
Humans have their own uniqueness and genetic makeup so to lose weight isn’t one size fit all. Explore the inner workings of your mind to find your true authentic self in order to lose the weight you want.

It takes a certain amount of focus and determination to lose weight, so your mental attitude and self-confidence is imperative in finding your unique style of fitness.

Fasting and Spirituality will provide you with the consistency, determination, and the foundation you need to lose weight

·      We need to feel that we were born for a reason.

·      We want to feel value, a sense of importance.

·      We want to live a life full of meaning and fulfillment with a sense of personal power.

·      We have a need for success.

·      And, we need to love.

Therapy of Thought helps one lose weight because the man or woman who is successful is thinking creatively, intuitively and above all optimistically.

In order to think creatively, intuitively, and optimistically, we need passion, energy, emotion, and focus.

Affirmations are a powerful way to establish a new guided attention for your life. Positive words and phrases will be absorbed in your subconscious mind when you read them daily. Your thoughts will become your reality.

I AM – I Love and Accept my body the way it is and work to make it better

I AM – Wonderful. I AM Brilliant. I have the Power to realize my goal

I AM – Strong! I Create My Reality. Power is in my Thoughts

I AM – The Master of My Life

I AM – Excited about the person I am about to become

I AM – Getting healthier and healthier

I AM – Pain free and my body is full of energy. I Love Myself

I AM – A unique person. I approve of myself

I AM – I Love Myself the way I AM

I AM – My Unique Style of Fit because I am Healthy and Happy

I AM – Free to Create my own Style of Fitness

I AM – Successful in All Areas of my life

I AM – Creative with Self- Empowerment because I radiate good health


By Dr. Audrey Pullman


Please call (703-400-7321) or email (audreypullman@gmail.com) for individual, couple, or group workshop sessions.




It didn’t come

swiftly, and certainly not expediently.


It didn’t come

racing in as if it were trying to beat the clock.


It didn’t come

in a reckless manner,

wildly demanding space for a home here.


At times, it peppered my days,

my life, though with never enough

substance, clout, or influence to sustain.


At times, it came

in waves, pensive,   with hesitation

as if it was suspicious of this container’s,

this body’s capacity to hold its’ value.


But one day, it came


to liberate.


It came with a grace

that was almost



It announced boldly


“I am JOY, and I will live HERE.”


Written by Mary Tinucci



Coping with any loss may be one of the hardest challenges we face in life.  It is a fact of life whether we admit or not.  Let us be honest it scares us. When we lose a spouse, sibling, parent, friend, a favorite item, a house or anything that you think is of a value, that grief can be particularly intense.  Loss is understood as a natural part of life, but we can still be overcome by shock, confusion, anxiety and fear, leading to prolonged periods of sadness, the blues or gray days, loss of interests, irritability, withdrawal The sadness typically diminishes in intensity as time passes, but grieving is an important process in order to overcome the feelings and emotions so to embrace the time you had with your loved one.

Everyone reacts to loss differently and employs various personal coping skills for grief and loss. An example is: Henry, a close friend of my father’s. I met him when my father asked for help with a memorial. It was for Henry’s Rose who had passed away from metastasized cancer. My Father was a Chaplain, Henry ask him to do the memorial.  Well Henry always felt depressed, from the loss of his wife. So he change from reading daily to her, to reading to the resident of the care center daily and he continued that until he passed away himself. When we talked together at my dd’s home, he told me that going up to the center, help him living and close to his wife. Yes, he was lonely, yet this made his life have meaning and he felt it honored his wife’s love and memory. Did he grieve, yes daily. Thought it also gave him strength.     

People and families do recover from loss in their own way through the passage of time when they have positive social/family/employments supports and healthy habits. It can take months or years to accept a/the loss. There is no “normal” time period for someone to grieve or to feel the sense of loss. Don’t expect to just pass through any phases of grief or in a linear way. Many people can be all over the map. It is ok it is normal. It will take some time and thought before you are able to look back on the and loss.

Human beings are naturally resilient, we have the capability to endure what we do not believe we can.   People do continue on with our own lives yet there are some that hold on so tight and choose not to heal and grow. There are some people that struggle so much with grief and loss for long periods of time and feel unable to carry out their daily activities. People that suffer severe grief and loss or complicated grief could benefit from further intervention from family, co-workers, peers, or a professional counselor and grief support groups.  We all need support and assistance through this time. It is a fact that we cannot do it alone.

Moving On With Life

Many have talked about ”Mourning”, some cultures have specific times for “Mourning” because it is understood that people do better when they can move on even with having feeling of the grief and loss.  During this time there can also be a renewed sense of meaning to life that offers purpose and direction to life.

Grieving individuals may find it helpful to use some of the following strategies to help them process and come to terms with loss. The following is an incomplete list of ways to care for yourself when you have Grief and loss. It is not an exhaustive list and not everyone will experience grief and loss in the same way.       

1)  Talk about the death of your loved one with friends or colleagues in order to help you understand what happened and remember your friend or family member.

2)  Avoidance can lead to isolation and will disrupt the healing process with your support systems.

3)  Accept your feelings. You may experience a wide range of emotions from sadness, anger or even exhaustion.

4)  All of these feelings are normal and it’s important to recognize when you are feeling this way.

5)  If you feel stuck or overwhelmed by these emotions, ask for help a friend, a coworker, use the Employee Assistance Program at work (confidential) a community support group.

6)  Take care of yourself and your family. Eating healthy foods, exercising and getting plenty of sleep can help your physical and emotional health. The grieving process can take a toll on one’s Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual self and life.

7) Make sure you check in with your loved ones and that they are taking the necessary healthy steps to maintain their health.

8)  Reach out and help others dealing with the loss.

9)  Spending time with loved ones they can be great support and you may be a good support for them. You can be good support for each other together.  Whether it’s sharing stories or listening to your loved one’s favorite music, these small efforts can make a big difference to some.

10) Helping others can the added benefit of making you feel better as well. Remember and celebrate the lives of your loved ones.

11)  Anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, or other events can be a difficult time for everyone, though it can also be a time for remembrance and honoring them.

12)  Things that you can are: collect donations to a favorite charity in the family name, plant a tree or a community garden, donate a park bench, in another word when you are ready to celebrate life.

13)  What you choose is up to you, as long it allows you to honor life and others that feel right to you. When the timing is right for you.


Grief and loss is a fact of life, I will not say it is not. It is painful, yet there is Healing, Growth and Recovery when you allow yourself to feel, have emotions, and feel those emotions, by taking care of yourself and your life.   

Written by Marc Baisden




When you stand by and follow your word (not promises) you build Integrity, creditability, and more important BELIEVABILITY.

Remember that your word (s) and action(s)/inaction(s), have:

1) Power- A) Internal B) External

2) Influence- A) Internal B) External

What you do or do not do/ say or do not say not only affects you, yet also the people, places and things around you. Even what you don’t see. It is the ripple effect.



Everything is not about you. It is more than likely about the way you are acting, or something another person is trying to project onto you.

People react or respond to your behavior, not who you as a person.

When you take things personally you assume responsibility that is not yours. “Your Heart Is known by the path you walk.”



Making assumptions set’s yourself and others up for conflict and chaos. This is no different than an expectation.

Assumptions are nothing more that faulty perception and beliefs. That you generally act on and create conflict and chaos.




Your best is first for yourself not others, they are the honored recipients of you doing your best.

Your best will change from situation to situation, as you  learn from each experience,

Your best will change over time.

By doing your best you do not give power or control of yourself to others.




Don’t believe yourself or others until you have listened. Most of our knowledge is based on faulty information, beliefs, and or perceptions. Question yourself, ask for more information. Even the decision you made has a little doubt (what is called second-guessing).

Reasonable doubt used in our Courts is a good way to be skeptical without closing off others or being rude.

Do not just listen to the words, but listen to the intent behind the words. Do the actions or behavior match the words and situations?

All information has a kernel of truth and insight, yet from there, anything can happen to it.


“Life (external) only intrudes, as long as we allow it”.

~ Eugene Cummunings

Written by Marc Baisden

Common Workplace Diseases - Are You At Risk?


My first experience with workplace diseases came in my teens. I landed a job in an office staffed mostly by workers approaching retirement age, and I was told that one person wasn’t in very much anymore because of a workplace disease that made typing painful. I was astounded. Apparently, you could develop a “disease” simply by sitting at a desk and using a laptop. Everybody really is facing a behind the scenes battle that isn’t always obvious. This made me think about the other types of work-related diseases out there. I’d also heard about asbestos in the workplace, and I began to ask related questions like white lung cancer, what is it? Let’s take a look at what else I found out.


Occupational hearing loss

This type of workplace injury is the most common workplace injury reported in the United States. Any workplace can leave workers susceptible to hearing loss where the noise level exceeds 70 dB. This can include workers employed in busy restaurants or bars, factory workers, flight crew, and staff working in the entertainment industry. Noises above 120 dB can cause instant issues with hearing. Always wear the appropriate protection to protect your ears from prolonged exposure to heightened noise levels.


Allergies - irritant dermatitis

Occupational skin disease is the second most reported type of work-related injury in the workplace throughout the USA. Symptoms range from hives on the skin soon after contact with an irritant to much more serious complaints involving contact with harmful chemicals. Workers involved in the cleaning industry are generally at a higher risk, as well as workers involved in the use of pesticides in the workplace. Always wear - or request - the proper personal protective equipment required to carry out tasks safely. 


Lower-back disorders

This one is huge - almost one third of all non-fatal workplace injuries (resulting in days away from work) in the United States are linked to lower back issues. Whilst many people are affected due to poor posture whilst seated at a desk in an office (essentially seated in a stress position), there is also an issue with a lack of mechanical lifting devices in workplaces where heavy lifting is common. Workers also need to be aware that they should speak to their line manager where the guidelines - in terms of time - for the use of lifting devices do not reflect the amount of time required to complete the task.


Written by Julia Evans

5 Simple Lifestyle Changes You Can Make For a Happier You


Many of us start off every new year with grand promises—whether it's to live a little healthier, or to learn a new skill. Sadly, not everybody successfully follows through as the days go by—but it’s not because these resolutions are impossible to achieve. Rather, a guide on A Life of Productivity notes that the best way to achieve your goals is to start small. While it sounds a bit counterproductive, you aren't actually downgrading your dreams—you're simply breaking them into more doable, actionable steps.

Though we might be approaching the halfway mark of the year, it doesn't mean you have to throw in the towel already. After all, it's never too late to start building a better life for yourself. With that being said, here are some simple lifestyle changes you can make for a happier you.

Pick up a new hobby

It's tempting to bury ourselves in social media, mindlessly scrolling through our feeds for hours in a day. To break this cycle and make room for something more productive, why not try your hand at a new hobby? Whether it's reading books or learning how to cook, such activities are sure to give your mind and body a refreshing reset. To this end, Tips Make introduces the 20-minute strategy, which basically entails devoting 20 minutes on something everyday for a month to make it into a habit. Remember to start small and make your steps concrete! For instance, aim to read a certain number of pages or commit to sampling a new, quick recipe everyday.

Never skip breakfast

This tip might sound a bit menial, but hear us out, as it actually can make a huge difference to your quality of life. As it turns out, they don't call breakfast "the most important meal of the day" for nothing. Research on The Ladders reveals that breakfast is a great way to spark your productivity. Right after you have your fill, your alertness and energy immediately spike up. Thus, you'd be surprised how such a small change can make the difference between a lethargic, slow day and a happy, productive one. It doesn’t always have to be an elaborate breakfast buffet—a slice of bread, your favorite fruit, and a glass of water are more than enough to start your mornings on the right foot.

Listen to your body

Most of us live very fast-paced lifestyles, but our bodies can only keep up to a certain extent. Attending social gatherings and meeting up with friends, for instance, is important for our mental and social health—but it doesn’t mean you have to say yes to every invitation and max out your energy all the time. True enough, an article on Economic Times India warns that regular weekend partying can leave you feeling fatigued, which can lead to even more problems like irregular sleep and a ruined diet.

This isn't to say that you should stop going out altogether. Instead, put more purpose into it and be sure to be responsible. If you find you’ve had too much to drink, make it a point to rest more and replenish. Lifestyle site PrettyMe recommends WrecOver pills as a way to help you curb the hangovers and headaches. Plus, the nutrients work to help detoxify your body. Of course, listening to your body applies to so many other aspects too—like keeping yourself from overworking even if you think you've got more productivity left in you.

Integrate exercise into your daily habits

Not everybody can just get up and start pushing heavy weights, especially if you're new to it. But if you do want to get fit sustainably, start by integrating it into your daily life. Simple things like standing while working, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and cleaning your house from top to bottom are great ways to sneak in that physical activity. If you think you’re ready for a real workout, our writer Michelle Schacherer finds that downloading fitness apps can guide beginners through the process.

Get the right amount of sleep

Being deprived of quality rest is no joke. Not only will you feel exhausted, but it throws off your mood, too. However, it isn't always easy to just drift off to dreamland. If you're having trouble, perhaps try making a few tweaks to your bedding situation—like changing your pillows. This Layla pillow, for instance, boasts memory foam and allows for more airflow. On the other hand, maybe all you need is a few moments before bedtime to get into the right mental state for rest. Guiding Tech suggests apps like Headspace and Calm, which feature guided meditation programs to clear your mind and set you up for relaxation. Even newbies can follow the steps, as every course can be customized to your needs and lifestyle.

All in all, changing your life for the better doesn't have to be complicated. Just like the age-old adage goes, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." So start with this simple list of lifestyle changes, and you'll be well on your way to the best version of yourself that you can be.


Written by Leah Cameron 



My mother poisoned me as a teenager. She didn’t mean to; but she did. I’m sure your mothers didn’t mean to poison you growing up either... But they probably did.

I still remember it being one of my favorite holiday presents ever - a box full of makeup! I was thirteen years old and felt as though I had won the lottery! Eyeshadows, lip glosses, eye liners, blushes, mascaras, a whole box full . . . of toxins.

Had I been living in Europe, these products might have been safe to use. However, I grew up in New Jersey and what my mother didn’t realize is that the makeup she had bought me, along with the soap, shampoo, body lotions, etc. that she provided for our household, were laced with toxic ingredients.

When my daughter turned thirteen and started wearing makeup, I knew better.

You see, ten years ago I started a business with a global Health and Wellness Company and what I learned was shocking . . . and scary. I was also poisoning my children! Our bathroom products were full of carcinogens, hormone disruptors, and other toxic ingredients.

Horrified, I quickly grabbed a garbage bag and dumped every product containing substances with the suffix ‘paraben’ or ‘phthalate’. Products containing mineral oil (a by-product of gasoline), lead, formaldehyde, and tallow were also trashed. Just Google “animal renderings” and you’ll be amazed to discover one of the cosmetic industry’s dirty little secrets.

What I quickly learned is that the European Union (EU) bans over 1400 ingredients from their personal care products. I wondered how many are banned in the USA…

Like my mother did before me, I try to protect my kids and keep them healthy. They eat well and get plenty of exercise. But what I didn’t realize was that it’s not just what goes in our bodies that’s important, but goes on them as well. Our skin is our largest organ and it only takes 26 seconds for an element to be absorbed into our bloodstream.

While I was feeding my children healthy foods and snacks, and sending them outside to play for healthy exercise, I was conversely bathing and lotioning them in toxins - on a daily basis! More shockingly, these toxins were building up in their system which could potentially make them sick.

Easy solution - I simply replaced all the harmful products we used with safe ones.

Of course, as much as we might like to, we can’t keep our kids in a bubble. They are, after all, going to walk outside and inhale fumes from cars. Despite this, we know better than our mothers did and should do better. We can choose not to consciously poison them.

Please, read your labels. The ingredient policy for my family’s personal care products goes above and beyond the EU’s strict standards and FDA approved ingredients, banning over 2,000 harmful substances. Start using products that are safe and nontoxic, and stop using products that are approved by the FDA.

After all, the FDA bans only eleven ingredients...and haven’t updated their laws regulating cosmetics and personal care products since 1938.

By Jill Kay

Arbonne Independent Consultant & Executive Regional Vice President




Let's take a brief look at how CBD could improve your mental health and overall wellbeing.

Managing your mental health is just as important as maintaining your physical health, yet for plenty of people, this can often be far easier said than done. With over 285 million people currently living with some form of mental health disorder, many often wonder if there is anything that can aid them outside the realm of purely prescription options.

CBD has been garnering a massive buzz over the last year for a variety of potential benefits improving the lives of people the world over. From facials to lattes, CBD seems to be everywhere and in everything in recent days.

With all this talk and the massive proliferation of CBD-infused products on the marketplace, is there any basis for all the hype? Thankfully for you, there is a useful new tool compiling the available research on CBD along with experience generated by users all over the world. Many of these user-reviews discuss the impact CBD has had on their health and lives, including whether or not it helped treat and manage a variety of mental health symptoms.

DidCBDWork.com is a crowd-sourced research platform that combines the current data on CBD for a wide variety of conditions with user-submitted testimonials about the effect CBD has had on helping on them personally. With plenty of half-truths and misinformation spread online, DidCBDWork.com aims to be a primary informational authority on CBD by combining academic and anecdotal evidence in a user-friendly way.

https://verifiedcbd.com/ and https://www.cbd-boxes.com


What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids are a group of closely related chemical compounds that interact with cannabinoid receptors in the body; this is known as the endocannabinoid system. Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the most common of these cannabinoids and is most often associated with cannabis for its notable and potent psychoactive effect.

A critical distinction between the two is that CBD and THC bind with different endocannabinoid receptors in varying ways, ultimately producing different effects on the body. As CBD is non-psychoactive, users don't face the potential risk of intoxication or failing a drug screening.

CBD and CBD-based preparations have been repeatedly demonstrated to provide relief for a variety of symptoms and conditions. Both preclinical and clinical trials have shown the efficacy of CBD therapy in treating conditions ranging all the way from anxiety to PTSD.

Can CBD Help Mental Health?

Along with anecdotal evidence from patients all over the world highlighting the impact CBD therapy has had on improving their lives, they've also compiled available academic research noting the efficacy of CBD in treating and managing such conditions. One such study, from the University of Mississippi, found that high doses of CBD provide significant antidepressant-like effects. Their evidence suggests that larger doses, around 200mg, yield symptom management similar to that of traditional pharmaceutical antidepressants.

Not only has CBD been demonstrated to have efficacious antidepressant-like effects, but it has been shown to have notable anxiolytic properties. A double-blind, randomized controlled experiment from the University of Sao Paulo found that CBD not only dramatically improves mood but also reduces cognitive impairment and discomfort in anxiety-triggering situations.

Evidence shows that CBD is also useful in helping to treat and mitigate symptoms arising from post-traumatic stress disorder. Research from New York University found that mitigating CB1 receptor disruption using CBD treatment not only improves fear extinction, but pretreatment may help reduce the retention of traumatic events as well.

A comprehensive review of the currently available academic and scientific evidence surrounding CBD by The Rockefeller University notes the remarkable efficacy of CBD in treating a variety of mental health and mood disorders. Their research found that not only can endocannabinoid deficiencies play a role in depressive responses, but that exogenous cannabinoid supplementation offers significant antidepressant and anxiolytic-like effects.

Does CBD Work?

As demonstrated above, there is a wealth of peer-reviewed academic research highlighting the promise that CBD can provide those struggling. Mental health and other healthcare professionals across all disciplines have been advocating the use of a supervised CBD therapeutic regimen to help treat and manage a wide variety of psychological symptoms and conditions.

As with beginning any therapeutic regimen, consult with your healthcare provider to ensure there aren't any conflicts with any other current treatments or medications. Furthermore, your healthcare provider could answer any additional questions you may have, helping you create an effective treatment plan to help manage your specific symptoms and conditions.

Have you or someone you know used CBD to help improve their mental health? DidCBDWork.com is currently gathering experiences from millions of people, just like you, who have used CBD to help manage their overall mental wellbeing. No matter if CBD worked for you or not, they would love to hear from you about your experience; these stories help those suffering see that there may be a solution out there for them.


Author: John Alois 





What “if” one simple concept might help improve your health and other areas of your life too? What if … life could be easier if we learned to change our perspective and see things in a new way?

Real love, unconditional love, is an energy, some say, is the foundation from which everything emerges into our world. It is the energy which grows us from microscopic cells into full grown adults without a manual! It is the energy which breathes us, pumps our heart, allows us to walk, talk, taste, see, touch, eat, digest food, eliminate waste without having to micro manage our bodies!! It grows everything in nature, including animals, insects and microscopic creatures we never even know exist! It never stops giving no matter how much we take.

Many of us love to hold a new born baby or puppy or kitten, fresh and still connected to their Divine Nature. Watch very young children and they rarely judge anyone by their color, deformity, wealth, race, age, poverty or gender. They just love everyone! They must be taught who to trust, who to fear, who to judge, who to love. None of these things come naturally. Soldiers must be trained and brainwashed into “hating the enemy” in order to be good, strong soldiers. It is not in their nature to just easily kill other people.

Loving without conditions means there is no judgement, revenge, punishment, inspiring feelings of guilt and shame. You can… not like or approve of what someone does, however, you still love them. You love for the joy love gives you, because it is your natural nature to do so. It’s like breathing. No one must act or behave in a certain way to earn your love. Love given without conditions is what heals, transforms, opens hearts, soothes the pain, turns someone around. While hate and revenge only continue to inspire more of the same!

When you judge, hate, feel wounded or enraged, your entire body suffers! Your breathing is more shallow. It’s more difficult for your heart to pump and your muscles all tense up greatly constricting many other functions in your body. You get fatigued very easily. Sometimes just for a few minutes, and other times for hours or you are angry for days on end! Stress is not beneficial for our bodies and can create illnesses and dis-ease..

No one forces you to judge, hate, and become enraged. These are habits often taught, or acquired and developed over years and years, often evolving from many sources. They can be changed. You are always “free to choose” how you respond to every single situation in your life.

When you learn to make “loving without conditions” a new habit, less and less things bother you anymore. As you learn to love yourself and others without conditions, you learn we are all doing the best we can every day, even though that might not be very good some days and better on others. When you choose to love, you think and respond with more compassion, understanding and clarity. You make better decisions. You feel better and are healthier because of this.

You cannot change the entire world, stop the wars, end hunger, prevent hurricanes and tornadoes, end mass shootings. You can, however, send all those situations, and all those people “Unconditional Love for their highest and best good.” Your unconditional loving energy can help transform the world, and in doing so, you also help yourself to live a happier, healthier, more joy filled life in many new ways!

This article was written by Morgine Jurdan

Click HERE to Learn more about Morgine’s work.

WEBSITE: https://morginejurdan.com/



I praise my own geography at last …

I am so grateful for my beautiful oasis of flesh which carries me about in this garden of life.

Each little dimple and wrinkle, each crevice and valley all my own.

There is no where else on earth I could find a place such as this, so alive, so divine and uniquely me.

I rub my hands gently absorbing the stories it tells me of holding life and birthing babies, slicing and taking away my gallbladder, walking up mountains, climbing tall trees and jumping off.

— True self-care is about holistic health. Jill Kay recently introduced me to Arbonne, the #1 global brand for healthy living inside and out. I tried the products and loved them! Check out their certified vegan, cruelty-free, gluten-free, nontoxic products by clicking HERE. You will be very surprised! —

I remember walking across coals and never being burnt. My spirit telling me to go ahead, because it was all an illusion anyway.

My beloved body carries me to and through every moment there is and beyond, allowing me to respond to life and its glorious magnificence. Feeling the wet grass beneath my feet, snowflakes coating my hair.

I inhale the fragrance of Freesias, appreciate their vibrant colors and taste chocolate upon my lips, all with this sacred vessel in which I can experience the Divine and the all which I am! I praise my own geography at last!

This article was written by Morgine Jurdan

Click HERE to Learn more about Morgine’s work.

WEBSITE: https://morginejurdan.com/



For everything I am

for everything i am not

I love me

at my best


at my worst

I love me

smiling frowning laughing

playing screaming crying pounding

I am always Grace

no matter what face I wear

you are my reflection

and I am yours

I love me

for the Sake of Loving

for the Honor and Appreciation

I feel and experience

fully embracing

all of me

for in Receiving

All I am


Every Precious Moment

nothing gets wasted

all of me remains

Whole and Perfect

held in the universal heart

where the Love

which is always embracing me

the Love

which is everywhere and endless

allows space for

my Grace to grow

and know itself fully

once again.

I am so Grateful

I am extended the gift

of my friendship

so i can dance into the beauty

I truly am

This article was written by Morgine Jurdan

Click HERE to Learn more about Morgine’s work.

WEBSITE: https://morginejurdan.com/




There is a single, small difference between the people that "do" and the people that "don't".

It's the difference between strength and weakness, progress and stagnation, success and failure.

Each and every one of us has it, have used it, and have used it successfully – every single time.

And every single time – we have an overwhelming sense of accomplishment, our efforts are justified, and we bask in the glory of a tough job well done, and done well enough to justify its means.

There are several single words that sufficiently describe this characteristic; though for some reason these words don't sound as potent and powerful as they did when we were children.

Flow – Presence – Concentration - Focus – Attuned – Attention

In descending order, these are my six measured by depth. On their own, any single one of these is sufficient in their effect on an outcome, though in this context "Presence" is more appropriate.


As it relates to wellness, health, and fitness there is not a single person that ever got lucky by accident… not one.

Whoever has achieved a deliberate outcome was present in all of the decisions responsible for creating that particular outcome. They felt, they focused on what they were doing when they were doing it. These people didn't necessarily focus on fitness and health every waking moment, they just focused on it when they were doing it – they were Present. This presence-of-mind / presence-of-moment slowly and eventually permeates into other relevant moments, naturally and otherwise effortlessly bringing them sufficiently close to their intended destination.

This Presence in their current moment afforded them an advantage that without, there would be no success.

They're paying attention to what they're doing while they're doing it, then they're present in each moment that arrives after that… every meal, every activity, every set, every rep.


Whether practical, physical, spiritual or emotional - effort and intensity are relative and subjective; some days hard is easy, and other days easy is hard – this is true for everyone. But, 100% is 100% no matter which way you cut it. If you only have 70% today - great, then do 100% of that. If today's a good day and you're bringing 105%, give 100% of that, too. The only way you know what you have is if you're paying attention to what you're feeling at this very moment.

Presence is critical in all things we hope to improve about ourselves, inward or outward. If you want to maximize your efforts in eating right, then you'll need to be Present when you're choosing your meals. If you want to maximize your efforts in being a more attentive father, then you'll need to be Present when the opportunity arises to shoot some hoops with your six-year-old son. If you want to maximize your efforts in having a stronger connection to God or the Universe, then you need to be Present when there's an opportunity to tune-in to those vibrations.

It's astounding how quickly things change when you pay attention to the moments that determine their influence.

For a moment… think… think about a single and seemingly inconsequential change you could make that only you might recognize but would give you satisfaction in making this one thing different than it is now.

Now think of just one thing that frequently reminds you of its current state.

Your homework is to look for the opportunities that arise where you can choose to change its very history and see what happens.

This is the easy part – the hard part is going to be spreading your awareness to every part of your life, once you've seen how mundane a task it really is.

This article was written by Matthew A. Scarfo

Click HERE to Learn more about Matthew’s work.




I remember going through different websites, looking for a trainer that would offer a workout and a meal program. Someone I trusted or had seen before. So, there was my solution: Jillian Michaels! I had heard about her from the show The Biggest Loser and had started seeing her supplements and other products at the store. So, I thought I'd give her a shot.

She had everything I needed on her website. An app that would help me download the workout schedule and programs, as well as the recipes to eat healthy and be in the best shape of my life. I have to admit, at the beginning it was daunting! I started off by throwing away all the junk food I had in my kitchen cabinets and fridge. Then, I restocked on the ingredients I would need for my healthy meals.

I was pretty consistent and disciplined with the meal plan and workout program Jillian had chosen for me and had started to notice positive changes. I also incorporated yoga and running into my workout program.

The last thing I added to my already-dialed-in-new-lifestyle was supplements such as multi-vitamins made from foods and not synthetics, organic protein powders and fat burners. It was these last ones that took my metabolism out of whack. The results were ugly: Insomnia and Amenorrhea. I was not dying, but I was sending my body the signal that I was. So, what did I do? I looked for help. I wanted to treat my insomnia first, so, I went to different doctors and they all told me to take melatonin and relax. They did some thyroid testing on me and it all came back fine. So, they assumed it was all in my head. I tried getting a different opinion from another doctor, but I was told the same thing. This time, though, I was sent back home with a benzodiazepine. Pretty much, a drug that would make me unconscious so I could "sleep". I had to taper to get off this medication once I was able to "sleep" again. My insomnia got "fixed" after a month of sleeping only 2-5 hours per night. The only thing that didn't get fixed was my amenorrhea. It took me 5 years to get that fixed. And, along those 5 years, I experienced some more insomnia.

It was then that I started looking for more experts in the Eastern/Functional medicine atmosphere and, only then, was I able to understand what was going on with me and how I could fix myself. I learned that what I ate would impact my sleep cycle and overall metabolism. And, I learned that carbs were not the enemy, that the good kind were actually needed by our bodies to create some hormones as well as the oh-so-feared-and-hated fat!

My fat journey started with Dave Asprey, then continued not only with him but with Dr. Joseph Mercola, Robb Wolf, Dr. Sarah Ballentyne and Dr. David Perlmutter. Most of these experts always followed a principle: Eat whole, gluten-free foods and listen to your body. That's what I had been missing for years: Listening to my body! We lack that mind-body connection that is so needed in order to be in harmony with our bodies, relationships and overall life. After cracking the code for what works for my body and what makes my metabolism happy, I knew I had to visit my demons and start working on my psychology and spirituality... And so, I started my meditation journey, which took me to places I never thought it would....

This article was written by Michelle Schacherer

Click HERE to Learn more about Michelle’s work.

WEBSITE: http://mschacherercrossfitter.blogspot.com



Mother earth

delightedly tickled 

by birds pecking for insects

in her soft green grass

roots of trees

sensuously digging deeply

into her rich brown earthen body

seeds bursting with new green life

twining up through the soil

undulating contracting stimulations

nematodes and earth worms crawling 

animals digging sensuously or hard

burrowing creatures living inside her

sun stimulating growth

warming her body

and all that grows there

rain massaging her soil

into luscious soft wet mud

the cooling blankets of snow

allowing for pleasurable rest

orgasms of delight

beneath my naked feet

Bees sensually dancing

on a flower’s face

exchanging pollen

shudders of ecstatic delight

butterflies kissing blossoms 

satisfying rapture peaks

as hummingbirds suck their nectar

spiders weave their webs

bugs joyfully adventure 

between the petals and leaves

in the bark of trees

passion amidst the plants

zest and joy climaxing 

in the sunlight 

Luscious sounds 

fertilizing flowers and trees

and all the plants i eat

birds songs   

a chorus of frogs

crickets singing  coyotes howling

love making in the moonlight


the climaxing dance of the sun 

caressing the rain

wind’s erotic play 

with the leaves of trees 

embracing clouds in the air

blowing the ocean’s waves

here and there

Orgasms in my salad bowl

exhilarating joyful

pinnacles of delight

eager avid eternal 

exchanges of love

satisfying passions 

the rapture and glow

wherever i go

nature in love with itself

in love with each other

my salad 

lovingly prepared

feels so alive

so ripe and juicy

orgasmic vibrations

still flowing to me

and through me

as we become one

again and again

i pause and breathe in

the grace and love i feel

as orgasms explode 

inside my body

and the circe begins again

This article was written by Morgine Jurdan

Click HERE to Learn more about Morgine’s work.
WEBSITE:  https://morginejurdan.com/



Changes are not easy; they bring with them a lot of resistance. However, I have learned to embrace them throughout the years, but, while they happen, they make me uneasy. They bring uncertainty, which drives me crazy. Nevertheless, whenever I find myself anxious about what the future will bring, I sit down, meditate and repeat the following mantra: "I trust". And I really do trust, I know that no matter what, the universe will never take me to a worse place, quite the contrary, I know it'll be to a better one.

And so, it was. After saying good-bye to toxic relationships, toxic environment I saw my life change for the better. The new changes I made included hanging out with positive people, people who were into health and nutrition, spiritual people, people who appreciated the different cultures of the world, open-minded people, and successful people. They say that you're the average of the 5 people you hang out the most with, so, I became very careful about who I let into my life, and, most importantly, who I spent my time with. 

Moreover, I changed my environment for good: I got rid of blue lights and added incandescent lightbulbs to my house, Himalayan salt lamps, and an essential oil diffuser; I added blackout curtains to my room, and started using a night mask when I went to bed to make sure my body got adequate sleep; I made sure that the products I used on my body did not include SLS, Fragrances, nor a bunch of ingredients I was unable to pronounce (this was for anything touching my body such as shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, lotions, etc.); furthermore, I got rid of so much clutter in my living spaces: I kissed good-bye a lot of things I didn't use or old things which were only taking up room and not allowing new things to come. 

When it comes to my diet, I went 100% organic and gluten-free, and reduced to almost 0 my sugar and vegetable oil consumption. Unfortunately, some foods will include these ingredients which makes it really hard to eliminate them from your diet. Some food examples where these ingredients lurk include: salad dressings, chocolate nut milks, bread, etc. 

At the end, a major makeover was needed. And I took the same principles I used in fitness, diet and spiritualism to my professional life. I realized that drastic, overnight changes were destructive and that milestones needed to be achieved before reaching the big goals. I learned to give the best of myself that I could to every job I was doing, to care for it and to find answers whenever I didn't have them. I just had in place a system that worked in one aspect of my life and that I could replicate in other aspects of my life. 

Life was good, life is good and I wake up excited every day excited, wondering what the next thing around the corner will be, what life will bring my way and how I will interpret it. I learned that I cannot change reality, so, I have to accept it. However, one thing I can change: the perspective or lens through which I see reality. That has helped me stay positive no matter how bad the outcome may be. If something's going to be bad, I try to find the silver lining in the bad thing. It works like a charm, so I invite you to try doing the same and see how the sad veil lifts up! :)

This article was written by Michelle Schacherer

Click HERE to Learn more about Michelle’s work.

WEBSITE: http://mschacherercrossfitter.blogspot.com


Time is The Present


It was the week before Christmas, no space in the lot,

Spent driving around, just searching for a spot,

To park, to start shopping, to find those great things

For family and friends; something clever to bring.

The lines were crazy, they went right out the door.

The people were grumpy, they shoved all the more

The great things were gone, the shelves were all bare

No great gifts – unique gifts – to show that I care.

So, I returned to the car, started it up and turned round,

To see an old man behind me, a face with no frown. 

I got out of the car to check on this man, all alone,

Lest he be hit by busy people, so focused on phones.

He said “Walk with me, let’s have a talk and let’s sit

I have things to share, important things, to tell just a bit

Of what this all looks like; it does not make me happy.

This rush and spend, fight for space, shove and be snappy.”

“Time is the present, not those things, oh so many.

You have enough stuff – more than enough – even plenty

What you don’t have is time; time is the great gift.

Time with each other is power – an emotional lift.

It’s what you all need – and for what you all yearn

Not things with bold wrappings, or things to return.

Time is the gift. Time with family and friends

Share time with each other, end the habit of “spend.”

What you all really want is to feel special – thought of.

After all, what you need is just to feel loved.”

I thanked the wise man and went back to my car.

Determined to make time the center, the focus, the star.

I looked back to thank him for wisdom so sound

But he had vanished, was gone, was nowhere to be found.

Back in my car, thinking about all I just heard

Feeling grateful and inspired by feelings so stirred.

Aware I was caught up in the big noise and distraction.

Now committed to a greater thought and a bolder new action.

Keep your stuff, keep your things, you don’t need anything more

Than to visit, or call or show up at their door.

Maybe bring food or something yummy to share

Spend time – it’s the present; celebrate with those you find there.

By Jay Forte



“All you need is love,” sang the Beatles many decades ago. It’s a song still sung today. And for good reason. The tune is catchy, and the message is hopeful: “There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done.”

Were it that simple. Love, after all, is our greatest joy. But it can also be complex and complicated. Loving someone “for better or worse, in sickness and in health,” means taking the good with the bad. And that’s not always easy. 

Many—if not most—of us will have to take care of the person we love during an illness. It might be for a day, a week or even longer. Some may find it a daunting challenge. For me, it’s a call to action. 

Over the past two and a half decades, my husband has been hospitalized many times. Often, it’s involved life-threatening illness with long periods of hospitalization and recuperation. In times like that, I do everything in my power to help him get better. Love is the starting point for advocacy. 

Along the way, I have learned a lot about the hospital setting and the very real impact that families can have in making sure their loved ones get the best care. Hospitals are bureaucratic and scary places. For patients and their families, it can feel like being tourists lost in a strange land, not knowing the customs, the language or the culture. 

Patients are weak and flat on their backs. They are usually in no position to advocate for themselves. Doctors are busy, rushing from one patient to the next; nurses are stretched, trying to meet the many needs of their patients. 

Families can make a difference. They can represent the patient’s wishes and needs when their loved one is unable to speak for him or herself. Knowing the patient better than anyone else in the hospital counts for a lot when navigating the impersonal environment of a hospital setting. Families—working as members of the care team—can also connect the dots because doctors, quite honestly, don’t always communicate well with one another. 

Families can fill in the blanks when the sick patient doesn’t fully comprehend everything being said or is not able to remember it later. They also can bring information, perspective and insight that patients may forget or are uncomfortable sharing themselves. 

And when the patient goes home, continued care must involve the family to ensure instructions are followed regarding medication, doctor visits, exercise, restrictions, and more. 

Much is written about patient-centered medicine. But research shows that patient and family-centered medicine provides the best clinical outcomes, increases patient satisfaction, lowers costs, reduces risks of readmission and can even save lives. 

Families can and do make a real difference. They start with love and build from there. There’s one more line from the Beatle’s song that applies here: [There’s] … “no one you can save that can't be saved.”

The one you help save just may be the one you love most. 

# # #

Bonnie Friedman is author of Hospital Warrior: How to Get the Best Care for Your Loved One and host of the podcast Hospital Warrior: Advocates and Experts on the Whole Care Network.

This article was written by Bonnie Friedman

Click HERE to Learn more about Bonnie’s work.

WEBSITE: www.hospitalwarrior.com



We know that if we practice something often enough that perfection is inevitable.  We know this because science has tested this hypothesis an infinite amount of times throughout the ages.  Frequent repetition increases our familiarity, familiarity increases efficiencies, efficiencies reinforce familiarity, and so on.

Since we can predict certain outcomes and these outcomes are measurable, we can reasonably approach any activity or exercise (physical or otherwise) to guarantee the best outcome.  Reasonable in a way that maximizes our abilities thereby maximizing our outcomes.

Practice is simply recreating a pattern over-and-over, again.  It trains the nervous system to become exceedingly familiar with the movement-related aspects of physical performance. And, it trains the brain to become exceedingly familiar with reasoning & learning-related tasks.  It simply doesn’t matter what the activity is, it is simply just a matter of your level of acquaintance.  Repeat something often enough, and eventually you’ll elicit “muscle memory” (I really don’t like using that term).


Potential > Memory

I don’t like using that term because a muscle cannot remember anything, period.  This “memory” - or familiar movement pattern – occurs when the repetition induces certain efficiencies to develop which allow for the brain to do something else while the body is executing a certain string of commands that have already been programmed and tested. We perfect an activity by practicing it so much that when the initiative spark fires in the brain it sets off a harmonious cascade of precise and predictable nerve impulses. These impulses fire sequences of muscle contractions to cause precise movements. It would be far more accurate to call this phenomenon "muscle-potential", though the latter iteration doesn’t quite sound so appealing.


Efficiency Over All

Regarding movement, the human body wants to do one thing, and one thing only.  It wants to preserve its valuable resources.  Economy – same activity, less energy.  Same result, fewer resources.  Conservation is the only motivation – do something often enough and it will take less time, less thought, and eventually less work.

Your body's primary motivation when performing any task boils down to just one thing – economy - Same activity, less energy. Same outcome, fewer resources. Conservation is key. Get more familiar with doing something and it'll take less time, less thought, and less work.

We've all experienced this in some form or another: whether with a Yo-yo, Rubix Cube, walking to jogging to running (did you know that you burn about the same number of calories WALKING one mile as you do RUNNING one mile? It’s true).


We occupy this highly specialized, highly adaptive machine whose primary objective is preservation - resource-preservation. To put simply, its objective is to use the minimum resources needed to complete a task, and not a single iota more. This is true from both a metabolic standpoint as well as a mechanical one.

For many people, they’ve been trying to lose weight for what seems like an eternity but because this machine opts for efficiency – the harder you work, the better you get at working hard – AND the fewer resources you’ll use to accomplish the same task.  Unless of course, you force the machine to continually adapt. How do you do this? Well, you're going to have to work harder than you did yesterday, every single day.

One Layer Deeper

This neural reprogramming is the first (and least demanding) attempt to make whatever action that you're practicing economical enough to preserve your body's precious and hard-earned resources.

Generally speaking, it's only after the neural improvements begin to maximize that the body begins to explore other avenues to improve the efficiencies of exercise. 

This article was written by Matthew A. Scarfo

Click HERE to Learn more about Matthew’s work.





I am the magic in the birds singing

I am the colors in the rainbow

I color the sky with my radiance

and i fill the forest with my loam

I am the mountains meeting the sky

all day long

for in one drop of water

and in one grain of sand

in one cell of my body

the world 

is made whole again

as i breathe 

I take in life

and let it go

my hair, my skin, my breath

fall upon the earth

composting into soil

eaten by worms and bugs

eaten by animals and birds


living in trees

fertilize the tree

with their excrement

and the tree

growing fruit i eat

eating myself

again and again

becoming whole

and being

a part of it all

I am the beginning

I am the end

without an end

the deepest feeling anyone has

the deepest love

the deepest pain

the greatest longing

the peace beyond transcendence





they are all me

they are all mine

all Divine

all that I AM

There is no richness i cannot have

there is no pain i cannot feel

there are no lines

no divisions

no time

no separations

i come from a place

that remembers it all

and into which

all life flows


Love is all there is

and in the 

moment of true reflection

I fall down

and weep                             

in the arms

of myself 

This article was written by Morgine Jurdan

Click HERE to Learn more about Morgine’s work.

WEBSITE:  https://morginejurdan.com/



Sometimes in order to fix a bigger problem, we need to start by fixing ourselves. And that's where I had to start to release all the mental chains I had that prevented me from being myself. These included persons and ideas that kept me from reaching my highest potential.

The first thing I had to do was love myself. I know, you can ask anyone if they love themselves and they will say "yes", but, once they start digging deeper, they realize that they haven't really been loving themselves. In the same way that healing and personal growth require introspection and care, building a business aligned with your spiritual journey calls for choosing partners that resonate with your values. Looking into Zenbusiness reviews can offer insights into a supportive, efficient service to help manifest your vision into reality.

Someone who loves themselves would never allow anyone else to do something harmful to them. One important thing that helped me prevent this was when I started saying "no". It was not easy, but it has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself. What I realized after I started saying "no", was that I was saying "yes" to something I liked and that made me feel fine.

Another thing I did was start a meditation practice that I religiously continue to this day. Every morning, you'll find me taking at least 5 minutes to do conscious breathing, to be grateful, or to forgive. The 2 things that have benefitted me the most have been gratitude and forgiveness. Through gratitude, I have been able to really appreciate the small things in life: a warm cup of coffee, a goat milk yogurt (I mean, how often do you find that while traveling?!), people who love and support me for who I am, the food on my table, having a roof over my head, my health... Ultimately, being thankful for the magic and perfection of life on earth as a whole. Through forgiveness, instead, I learned to forgive myself and everything I've done wrongly. To forgive my mind always judging me and always criticizing every move I make or the body I have. I learned to forgive my parents for the way they reacted to my weight issues while I was a kid since their frustration didn't allow them to see the damage they were doing to me; I forgave anyone who had hurt me out of their own pain, because it was not them doing something bad to me on purpose, it was their own ignorance and suffering that made them act like that. Forgiveness is a selfish act. We forgive to free ourselves from the emotional burden, not to make someone else happy. So, if you haven't tried it out yet, now's the time to start!

Meditation and spiritualism, besides reinforcing the body-mind connection, helped me connect better to the world. Thanks to that, I no longer see things as independent, I see them as part of an interdependent system. This just became more evident after my mom passed away. An event like this transforms you either for your best or worse. But, in my case, it helped me learn that everything in life is energy: yourself, what you see, what you can't see, and your thoughts. Matter doesn't disappear, it just transforms. And, that's why, even if I miss my mom every day, I know that she's everywhere: In the air I breathe, the smiling child running in the garden, the tree I touch, etc. 

Knowing how the type of energy I surround myself with and the one I vibrate on are important for my overall life, I decided to change my environment, and this included my relationships. It was not easy since I had to cut ties with many people and make drastic changes, but the results were astonishing...

This article was written by Michelle Schacherer 

Click HERE to Learn more about Michelle’s work. 

WEBSITE: http://mschacherercrossfitter.blogspot.com