
No matter your work – if you build, write or fly.

No matter your race – if you’re a girl or a guy.

No matter if you’re bold, or tall or just shy

We show up each day, under the same great big sky.


Some try to say, that they know what’s right.

They push and control – they do things with might.

Some say, “Be like us or we can’t let you in.”

“And we don’t really like the the color of your skin.”


Some feel they were born better, more important or greater.

Some think it’s okay to be a big hater

Of people who are different, and those not so spry,

But we all live right here, under the same great big sky.


Some think they are better by the things that they own

Where they shop, what they buy, or how well they are known.

They compare and complain about all of the others.

They forget that down deep we are all truly brothers.


Not one of us is more special, not one wins the prize.

Not one has more value, or a right to despise.

Not one has more worth – let me just simplify,

We each show up now, under the same great big sky.


We are all different – the face, skin and the nose;

The successes and failures, the highs and the lows.
Down deep is your spark, a gift so divine.

Know it and live it; it’s yours and its mine.


You are amazing, great, awesome and blest.

You have strengths and big gifts, just like all of the rest.

If we’re all so amazing, I have to ask why

We can’t get along, under this one great big sky?

Right here and right now, we’re all sharing space.

No matter the skills, or gender or race.

It belongs to us all, not some, not a few.

We all really matter. Me, him, her and you.


When you look at another don’t find fault and take part

In judging, critiquing. Focus more on their heart.

See they are trying to live and get by

Hoping and dreaming, under our one great big sky.


Make room in your space for those who don’t share

Your approach to this life and about what you care.

Imagine if you will – you can if you choose –

A world where all matter, not one where some lose.


What has to change in you and in me

To live in a world where we all get to be

Just who we are, with no need to be shy

Living together, under our one great big sky?


If you see someone living with treatment unjust,

One who is struggling – pay attention – we must.

Tune in to notice what’s really there.

Reach out, go help, and be ready to care.


We each get to be here, to work hard and try

No matter our race, whether a girl or a guy.

No matter our work, if we build, write or fly;

To be our best selves, under our one great big sky.


So, look just above at this space big and wide.

It’s there for us ALL; it’s there to provide.

We each get this space, this time and this life.

Respect it and share it, don’t bring on the strife.

Show up on purpose! Be here! Don’t be shy!

Let’s all make some room, under our one great big sky.

This article was written by Jay Forte

Click HERE to Learn more about Jay’s work.

WEBSITE: https://thefortefactor.com/