
 You and I are just not the same;

You are so wild and I am all tame.

You are so tall and I show up short.

You like the game shows, I just like sports.


You like all meats and I eat just greens.

You read great books and I like to dream.

Your hair is wavy, straight is what’s mine;

Your best number is 6 and for me it’s a nine.


You like to run and you love to race,

I like to walk at a much slower pace.

Your music is Bach and mine is the Boss,

Your pasta has butter, I like mine with a sauce.


You eyes are deep blue; mine are all brown.

You like the city, I love the small town.

You are so strong, from time at the gym.

I take long walks, that’s how I stay trim.


You love the summer, the heat and the breeze.

I love the fall with the bright-colored leaves.

You love to eat and I love to cook.

You would never, ever, be found with a book.


You speak a language that rolls all your r’s

I could spend days just dreaming of cars.

Your skin is dark, mine is much lighter;

You are a lover and I am a fighter.

You go to college and I work at night.

You like movies that bring on some fright.

You like to earn money, I like to invent.

Hotels are for you, but for me it’s a tent.

Fancy is your choice, mine is just plain.

You like the sun, but give me the rain.


I see all these things that make you not me.

So different we are, there just can not be

One thing that unites us, one thing for us all –

One thing that never makes us feel small.


But wait! I see it. It is really bright.

That one thing, that something, that makes us unite.

The more that I watch, pay attention and see,

You are actually more, not less, just like me.


We’ve been taught to see differences, to make us all hate,

To see what is wrong, and not see what is great.

But inside our outsides, we’re really alike.

We want the same things; we want a great life.


The one thing that we, really do share –

A need to be loved and a need for great care.

To feel valued and important, to live and let be,

To move through this life and live really free.


See, life makes us different so we each have our place.

Differences help us find our own space.

Differences should never make us act greater

Than anyone else – don’t be a big hater.


Look past the differences that let us be us.

Look past the things that create all the fuss.

Look past the height and look past the weight.

Look past the skin, the hair and those traits.


Look past where they’re from, what language they speak

Look past their habits and if they’re a geek.

Look past their jobs, their careers and their work.

Look past their hobbies, their interests and quirks.

Look past their religion and what they believe.

Look past their competitive need to achieve.


Look instead, in each other, to see what is great.

The kind heart, the love - see these kinds of traits.

Look for their passion, their joy and delight;

Look for their spirit, their inner great light.

See that down deep they are really like you.

Trying to be honest and loving and true.


See me as different, then see me the same;

Get past my outside and see my true flame.

I’m different about things that create all the chatter.

But I am just like you for the things that do matter.

I’m human like you and one wish to define,

A life that is happy and loving for all time.

This article was written by Jay Forte

Click HERE to Learn more about Jay’s work.