’s important for you to recognize that disordered eaters are far from the only ones who have difficulty handling emotions.  To greater or lesser extent, everyone does.

            Unfortunately, every time you use food (move toward or away from it) instead of feeling an authentic emotion, you miss an opportunity to discover something about what’s happening in your internal world.  Think of your emotions as equivalent to your senses.  The latter alert us to our reaction to our environment—thumbs up or thumbs down—through touch, smell, sight, hearing, and taste.  Our feelings have a similar function as they provide us with information about our reaction to people and situations.  The function of both our senses and our emotions is to move us toward pleasure and away from pain.  Emotions help us decide what is self-threatening—smelling smoke and seeing flames across the room—and what is self-enhancing—sensory delight derived from gazing out over the ocean as gulls soar overhead and the sun dips into the sea.

— True self-care is about holistic health. Jill Kay recently introduced me to Arbonne, the #1 global brand for healthy living inside and out. I tried the products and loved them! Check out their certified vegan, cruelty-free, gluten-free, nontoxic products by clicking HERE. You will be very surprised! —

            If you’re like most people, you don’t realize the value and purpose of emotions and assume they’re not important, or worse, that uncomfortable feelings should be avoided at all cost.  But, I bet you’d never think of shutting off your senses and wandering through the world without them.  Well, that’s exactly what you do every time you ignore or minimize a feeling. 

What if emotions aren’t the demons you’ve made them out to be?  What if emotions are your teachers and your care-takers?  What if they’re not trash but treasures?

            One of the reasons that emotions get a bad rap is that they can feel truly awful.  We may believe that if something doesn’t feel good, it can’t be good, but this is far from the truth.  There are lots of painful cures to what ails us that we tolerate because we know they are necessary and promote ultimate health and well-being—injections, dental fillings and implants, physical therapy, and surgery, to name a few.  No one says, gee, terrific, I’m going to have my body sliced open today and then I’ll be in pain for weeks on end recovering.  However, inspite of the fact that it’s often a nasty business, people schedule surgery because they know they’ll feel better in the long run.

            The same is true of emotions.  Just because they hurt or make you feel badly does not mean they are bad.  Like musical notes and colors (and foods too!), there are no good or bad emotions.  They’re what’s called value neutral.  Think of them as messengers, giving you vital information about what’s happening within your internal landscape—you’re disappointed, ashamed, overwhelmed, overjoyed, furious, grief-stricken, content, shocked, revolted, elated, confused, lonely, excited, helpless.  True, some of these feelings are excruciating and hard to bear, but they do pass and people survive them every day and have since the beginning of human existence.  Half the battle is allowing yourself to be with your feelings without making judgments about them or the kind of person you are for having them.  It’s a great deal easier to acknowledge, identify, experience, explore, and deal with feelings without all the associated criticisms you have of them or of yourself.

            Recovering from an eating disorder means blossoming into a full, emotionally mature person.  For that to happen, you must (yes, must) learn to experience all of your feelings; you can’t pick and choose.  Becoming emotionally healthy is an all or nothing proposition, but one you can learn over time.  If you believe you can’t bear your feelings alone, find a therapist who can guide you through them.  Share your feelings with friends, start a journal, hug yourself, cry, holler til you’re hoarse, beat your pillow, sob til you’re exhausted. 

At some point in recovery, you have to choose between food and feeling.  You already know where your food obsession will lead you, so why not give feelings a try?    

This article was written by Karen R. Koenig

Click HERE to Learn more about Karen’s work.