I recently had Darren Lopez on my podcast show. He is a wonderful human being who deeply cares about helping others live their best lives.

In that interview, Darren introduced me to a nasal spray that made my husband’s life much healthier! He has been dealing with allergies for years. The first time my husband used the nasal spray he felt incredible relief and breathing became instantly easier for him! In addition to breathing better anywhere he goes, this amazing nasal spray is also helping him sleep deeper! Thank you so much, Darren!!!


Just like washing our hands, washing out our nose and upper airways often with Be-OnGuard Nose Spray can be vital at getting the upper airway to function at the highest level. I know from firsthand experience that keeping these passages clean has many benefits.


The nose and upper airway are an amazing part of your body. They are the first filter your body uses to clean the air you breathe. The nose is so good at cleaning the air that it will pick up allergens and pathogens by catching them in the mucous. This helps to protect our bodies from becoming sick from these diseases.

But like all filters, if we don’t clean them out, they will continue to build up with dirt and debris. What happens to our car’s engine when the air filter fills up with dirt and debris? It doesn’t run as well because it can’t get enough clean air. With our cars, we can just change out the air filter. We can’t do that with our nasal airways.

Would you let your car run on a dirty air filter? Of Course Not, you Replace it. You can naturally help your body function better by keeping your nose filter clean.


Be-OnGuard Nose Spray is a combination of patented mineral oxides that harnes the power of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide to naturally battle viruses, bacteria, nasal dryness, inflammation and existing viral and bacteria load. It is safe to use daily and multiple times a day.  There is no age limit. 


First thing in the morning, insert the Nasal Spray tip into each nostril and fully pull back the trigger once or twice.  Try to avoid blowing your nose for 5 to 10 minutes after you use it.  Repeat as needed through the day.



These are some inspiring and insightful passages in “Unapologetic: Shedding Inauthenticity To Become Uniquely You” by Natali Brown


— As each painful part fell away and other beautiful parts of my Soul returned, to awaken within me such a deep remembrance of my healing gifts and the power of my innate universal knowledge and connection with all that is, there was an intense outpouring of love that flowed from this crack.

The intensity and vastness of this love would often scare me and make my human side feel incredibly vulnerable.  It would sometimes make other people feel very uncomfortable too as it always came with a great big bag full of truth pouring from my lips in words and energy. 

Humans are scared to face their truth because the truth hurts, so they steered away from me or would often be nasty and venomous because they did not have the capacity to receive or could not comprehend this potent outpouring of love. 

Over the years I’ve helped and guided many lightworkers and light leaders to their truth, their gifts, soul mission, and purpose. I often guided them to where no one dares to go because sometimes you have to traverse the deepest and darkest spaces of pain and trauma and heal those parts of you first, so you can let the light come through you. 

Due to our upbringing and societal influences, we have been conditioned not to feel, not to be sensitive or show emotions, not to be too much, too powerful, too strong, too honest, too vulnerable, too feminine or too masculine. 

So often our dialogue with ourselves and each other is based on apologies and excuses.  Instead of saying Heck Yes to life! We often choose a more mediocre response because it’s too hard or too much or not perfect. We fluff our way through life and never really anchor our dreams and intentions. 

This world would be a very different place if we stop apologizing for hard things and take a stand for our yes and our no, take a stand for what we feel and what we want. Humans have been kept under this matrix of control and fear for too long and only the truth will set us free. We have to feel to heal.

I fought many of my own demons and battles—depression, anxiety, alcohol, sexual abuse—and did the inner work and healing to peel away my own untruths. I’ve been hurt by people I trusted so deeply, because they were hurting too. I know this now and hold no grudges. I only have love for this crazy life we get to live. The good, the bad and the ugly. I didn’t want to give up on people, I didn’t want to think the worst of them so this love within me turned to passion and passion turned into helping those who were stuck but who knew that their soul was calling them to be more, to rise beyond fear into their next level greatness. Through healing each of my clients I healed a part of myself too. We would cry together and laugh together. In their eyes, I would see myself. After all, we are all connected.  I will never regret any of my experiences and am so incredibly grateful for each beautiful soul I get to meet. When we come together and see each other, really see each other and support each other we can move mountains.

My wish is that we can live life without any regrets but turn our experiences into powerful catalysts for change to create a world that we are all proud of, a world where we won’t destroy each other and our planet but love and see each other’s truth and beauty.   world where we can co-create as sovereign beings living in harmony with our planet and all living beings. For this to happen, many structures within and without will fall away. It starts with a simple choice: “What do you want now?”  Because all that needs changing starts in the now, this present moment. 

Life is not meant to be mediocre, you are meant to express yourself as love through your experiences, your voice and your gifts.


These are some inspiring and insightful passages in “A Global Dialogue on Masculinity: 33 Men Speak Out” by Gayle Kimball


— We are limited by outdated gender stereotypes, both men in their lack of access to a wide range of emotions and caregiving and women in their limited access to leadership and power. It’s in our best interest to move towards flexibility and being instrumental or nurturant as circumstances require. This means we stop telling boys not to cry or be like girls and stop telling girls to be nice little ladies. We need to encourage girls to go into leadership and STEM fields of science and technology and boys into caregiving professions, like many of the men in this book, did as therapists, instructors, and heads of helping organizations.

The consensus of our experts is that boys and men are not permitted to show vulnerability, a word often repeated in this book. From the Netherlands, Stephan van de Ven, 32, said, “I don’t know how to really express my emotions, not having had that many examples in my environment from men around me, from movies, from TV series, or anything.” This prejudice shuts down even being aware of some emotions, which is why EVRYMAN and other men’s groups begin with identifying body sensations.

Asking for help may require being vulnerable, which fits in the “threat to masculinity” danger zone. This fear of being perceived as weak contributes to men’s health problems and a higher suicide rate. Being shut down emotionally also inhibits men’s intimate relations with people they love, one of the reasons why women in English-speaking countries are much more likely to initiate divorce than men. Femininity is seen by sexists as weakening precarious masculinity and can increase the fear of intimacy.

Divorce and poverty lead to an increase in single-mother households, which MIT Economics Professor David Autor links to worse outcomes for the boys than the girls with single mothers. This is part of the explanation of why boys are falling behind girls in higher education. This equation is shutting down boys’ expression of human feelings leads to health and relationship difficulties, which is especially harmful to boys raised by single mothers. As Jed Diamond said, mothers, can’t teach boys what it means to be a man. The solution is to educate parents and teachers about how to encourage boys to be in touch with the full range of human feelings, as modeled in countries like Denmark.[i] As with other social and environmental problems, solutions are available but the will to implement them is lacking.

Why are some men willing to advocate for changes in male socialization and risk being seen as outside the norm of masculine interests? We’ve learned that it’s mostly women who take men’s studies college courses. Our changemakers, similar to men I interviewed for 50:50 Marriage and 50:50 Parenting, were influenced by a very positive or very negative role model, either a loving involved father (the minority) or an absent father due to death, divorce, or long work hours.

Many of our contributors felt that they didn’t fit the masculinity standard as boys and were concerned about ways girls and boys were harmed by sexism. Gary Barker’s female friends told him about forced sex, leading him to want to take action as a man: “This kind of manhood, with so much violence and anger, is not who I think I am.” With feminist analysis, John Stoltenberg said, “I felt freedom from the cookie-cutter I was trying to fit into. I found it was possible to be who I am without constantly thinking about, am I male enough?”

Many of the contributors agree that schools need to accommodate boys’ need for more physical activity, especially with many boys being developmentally behind girls. Boys of color act out their own versions of masculinity, which may include looking at school success as “acting white,” as our men of color reported. Wanting improvement in gender liberation, changemakers organize men’s groups, teach courses, research and write about gender socialization practices and lobby for legislative change--particularly in child custody.

The common concern for gender liberation and equal opportunity doesn’t mean these activists are united. Every progressive or liberal group I know argues over who is most politically pure and the men’s movement is no exception. They debate who is most oppressed by traditional gender roles and if gender is more shaped by nature or nurture. As Michael Messner reports, “Those schisms between different groups run pretty deep and have been going on for many decades.”

Men’s rights advocates think men suffer more, while feminists think women suffer more from gendered power systems. The latter don’t want to talk with the former, thinking problematically in a zero-sum game so that if I win, you lose. Daniel Ellenberg reported, “It’s remarkable how many smart, professional people seem to think it's an either/or game. I think it's both/and. It tends to trigger a lot of vitriol from different folks. Until we change our mindset about it, we're still going to be at war.” Some blame the peer-led men’s groups for not being political and “getting stuck looking at our own belly buttons,” as Barker said. However, many of our men have been part of men’s groups.

What surprised me from interviewing these men of different ages, ethnicities, nationalities, religions, and ideologies is that some felt disadvantaged in relationships and in school, including young men like Tristan Glosby. (I Hate Men is  the title of a recent book by Pauline Harmange, translated from French.) I was also surprised that young men still hear, “don’t be a sissy.” Some felt being male was under fire with the frequent use of the phrase “toxic masculinity.”

Progress certainly isn’t a straight line upward, as evidenced in the sexist cult led by Donald Trump. George Simons finds in international surveys that about one-third of men support gender equality. I’m hopeful because Generations Y and Z tend to not limit themselves in regards to their gender roles or skin color. They have models to emulate as they assume more political power, learning from Nordic gender equality programs, Danish emotional literacy instruction for children, research on boy’s development (like that done by Andrew Smiler and Warren Farrell), and support groups for boys like those developed by Jerry Tello and Ashanti Branch. Promundo and MenEngage provide models of how to involve boys and men in activism for gender equality for all human beings.


These are some inspiring and insightful passages in “THE KONSCIO METHOD™: Heal. Expand. Evolve.” by Milly Diericx


— If the heart is the seat of the soul, the place where you can connect to know your purpose and the things that fill you with joy, and the brain is a problem-solving machine that takes you where you want to go, then together they are the greatest team to help you manifest who you are in the world. However, they have to be aligned toward the same goal. What usually happens, is that our heart desires one thing, but we have been taught that following our heart is not rational and doesn't make sense—that we have to think and be logical—so we follow the path of the head, which is the one that everyone else approves of because it makes sense. We do so and end up being wretchedly unhappy. We end up living lives that are not what we want them to be, because our alignment is off.

We need to know our heart's desire very clearly, then enlist the mind to tell us how we can make that happen with who we are and what we have. Then, we can start doing what has to be done to achieve our desire. This is the sequence and formula for living the life you really want and not the one that makes sense to others.  When you align yourself with your heart’s desire, a plan, and action, magic happens.

— The empathic movement would be a social movement in which we refuse to be bigots: We treat each other kindly, and we denounce social injustice, police or other authority’s brutality, and criminal behavior every time we encounter it. If we have a firm set of values, we can act from them and ask others to do so with us; the values of the majority—those who hold in the face of the opposition that will surely arise—will, I assure you, provoke social change. This movement should be based on the sincere desire to serve, to be a team, and not in values that are self-righteous, for they tend to exclude those who don’t share such values. The whole idea of being in Empathic Konscio is seeing the richness of diversity, and how every single individual, viewpoint, idea, and value contributes to Team Humanity. Of course, I am not talking about destructive or divisive ideas, like hatred, intolerance, or greed. I’m talking about Higher Konscio values, which will always be cooperative, cohesive, loving, and compassionate. If you are unsure about which values come from Higher Konscio states, go back to the values exercise and read the list to get the gist of the values that contribute to Team Humanity.

Caring for the environment is the same kind of movement; if we, as people with economic power, stop buying goods that are damaging for the environment, they will stop producing them. It's up to us to make large businesses and corporations change their practices with the power of our money. When we invest in something, it thrives; what we don't spend money on becomes unprofitable and stops being produced. Imagine if we stop buying products that damage the environment, like plastics. What would happen to the plastics industry? They would have to adapt to the new market trends or go out of business. If we continue to buy their products as they are, with no criticism, with no conscience, it will continue to be good business, and such corporations will continue to produce them, damaging our environment even further. Just as governments seek power, corporations seek profit, so let's make what is damaging to us and the environment unprofitable for them, so they will adapt and produce things that are both good (or at least not destructive) for the environment and still meet our needs. Power and money are forms of energy; if we give our energy to that which is aligned to our Higher Konscio values and stop giving it to that which is not, we will change what thrives and what doesn’t in our world.

Human ingenuity has no bounds. We can make the things we want and need in different ways, using different materials, halting the destruction and still enjoying our commodities. It is amazing to think that we already have solutions for most of the problems facing us; we are not implementing them because they are not profitable, but they already exist and are quite viable. As an example, we can take the problem of climate change, which we know is produced by an excess of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, mostly carbon dioxide, which is a byproduct of burning fossil fuels. There are many alternatives to the use of fossil fuels, from the use of electric cars to the electricity produced by geothermal, wind, solar, and other ecologically sound means. Why, then, do we keep using fossil fuels? Because large corporations lobby the governments for their use so they can continue to make huge profits. What if we stopped using things that burn fossil fuels, like gasoline cars? What if each of us invested in solar cells for our homes instead of consuming electricity produced by fossil fuels? What would those petroleum consortiums do? Adapt or die. That's what they would do.

We have little awareness of the power each of us has in our own wallet, or the votes we give and the policies we support or protest, but we hold all the cards; they are just trying to cater to us and get our money or our votes. Where we put them is our choice. Money is also energy; just as we are sovereigns in our choice of where we want our energy and how to get it there, we are also sovereign in where we invest the fruits of our labor. We are extraordinarily powerful in all regards. How we behave dictates social trends, laws, and directions of the governing class; where we invest directs the market trends; and how we feel and treat each other directs our own life, our own well-being, and that of those around us.

Take responsibility for your own life and healing, expand your consciousness, and become who you really are: A magnificent being full of light, made of love. By healing the wounds of your own history, you remove the obstacles to being the magnificent light-bearer you were created to be. By healing your heart and creating better relationships with others, you heal your family and community. Healthy communities build better societies and so forth until we have a whole world attuned to Empathic Konscio, acting from love and compassion, being a team, focused on the greater good. Pass every decision through the wisdom of your heart, be empathic to others and nature, and watch the magic happen around you.


These are some inspiring and insightful passages in “Quantum SHIFT: Healing the Fragmented Soul” by Lorna Wilson


— “Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. At all counts, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions.” Carl Jung

‘Fragmentation’ or the creation of what we perceive to be negative feelings or emotions, remain buried within the shadow ‘parts’ of our consciousness, whether created through the stories of past-life individuals, or the current-life personality. They are compartmentalizations of the fragmented self and are similar in their effect on the current personality. Reintegration of these unconscious stories does not negate the value of the lessons learned or the value of life issues, but it does initiate closure for the current personality. By liberating the suppressed emotions, a unification takes place within the self, returning to one a sense of wholeness.

To simplify things, let’s think about aspects of ourselves, or our soul, as consisting of parts that are in the ‘shadow’ or unconscious, not visible but affecting us adversely. Integrating them creates wholeness. A shaman ‘sees’ through an altered state of an expanded consciousness where problems may be, or what they are exactly. This is similar to what occurs during a hypnosis session, or any other non-physical exploration, as our own subconscious mind knows, holds the answers, and has recorded our individual history.

Soul ‘retrieval’ is not exclusive to shamanic techniques, although it is one way to attain lasting results. The subconscious knows what is needed and will therefore initiate its own process to achieve the desired results. 

Session – An Interesting Way Our Shadow 'Stuff' Can Look Dark 

I had some theta music playing quietly in the background to distract the noise of the neighbors as it was a weekend session and outdoor sounds were a bit more active. Leading up to a ‘significant moment’ the client tells me that she hears music in the background. Because I’d quietly put on the music, I hadn’t known if she was speaking about the music in the room or if it were something in her mind. She spoke about the music emitting waves of energy all around her. I told her to just be with the music and to see what it brought to mind.

C.  I see an image of something hunching forward, but I’m seeing it from the side. It’s a black face with wings. I can see the wings. It looks like it’s sad as it’s hunching forward; I can’t see the face.

L.  Let’s see why your subconscious has brought this to mind. What do you sense about this thing? You mentioned wings... is it bird like?  

C.  It’s human and is turned to the side so that I can only see the wings.  

L.  Go backward to just before this thing with the wings came to be there. Let’s find out what led up to this moment and what’s going on for it that led up to the hunched feeling of sadness.

C.  It doesn’t talk to me.

L.  Mentally – like telepathy – ask it to help you to understand more.

C.  Maybe the sound of the music is healing that angelic person.

L.  Ask it if it’s connected to you or wants you to know something.

C.  Goya came to mind, that sadness in Goya’s painting. It’s now looking at me.

L.  Ask it what it wants you to know or understand.

C.  It just says one-word “heal”.

L.  What does it mean to heal?

C.  I think it’s me because when I asked is it me, it felt happy.

We explore this more and she discovers that it’s her heart that carries the sadness. The figure is representative of her heart and that the loneliness from her childhood is the source. It shows her the life experiences that caused that, by bringing back childhood memories and past lives. The goal was that she was to discover that it’s time to take care of herself.  


The natural environment has a pure and healing quality to it. 

Just imagine you are hiking across the mountains on a cool October morning. 

You are sitting on the beach, watching the waves pound the sand, or just looking up at the starry night sky. 

These visuals elicit strong emotions in us.

The theory behind nature therapy for depression and drug addiction is that spending time outside can help you recover more quickly. So if you're trying to overcome a drug or alcohol addiction, nature could be the perfect remedy.

Ascendant, a popular New York rehabilitation center, states the benefits of spending time in nature during addiction recovery, which is why they have included nature therapy in their treatment approach.

Why Should You Spend Time In Nature During Addiction Recovery?

Spending time in nature to recover from drug addiction can have great benefits and help you focus on healthy living and sobriety. Once you plan some activities outside, you can identify how they help you stay sober during addiction recovery:

1: Strengthens Immune System

Nature aids in strengthening our immune systems, which might be impaired as a result of addiction.

Going outside will provide your body with Vitamin D, essential for your immunity. People who don't receive enough vitamin D are more likely to get sick, develop diabetes, develop atrophic arthritis, and develop heart disease.

A person's immune system is also vulnerable to the same risks if they spend all of their time indoors. 

The body cannot create a new form of reaction without experiencing the outside world and meeting new people. As a result, spending time outside and in nature will significantly aid in the development of your immunity during your addiction recovery.

2: Improves Sleep

It is prevalent for people in recovery from addiction to lose sleep.

However, because you are burning up your energy, indulging in outdoor activities in nature that make your heart pulse faster can help with sleeplessness. As a result, you're more likely to feel tired and sleepy

A good night's sleep is also essential for keeping a healthy lifestyle. 

Unfortunately, almost everyone has fallen victim to a faulty sleeping system at some point in their lives. 

Spending too much time indoors, in front of artificial light from TVs and computer screens might disrupt your sleeping cycles. The simplest solution is to spend more time outside. Going outside, especially in the early morning sunshine, can help you find your natural daily rhythm.

3: Manages Anxiety And Stress

Nature assists us in coping with stress and worry. Stress is processed differently in the body when you are surrounded by nature, and it becomes more bearable. 

Even the scenery outside your window can help you calm your mind because seeing green instead of a screen is always a good idea to reduce stress and manage anxiety. 

Nature can help us relax and think more creatively, just as it can help us relax and think more creatively. 

Take your diary outside and write poetry while relaxing in nature if you enjoy reading and writing. Another advantage of the outdoors in addiction therapy is mental serenity and new coping skills.

4: Improves Focus

Staying outside and being surrounded by vegetation will also help you concentrate. 

Even looking at greenery for 40 seconds, whether in an urban or natural setting, can boost our focus, which is beneficial for addiction treatment.

You can also employ mindfulness to help you focus on the sights, sounds, and smells while also generating sentiments and excitement. Additionally, because spending time outside refreshes one's mind, it can increase one's function and problem-solving abilities.

Hence, when you are in addiction recovery, you must focus on something, and spending time in nature can help you do that.

5: Encourages Exercise

We will be more likely to exercise if we stay outside. Nature gives us the freedom to move, walk, run around, or at the very least take a stroll and enjoy the landscape. 

Physical activities like exercising outside can also help you get in better shape, allowing you to feel stronger, more robust, and more confident.

We can also work out outside with individuals we enjoy. 

Loneliness can result from spending time alone at home. Instead, surround yourself with people, share your thoughts and ideas, and enjoy nature while distracting your mind from your addiction. Meeting new people and mingling can sometimes provide the most beneficial healing sessions.

Nature Activity Ideas

— Outdoor journaling is one of the most popular activities to do in nature. When you come out of rehab, you must have a lot of emotions piled up inside you, and if you start writing them in your journal, you will feel a lot better  

— Gardening is also one of the best activities to do outside after addiction recovery. When you dig the soil, plant the seeds, water, and take care of the plants, you release the piled-up energy in a positive manner.  

—Going for a hike is also a good way to spend time in nature, and it is one of the best exercises to do outside. So instead of taking a stroll around the block, head to the forest or mountains, and when you reach the top, you will feel a lot better.

—Getting creative with your artistic nature is another good suggestion to spend your day outside. You can sit in your backyard and draw the scenery you see in front of you. You can also let mother nature inspire you to write poems or song lyrics. 

—Exercising in nature is indeed a good activity to adopt post-recovery. So instead of hitting the gym, do 30 minutes of exercise in nature. It will help you breathe fresh air. You can also go for a jog in the local park because staying in touch with greenery can help you commit to sobriety better.

Go Green!

Once you find out how spending time in nature helps you grow, you can recover from addiction and commit to your sobriety better.

Even if you are not undergoing recovery, spending time in nature is always a good decision.

So, if you want more information on these, reach us in the comment box. We will get back to you with an answer in no time.


Here is an inspiring and insightful passage in “The Holding: Prequel to The Healing” by Lynda Faye Schmidt


— …Cate walks into a quiet house. Lady hears her and comes padding out to greet her, tail wagging. She seems to sense Cate’s heaviness as she presses her muzzle against Cate’s shin. Cate bends down to pat her and Lady licks her hand. The simple gesture brings a flood of fresh tears. Cate throws herself on the couch. She doesn’t know how to do this. She retrieves her journal, still in her purse. She looks out the window at the sky. The stars twinkle. Cate hopes to spot her father’s spirit ascending to heaven, but all she sees is space. She turns to a fresh page and begins to write.

“Looking out the window into the dark night sky,

I glimpse the beginning of a new and spectacular dawn. The sky in the east transforms from inky black to

rusty indigo, to majestic magenta, to a soft cherry pink. It seems to speak to me of promises and dreams, of someplace I recognize but feels like so long ago.

I don’t see my father’s spirit out there, but I picture him in my mind, playing baseball. I see him standing

at the plate, legs planted firmly, his expression deadpan. I see him looking over at me, sitting in the bleachers— a conspiratorial wink. The pitcher releases the ball.

It sails through the air. Dad swings the bat. Crack.

It makes contact. Dad drops the bat in the dirt and starts running.

I pray that somewhere in that forever sky my father is running free, watching over me, proud of who I’ve become. I pray he will always be with me, bonded in spirit, in our hearts, for eternity.

I don’t know how I’m going to do this, how to carry on without him. God knows I’ve endured one hell of a lot of hardships in my lifetime, but this feels like too much. My father was my rock, the one true thing I always could rely on. He was a simple man. He didn’t change the world, but he changed mine. I felt witnessed, accepted, perfect. His hands have always held me as I laughed and cried. My father’s hands, they were my refuge. I always felt safe in his arms, with him only a phone call away. Where will my strength come from now? How will I manage, stuck in an unhealthy, unhappy marriage? How will I be the good mother my children need me to be, deserve me to be?

I don’t have the answers. All I have left are the memories, of the holding. I suppose it will have to be enough. “

Cate is crying so hard by this time, she can’t write anymore. Her tears fall onto the page, smudging her words. She closes her eyes. She sits in silence, for how long she doesn’t know. After a while she stirs as if aroused by divine inspiration. She has the strongest urge to write a poem for her father. She goes into the office and sits down at the computer to write. The words flow out of her with lightning speed, her fingers on the keyboard barely able to keep up….


Health benefits of the CBD Hemp flower

So, why do people use the CBD hemp flower?

CBD hemp flowers have many health benefits and are not addictive, unlike pharmaceutical drugs. The CBD hemp flower is believed to be one of the most effective painkillers and may help relieve muscle spasms.

They can also help to alleviate depression and to manage other mental issues such as stress and anxiety. Besides, people with sleeping problems due to pain, stress, depression, and other issues find the product a great help because it improves their sleep patterns. Additionally, CBD hemp flowers can aid in the prevention of seizures in children and lessen the need to depend on medications for one's entire life.

Furthermore, CBD hemp flowers have great cosmetic benefits and are used in many body care products and beauty skin creams. These products can reduce wrinkles, give the skin a younger look, and treat acne and other skin problems.


What is the Cost of the CBD Hemp flower?

Cannabidiol (CBD) has certainly been making waves in the cannabis industry and will continue to do so. But, what does a CBD flower actually cost? In places like Canada and America, CBD is no longer classified as a controlled substance. The 2018 Farm Bill in the United States gave CBD consumers a green light to use the non-psychoactive substance. Ever since the laws governing CBD were relaxed in the states, at least 1 out of 5 US adults have used the substance at least once.

 Premium CBD products can be very expensive. Because of this, some people wonder what exactly makes CBD hemp flowers valuable. Here is all that you need to know about the price of CBD hemp flowers and their value right now.


High-CBD Hemp Flower

Unlike regular hemp that's mainly farmed for extraction applications, high-CBD hemp flowers are different. After harvesting them from the cannabis sativa strain, people dry and process hemp flowers. They can then be smoked or eaten as an edible or capsule.

Farmers who grow hemp flowers on a large scale are able to lower their prices after harvesting. However, low-price CBD often means that the quality is not that high. To produce high-end CBD, farmers have to invest more resources into the production and processing of the crop. These often require more labor and time.


The Price of Premium CBD Hemp Flowers

Want to know the exact cost of a CBD hemp flower per ounce? Well, a myriad of factors determines the cost and value of CBD flowers. You will have to take various factors like shipping costs, location of hemp flowers, quality of the hemp flowers, and, probably, taxes into account. Having said that, on average, premium CBD hemp flowers may be priced between $40 to $150. 

Premium CBD hemp flowers may indeed prove to be too expensive for the average consumer. But, it's crucial to note that they do offer you more value for your money. Additionally, because high-CBD flowers are bioavailable, they are not adulterated. 

If you invest your hard-earned cash in premium CBD products, you will enjoy using them for a long time. Moreover, when you buy CBD flowers in bulk, the prices can usually be reduced.


CBD Biomass and Dried CBD Flower Market Value

CBD biomass talks about the whole hemp plant material. The CBD market largely uses biomass to make CBD, which can be extracted from the plant's leaves and stalks. As of June 2019, Hemp Benchmarks reported that 25k of CBD Biomass was priced at $4.02 per %CBD per pound. In October, the price fell to $2.32 before further dropping to $1.32 in early 2020.

On the other hand, dried CBD flowers also refer to the buds and trichomes from the hemp plant. Dried CBD flowers may be more expensive than CBD biomass due to the cost of cutting and trimming processes that are involved in their processing.


In conclusion, the price and value of high-CBD flowers often make sense. It's costly to produce premium CBD, but if you invest in it, it offers extra value to consumers.


Here is an inspiring and insightful passage in “Letting Go So You Can Thrive!!: The 5-Step Process That Gets You Unstuck” by Moira Hutchison


— Sometimes the hardest thing to do in our spiritual lives is let go. So many chains can burden us and then we drag them around with us throughout our life. These might be attached to the heaviest, most cumbersome loads and yet we trudge on, struggling against our very own true nature most of the time, usually because we just do not know how to, or we are afraid of, letting go.

Sometimes we come to recognize our burdens and baggage and sometimes - we cherish them, hoping that others will feel pity for the great weight we carry, or in some way, will respect us more. And yet other times we just don't know any better.

Can you imagine anything dafter than all of this?

We are trying to travel our best journey in our spiritual lives, and yet our path and progress are hampered by our selves insisting upon dragging around these massive weights. Do you know what these chains and burdens are for you?

Is there someone that irritates you or that you dislike? Perhaps even someone that you hate? Is there someone that you have not forgiven? Maybe someone that you cannot forgive? These are all massive weights that we burden our hearts with, scarring them. They are perversions to the perfect unconditional love we each have at our core.

These impurities drag our love down. In fact, they pull our love into common, conditional expressions. We will not be the first to apologize or the first to extend a hand because it is 'their fault' or 'they started it.' We will not be the first to forgive, because 'they do not deserve it.' 'I will not love him until he loves me, and if he stops loving me then I cannot love him.'

What a heaviness we can carry!!

Are there things in your past you wish you had done better? Or other things you’d like you had not done at all? Do you have a cupboard full of 'if- onlys' that haunt you? Do you think about your past or your current situation and have regrets? These are large, heavy anchors that we drag around with us. They stop us from gaining any traction in our spiritual evolution; they lessen our ability to grow and develop and above all, they dim our light.

Do you worry too much? Do you lie in bed worrying? Thinking about whether you have done the right thing, or paid your bills, or what you will do tomorrow and 'if only' this or that. All these are chains. Burdens.

Let them go – release them once and for good!

— You cannot control all the events of your life, but you can control your state of mind during them. It is your state of mind that determines your happiness, not the events of your life. You are the master of your happiness because you are the master of your state of mind - take control.

Our time is now at this moment. Our power is the infinite paradise within us. Our future is held within the realization of our highest and best way of being, anything that detracts from that are burdens…


Here is an inspiring and insightful passage in “Fresh Courage In Retirement: Finding Purpose, Essence, And Fulfillment” by Sharon Rolph


— Fresh Courage is what we have when we’ve taken a new view of life after a vacation or a wonderful trip or been with a dear friend. It comes with that contented, settled, clear-headed feeling. Our spirit wakes up in pleasure. We are able to make better decisions and call the shots that make us happy. Pay attention and honor what your heart desires. You may not realize why you desire what you do, but give it attention. Its message will come to you.

Being happy, loving life and finding joy, in my opinion, is nearly “Heaven on earth.” Using your natural talent, gifts and strengths are also often keys to your joy. You are enough. You are valued!

I love inspiring and encouraging people. I also lose track of time when I sew. Over the years, I’ve collected words of wisdom. So, when I started quilting, I realized I also loved working with color. At one of my temporary jobs in Texas at a JOANN Fabrics store, we were taught to ask people what project they were working on. Even now, as a customer, I still like asking people what they are working on. That’s when a postal letter carrier told me she made fabric postcards for various holidays for friends. That particular day was Halloween. A couple of weeks later, I realized how my words of wisdom, love of color and sewing could all come together to inspire others with postcard-size fabric art.

I really want you to be on a quest to realize what makes you happy. The first coaching book I read from our recommended reading list was The JOY Diet by Martha Beck. It made such an impact on me. In fact, I’ll go so far as to say it could transform you, too.

I was profoundly moved by the first chapter as it got me in touch with the wisdom I have inside. I take seriously the need to take care of myself first, before my clients. There are so many fun and delightful ways to feed the spirit and soul. What I learned is how serious a business it is to treat myself well every day and to honestly desire what I want.

One of the things deep in my heart is to be fully using all the gifts I’ve been given. I feel very responsible to use them for the purpose for which they were meant. You see, I don’t want to stand before God and have to admit that I buried any of them! I don’t want that for you, either.

Would you be willing to be curious about what your talents are and how they could be used to serve others? (We change, when our brain lights up!) When I realized that I could get paid to use my talents while living my joy in service to others, it seemed like Heaven on earth. Wow! Really? How IDEAL!

So, wouldn’t you rather decide to live from your heart, use your talent, and serve others, since you’re the boss now and it’s your time to shine? We’ve got untold years and decades yet to live. I wonder if it’s possible to find fulfillment and meaning along the way that make our heart sing? Time flies when we are having fun.

Time is marching on. Use it wisely. Refuse to become bored, confused or aimless. I’m here so you don’t spend two to five years to get focused or to find your new center. I’ve collected lots of possible resources for you to explore. Perhaps listening to some of the fifty-plus podcasts I made while you drive or walk will inspire possibilities, too. (One of my favorites is with Joyce Major, author of Smiling at the World, which I’ll tell you more about later.) The Internet puts a world of information at our fingertips. Explore.

This past year or two I’ve worked on loving and honoring myself more. As a single, never-married woman longing to be cherished and waiting, and waiting, this was BIG. It’s made such a difference! When I started reminding myself, “I’m doing the best I can,” it shut up the critical or judging voice in my head! Whew! Stop judging or comparing yourself so much! You could do this too, couldn’t you?

Self-care is often a low priority, but it certainly matters. Just buying a rose or small bouquet helps me be more in love with life. I’m getting better at decluttering and am surprised at the impact it has on my sense of me, too. It’s another method of self-love….


These are some inspiring and insightful passages in “The Mysteries of Healing: Dialogues with Doctors and Scientists” by Gayle Kimball


— Many of our scientific beliefs are limited in that they can’t account for the evidence that consciousness exists beyond the brain. The dominant materialist paradigm denies the power of spirit, the miracles of mind and feelings over matter, unconscious access to information, and the possibility of other dimensions beyond what our physical senses tell us—including life after death. The dominant worldview is like the Flatland novel published in 1884 about a two-dimensional world. When the hero first discovers a three-dimensional place, he is only able to see a flat circle. When he sees more and reports back on his discovery, he’s persecuted. It’s also like the story of the Emperor’s New Clothes where the crowd applauds the lie that the naked emperor is wearing beautiful new robes until a small boy has the courage to speak the truth. The dominant worldview often ridicules those with the vision to see other dimensions beyond Flatland, while visionary scientists see the denial of anything but the physical as dogma that ignores extensive research and inhibits our access to subtle information.

Reality is not what we think it is—that’s what I learned from visionary scientists. Common sense erroneously tells us that we live in a solid material world, that atoms are like billiard balls is all false. As physicist Max Planck said in 1931, “I have spent my entire life studying atoms and molecules and I’m here to tell you that they don’t exist.” He explained in his book The New Science that there is no matter as such because atoms vibrate and are held together by a force that indicates a “conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter,” thus, matter is derived from consciousness. The materialist belief is that all information comes from the physical senses via the brain although many people experience ESP, telepathy, a precognitive dream or intuition, awareness of being stared at, or a dramatic near-death experience (NDE) that reveals other dimensions, as it did for neurosurgeon Eben Alexander.* Animals also have these abilities, as evidenced in Rupert Sheldrake’s research on dogs that are aware of when their person will come home, even at an unexpected time.

The materialist model of science has, of course, produced a great deal, as evidenced in technologies that can send a person to in learning very much about our physical surroundings. Over 95% of the universe is invisible dark matter and dark energy that repels gravity.3 These mysterious forces have been measured and their effects described but not understood. Various theories try to made of atoms comprises less than 5% of the universe. One interpretation of quantum physics predicts multi-universes beyond the known universe that remain a mystery to us.4

Neither do we know much about the earth under our feet, revealed by Robert Macfarlane in The Hidden Depths of the Underland Fabulous Fungi. The mycelium that rises to the sur- face as mushrooms are intelligent in that they solve problems, just as slime mold does. The “secret lives” of trees and how they communicate is revealed by biologist Monica Gagliano in Thus Spoke the Plant. The classic Secret Lives of Plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird also reveals mysteries around us.

Similarly, genes with a known coding function make up only about 1.5% of our DNA structure, while the non-coding genes are called “junk” and dismissed as useless.5 In regards to their function, computational biologist Ewan Birney said, “It’s slightly depressing as in understanding these things is having a list of things that one has to understand, and that’s what we’ve got here.” Biologists are learning — but changes in response to our emotions and our environment. William Bengston* concludes, “I can tell you there is nothing more liberating than realizing everything you think is true is wrong.”

The visionary scientists are intuitive types rather than sensing personality types on the Keirsey and Bates scale (available online to compare your scores with the scientists.)10 Only two men scored sensing rather than intuitive. They’re more extroverted than the Feeling, and very close but slightly more Judging, called “Idealist Teachers or Champions.” Some are interested in the Enneagram as to tool for self-understanding, like Charles Tart* and Judith Swack.* (More about their typologies is on the book website.)

Some readers wondered why I included astrological types in a book about science: Their most common signs are Sagittarius (10), Aquarius, and Libra (both 8). One reason is astrology is a shorthand curious how they’d respond to a controversial topic. I’ve found me by its position in the constellation Aries the ram in my 10th house of occupation, indicating I’ve focused on work. The visionary scientists enjoy their research and get grounded by being in nature. An unusual number are also musicians or singers. “Curious” is the most common word they use to describe their drive to understand reality on a deep level and they like being on the cutting edge of discovery.


These are some inspiring and insightful passages in “Calm Parents and Children: A Guidebook” by Gayle Kimball


— “It's not the load that breaks you down, It's the way you carry it.”  Lena Horne

— “I want to be improbable, beautiful, and afraid of nothing, as though I had wings.”  Mary Oliver


We live in challenging and stressful times with the pace of change speeding up in the increasingly globalized world. This section addresses how we can raise centered children with calm parents who know how to manage stress. Eva Detko, Ph.D. created an Emotional Toxicity Questionnaire to check out your state of mind.  A stress test identifies the most difficult life changes, with the death of a spouse and divorce at the top of the list.  The Greater Good Science Center offers a stress and anxiety quiz, along with many other self-studies such as describing your happiness level or your social capital.

Our brain changes according to our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, which can be measured in changing brain waves, such as gamma waves are associated with being relaxed and happy while highly alert. Therefore, “what we focus on matters” as we create new neuronal pathways.  This is not new knowledge: Proverbs 23:7 stated, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he,” and the Buddha said, “The mind is everything. What we think, we become.”

A simple technique is when an unhealthy craving or habit surfaces, focus on something else like counting backward and tapping on the forehead. You might keep a diary to track your triggers to be aware of what situations to avoid or change.

Stress overload underlies the large majority of health problems, according to Laurel Mellin, Ph.D. author of What’s My Number? and other books. She reports that our stress level can impact others around us and underlies up to 90% of health problems.  She advocates treating stress overload by learning how to rewire the brain by activating emotions, rather than with cognitive changes or treating symptoms with medications. She finds that positive thinking and cognitive restructuring don’t erase the problematic brain circuits but activating emotions and clearing them does the job. Hence her method is called Emotional Brain Training--research about EBT is available online.

Dr. Mellin explains that since our emotions are “psychobiological,”  the key to coping with stressors is to train the brain’s neuronal circuits. She explains that when the brain receives a stimulus it responds with either the stress-resilient or stress-reactive circuits, depending on which is the most imprinted by habits that usually began in childhood. The reactive circuit triggers emotions that can inhibit the brain’s rational processes so that we over-eat or over-drink, get anxious and depressed and so on. New habits can change the brain so that the resilient mode kicks in instead of the emotionally-reactive mode.

Dr. Mellin explains the clearing process according to five different levels of stress with five tools to feel joy--associated with dopamine and endorphins--in her book What’s My Number? She suggests starting your day with the statement “I am creating joy in my life.”

Scientist Candace Pert, Ph.D. also advocates clearing emotions in The Molecules of Emotion, but using meditation to counter ongoing stress that impacts our physiology in this manner:

. . . the largely autonomic processes that are regulated by peptide flow, such as breathing, immunity, digestion, and elimination, collapse down to a few simple feedback loops and upset the normal healing response. Meditation, by allowing long-buried thoughts and feelings to surface, is a way of getting the peptides flowing again, returning the body, and the emotions, to health.

Meditation rewires the brain. A Harvard study of beginner participants in an eight-week meditation course found changes in their brains, as with more emotional control of the amygdala.   Focused attention shrinks the amygdala which is responsible for processing sadness, anxiety, and negative emotions and can overact. Scientists discovered that regular meditation increases tissue mass and density in the area of the prefrontal cortex that controls impulses and maintains attention, and increases thickness in the regions of the brain responsible for body awareness and stress management.         

Q: How do we raise resilient children rather than fragile anxious ones?

A: Educators teach resilience skills (such as at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence), the study of how to not be defeated by challenges, but rather to adapt to them and use them to grow stronger. Harvard professor of psychiatry Robert Brooks explained in The Power of Resilience, “Resilient people are like trees bending in the wind. They bounce back.”  They get support from and help other people, they think of the glass as half full rather than half empty, they’re spiritual, they’re playful, and they take good care of themselves….


These are some inspiring and insightful passages in “Climate Girls Saving Our World: 54 Activists SpeakOut” by Gayle Kimball


 — Our most urgent problem is the complex of the climate crisis, global warming, pollution, and environmental destruction. Everyone is impacted and must take action in the decade ahead or tipping points become irreversible, such as the thawing of Arctic permafrost and the Antarctic ice sheet, extinction of many species, and the loss of rainforests and coral reefs. Once reached, there will be no hope of remediation.4 We must reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions (GGEs) by 2050, which means cutting them in half by 2030. Humans, in our Anthropocene Epoch, have caused rapid warming in contrast to the previous Holocene Epoch where temperature didn’t vary more than a degree for over 12,000 years.

— Climate girls are fierce because they fear for our future and are furious at greedy adults for destroying our environment, as Severn Suzuki warned in 1992. Since then, warming, and pollution keep on increasing, inciting Greta Thunberg to make similar warnings in 2018. Sadly, climate organizations led by the UN haven’t taken real action, even going backward when President Trump withdrew the US from the Paris Agreement of 2015. No other creatures destroy their ecosystem like homo sapiens, causing young activists to lose respect for adults in power.

Girls lead the current climate movement, the large majority of the activists in every youth-led climate group I’ve discovered. They explain that they are caring, have more affinity with nature, and are less afraid of peer pressure than teenage boys. Many think of themselves as out of the norm so they have less to lose than popular students by standing out. The large majority of the 54 activists we’ve heard from are only or first-born children, used to leading. Many of them are from privileged backgrounds, able to attend private schools, travel to conferences, and skip school to strike. They stand on the legacy of the global women’s movement, all but two strongly identifying as feminists and many reject the concept of binary gender. Determined not to give up hope, they predict they will be changemakers.

The activists view the current focus on individual actions like recycling as a smokescreen to obscure the need for action to stop the 100 companies that produce 71% of the global greenhouse gas emissions. Activists fault the capitalist system for rewarding the polluters, as with government tax reductions or building coal plants. They demand that governments recognize the climate emergency and implement plans to overhaul the capitalist system with its emphasis on extraction, moving to a regenerative circular economy. This radical transformation includes making traditional masculinity a dinosaur, as well as creating a circular economy. They aim to make their own groups non-hierarchical but report it can be problematic when some people have more time to give to organizing than others and discrimination still exists in the movement.

Since we have only a few years before global warming reaches tipping points that can’t be repaired, we can’t wait for Gen Z to assume positions of power. Therefore, youth activists emphasize “electorialism,” voting in progressive politicians now, although many of them aren’t old enough to vote. The European Union seems most committed to implementing a Green Deal, along with Nordic countries, and municipalist cities like Barcelona, Vancouver, and Preston (UK) lead the way.

— The activists and I both edited the transcript of the Skype video interviews, which are available to view on my YouTube channel. It includes their social media links, mainly Twitter and Instagram, to stay current with their work. I learned to respect Gen Z highly although they’re accused of being apathetic, which gives hope, plus became more conscious of my contributions to climate change...


Here are some insightful passages in “From Fatigued to Fantastic! Fourth Edition: A Clinically Proven Program to Regain Vibrant Health and Overcome Chronic Fatigue” by Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D.


— The keys for optimizing energy production can be summarized with the acronym SHINE:

1- Sleep

2- Hormones

3- Infections

4- Nutrition

5- Exercise as able

One of the most effective ways to improve energy, mental clarity, and immune function while decreasing pain and weight gain is to simply get your eight hours of sleep a night.

2. Begin by making time for sleep. Do this by cutting out things that don't feel good.

3. Create a restful bedtime routine.

4. If your mind is wide awake and racing at bedtime, consider phosphatidylserine, a natural phospholipid (100 to 200 milligrams), or an herbal mix called Sleep Tonight taken an hour before bedtime.

5. Wake frequently in the middle of the night? This suggests low blood sugar. Have a high-protein snack (1 to 2 ounces) before bedtime. A hard-boiled egg works well

6. Take a mix of six herbs called the Revitalizing Sleep Formula. You can also add a mix of four essential oils called Terrific Zzzz. If using melatonin, use the Dual Spectrum Melatonin 5 Mg by Nature's Bounty. All three of these can be used together.

7. Anyone who has high blood pressure, snores, falls asleep easily during the day (especially while driving), has a shirt collar size of 17 inches or larger, or is overweight should consider getting tested for sleep apnea.

8. If you tend to scatter your sheets and blankets, and especially if you tend to kick your bed partner or if you note that your legs tend to feel jumpy and uncomfortable at rest at night, you may have restless leg syndrome (RLS).

9. Most people with CFS/FMS will need to add medications as well. These are discussed in Chapter 13, "Sleep Intensive Care."

One of the most effective ways to improve energy and mental clarity is to simply get your eight hours of sleep a night. But is it really that simple? Like so many other things in life, the answer is yes . . . and no. Let's put things into perspective.

Until 140 years ago, when lightbulbs were invented, the average night's sleep in the United States was nine hours a night. Average. That means as many people got ten hours a night as eight. Going back further in time, to most of human history, anthropologists tell us that the average night's sleep was eleven hours. Most nights, when the sun went down it was too dark, boring, and dangerous to be outside. So people went to sleep. Then they woke up with the sunrise, an average of eleven hours later. Now we are down to an average of about six and three-quarters hours of sleep a night, compliments of lightbulbs, radio, TV, the interne, social media, and so on. This means the average person has lost 30 percent of their sleep in the last century.

In addition to simply not having time to get your eight hours of sleep a night, you may also find that the stress of modern life is causing insomnia. In this chapter, I will teach you how to treat day-to-day insomnia with natural therapies and sleep hygiene. In Chapter 13, "Sleep Intensive Care," we will discuss sleep medications for those with CFS and FMS.

Beyond giving us energy, sleep has a number of critical functions. For example, sleep:

• Is when tissue repair occurs, which is why poor sleep causes pain.

• Is also critical for proper growth hormone production. Growth hormone has also been called the "fountain of youth hormone" and is associated with looking young as well as increasing muscle and decreasing fat.

• Has been shown to be critical for immune function.

• Is important for weight regulation because appetite-suppressing hormones such as leptin are produced during sleep. Studies have shown that poor sleep was associated with an average six-pound weight gain. In a study of 68,183 women, followed over sixteen years, those sleeping five or fewer hours per night had a 32 percent increased risk of gaining thirty-three pounds relative to those who slept seven hours per night.

So, it pays to make time for your eight hours of shut-eye. Not only will you have more energy and less pain, but you'll lose weight and look younger as well.


Here are some inspiring and insightful passages in “The Magnificent Soul: The Art of Living in a World Founded on Consciousness” by George Chyz


— I’ve heard some people claim that everything is love. 

If love was ever-present and the basis of everything, then why don’t we have a world of abundant peace and prosperity today? Could a world made of love result in widespread competition? 

In 2019, there where 436 mass shootings in the USA. That’s more than one per day! Just forty years ago, these hatred-fueled crimes began taking place more often than once a year. While some people are opening to love, most people seem to be focused on power. 

Although love may not be the foundation of reality, my Soul and the experiences it guided me through have convinced me love is the most precious treasure that has been discovered since the beginning of time. To enable open-hearted people to explore love to its fullness, the Age of Love will emerge in way that honors everyone. 

Gratefully, love dissolves the self-serving lust for power that has accompanied individuality. It draws people together with desires to support one another in spite of the convincing illusion of separation and individuality. If you’re a Romantic who is opening to love and learning about it presently, as I am, you may have noticed how the power of love instills open-hearted people with desires to give generously. Additionally, you may have discovered how the power of love seems inexhaustible and wonderfully beneficial for all of life, as it encourages synergy amongst everything and everyone. 

Eventually, at the end of the Age of Love, when love has fully blossomed, little humans will have discovered much more about love.  Those revelations will most likely inspire the next adventure, the one that will commence after the end of time.

— Gratitude and love both come from the Superconscious-Soul that resides in the heart. Both are forms of intuition. Our Souls are Trees of Life that bear the fruit of love. This fruit contains a precious seed that is gratitude. Planting these seeds of gratitude causes love to grow in your heart and the hearts of whomever you bless with appreciation.  To plant a seed of gratitude, all you need to do is express the feeling of appreciation whenever it is offered from your heart. All seeds are truly magical, and the seeds of love are gratitude. These magic seeds spoil quickly if they aren’t planted. That being the case, one of the most important things that you can do is to simply say “thank you” every time you feel the slightest sense of appreciation. 

Even if someone tried to fake following the Way-of-the-Heart path, their Soul would be fully aware of that person’s intentions, simply because a person’s Soul knows all of their thoughts. 

In regard to the benefits, many people have thanked me for sharing this book’s message and told me that early versions improved their connection to their Soul and enhanced their lives. 

So, it seems that the time has come to put all the cards on the table and see where the chips fall. 

If you have intuition, your Superconscious-Soul has all the happiness, love, knowledge and miraculous powers you’ll ever need. 

If you’re a Pragmatic and you want to explore the intuitive Romantic path, try using the decalcification method offered at the end of Chapter 19. 

Regardless of who you are or what you believe, a magnificent consciousness resides in your heart. Some have named this inner divine consciousness the ‘Aumakua, others the Holy Spirit, the Tao, the Atman, etc. I chose to label this divine guardian the Superconscious Soul. Regardless of the name, you may prefer to use, if you are drawn to look within, I hope what has been shared in this book helps you deepen your relationship with this magnificent part of yourself.


Here are some inspiring and insightful passages in “Experiencing The Shift - Book One: A New Way Of Thinking Seeing And Being” by Bonnie Barness


— “You now know that your feelings are directly related to what you think. You know too if you want to feel the joy and peace that is always within, it is necessary to take a look at your thoughts in order to see which ones lead to feelings of unworthiness, shame, and guilt, and which ones lead to feelings of joy and happiness.”

“As human beings, though we do not have any control over what thoughts come up in our mind, we do have the ability to choose which ones we will focus on and listen to. We also have the ability to choose which ones we will act upon.”

“Beliefs are thoughts that are charged with intense emotion. You discovered, while under the laurel tree, how many of your beliefs were created. Your past actions were based on these beliefs, though you may not have been aware of it at the time.”

“The life that you have was created by the thoughts and beliefs you chose to act upon. If you want to feel a greater sense of well-being and to create change in your life, change some of your thoughts.” 

“Most people are not aware that they have this ability. Their thoughts arise, and then they react. You do have the ability to choose which thoughts you will focus your attention on, and which you will not. This choice, in turn, determines to a great degree how you will feel and the quality of your life.”

“Every decision that you have made in your life, and that you are making right now, is based on your thoughts and feelings. In the past, if you were not aware of what you were thinking, your actions were not completely in your control. The greater your awareness of your inner world, the greater your ability to create the life that you desire.”

“I believe that we come into this world as a beautiful Soul and that through the choices we make, we create who we become in the world. The choices we have made in the past have created much of what our lives are right now. These choices were based largely on our thoughts and feelings. The choices we make today and in the days to come will also be made based on what we think and feel now and in the future.”

“The peace that you seek is within you at all times. It is what you feel when you are connected with your soul, your True Self. Awaken to this Truth. No matter what is happening around you, you have the ability to stay connected. Choose your thoughts wisely. Let your thoughts and actions reflect your True Self. Actualize your True Self in the world. It is your purpose. It is your destiny.”


Here is an insightful passage in “The Illuminated Brand” by David Corbin


— “…I have no reason to believe that we won’t be able to deal with whatever we are confronted with. We are doctors and nurses. That’s what we do. We deal with whatever we are faced with when it walks through the door—but we don’t strain our existing resources because something just might come through the door.”

That was precisely what he told his brother-in-law, Kevin. Kevin was a paramedic, and as a first responder, he understood emergency medicine. Over the years, the two men had had many discussions about the changes and expectations in providing emergency care and for the most part, they were in agreement on the issues. They had no control over how many patients they would serve in a day. They were faced with triaging, diagnosing and treating patients at a rapid pace—often in life-and-death situations. On top of that, they dealt with anxious and upset family members and from time to time, had to deal with individuals who could place themselves or their coworkers in life- threatening situations.

But it was precisely that—the unknowns, the ever-changing routine, people, and situations—that got their adrenaline flowing. It was a rush and, in part, was what made them love their jobs and kept them dedicated to coming back to it every day, regardless of what that day might entail.

So maybe it was natural that something like a pandemic didn’t scare Dr. Hicks. The unknown and risks were part of his daily life, maybe even in his DNA. It was why he’d chosen his specialty, and why he was so darn good at it.

Greg’s leadership and abilities were highly respected across the hospital. He did his job, and he did it well. No one could or would argue that. However, Greg’s reluctance to face this potential crisis was a concern, not only for Vivian and Phil, but also for some of the technicians and nurses who worked side by side with him in the ED. Greg wasn’t scared of a virus—he’d dealt with them throughout his entire career. But not everyone felt the same. They were quite frightened for what the future might hold, but their fear was silenced by their reluctance to meet with their supervisor’s disproval and disappointment. Greg was the departmental rapport leader, dominated the culture and, well, they just didn’t want to rattle his cage.

The highly esteemed emergency department director wouldn’t face the fact that there could be potential issues down the road. He had absolutely no idea that his staff felt vulnerable and frightened. Even worse, he had no idea that he was at risk of committing involuntary brandslaughter in the highest degree. Until these things were brought to light, Dr. Hicks would remain in the dark….


An inspiring and insightful passage in “Life Gave Me Lemons, and I Made Champagne!.” by Aisha Shael.


—  Abuse is trans-generational. Where and how does it start? Is it passed on genetically or is it learned behavior? It is easy to see how it can be passed on genetically. Everything is energy: our spirit, our mind, our body (which appears solid), and our thoughts….all energy. Procreation is the conflation of two energy systems (parents) to form a third system (child). If one or both parents have been abused and/or are abusive, that energy—which is vibratory thought- form—becomes a part of the child’s DNA. Per Wikipedia, DNA is: “nucleic acid containing the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms”.

From this standpoint, we could say the genetic code for abuse is inherited; the child carries the predisposition to become a perpetrator or a victim—or both. It is also easy to see how it can be passed on as a learned behavior. Children absorb information from their environment; they watch, listen, assimilate, and then express what they have learned. When physically harmed by an adult, a child forms a belief that big people (particularly parents) spank/strike/hurt little people and the example is filed away in the back of the mind for future reference. Mental, emotional, and spiritual abuse are processed the same way—the child ascertains that abusive interface is expected and accepted. What is likely to happen when the child matures, becomes a parent, and judges his/her own child’s behaviors as unacceptable? Repetition of the example—unless the adult is making very conscious choices and making a sincere effort to change the old familiar patterns.

My assessment is that the energy of abuse moves from one generation into the next through both conduits: genetic and behavioral. Some of us have received both the encoding and the behavioral example, yet we don’t mistreat our own children the way we were mistreated. How can we account for that? If we have the propensity, what stops us from acting on it? According to Activist/Author James O’Dea, “Each generation is given wounds to heal from the past.” (“Cultivating Peace: Becoming a 21st Century Peace Ambassador”, 2012).

So, perchance, in addition to the propensity to abuse and/or to be abused, our DNA also carries additional, overriding vibrations: those of peace, healing, and the will to live differently. Could it be that we were brave enough to turn the tide because it was Divine purpose to transfigure the energetic pattern, causing that encoded energy to disintegrate….that is, dis-integrate? Could it be that our lives, individually and collectively, are far more purposeful than we perceive from our human vantage point? Far more powerful than our human mind will allow us to believe? Are we, indeed, participating in an evolution authored by Infinite Intelligence? Do we honor that by aligning with peace and love, with the intention for the greater good of all?


An inspiring and insightful passages in “Helping Effortlessly: A Book of Inspiration and Healing” by Jenn Bruer.


— Do you ever listen in on your thoughts and notice a trend?

The idea behind listening in on yourself without judgment has been truly miraculous for me. It has allowed me to really separate from my thoughts. Achieving autonomy over thoughts is an incredible feeling. Separating from my thoughts has shown I am not my thoughts. And you are not your thoughts. Thoughts are powerful and important, yes, but for the most part we haven’t truly exerted our control over them. We live under the false assumption that our thoughts just happen and that we have no control over them. But once we control our thoughts, we can eventually control our feelings.

When you hear your thoughts, and identify them as negative, stop and observe. Notice that when you become an observer of your thoughts, you begin to sense there are two of you. That other person is your ego. The ego isn’t a bad thing; we all have one. We want to love our ego and acknowledge that it was meant to keep us safe. Our ego is the shallow part of us and we learn to live happily alongside it. Don’t be alarmed if, when you first listen in on your thoughts, you notice trends you didn’t even know existed. (Like the time I realized I was overusing the word “infestation,” usually in reference to rodents living in my back-yard deck, or harmless household spiders.)

The person observing your ego is the real you, the true you, the one without the need for all the social structures. That’s the you that never needs to succeed a day to know your worth because, success is not something the real you needs to know, ever. That observer in you is the tallest mountain, the clearest diamond, the rarest gem that resides deep within you, me and all of us. That is where your truth resides. When someone held you as a newborn, this incredibleness was all that you were because you were free from ego. Even then, you helped because when someone holds a newborn baby they are helped by pureness, by the pure gift of love. This is the person I want to help you get to know.

The practice of gratitude is one way to begin to know the real person. As you observe your thoughts, try to reframe the negative ones into positive ones, by being compassionate instead of loathing yourself. Consider, for example, these statements that I have heard repeated in so many variations over the years: “How can I call myself a social worker?” or “When was the last time I helped anyone?” or “Aren’t we just making things worse?” It is within our control to actively search for a better feeling-thought such as: “I enjoy going into the office each day and seeing Charles, he is so funny and such a friendly, loving person,” or “I am so grateful to have a job, some people can’t find a job.”

This is about identifying truths that are more positive and feel better than the negative things that may also be true. We can all agree that there are things in our lives that could be better or, let’s face it, that completely suck. This isn’t about me trying to convince you that your life is butterflies and unicorns, this is about turning your awareness onto the things that don’t suck and away from the things that do.